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Of interfaith harmony: Believing in unity of religions, Hindu doctor practices fasting

Actually, Muslims do not believe other religions are valid. They believe they are invalid religions made over the centuries. It is not about supremacy. It is about right and wrong. Muslims believe Islam is the only true religion ever sent by God on Earth.

But that does not mean other religions have no right to exist. They do, because they were created by God, and God nourishes their followers all for a purpose. All men have free choice to follow whatever they wish.

Regarding your slyness in trying to insult our Prophet salat wa salam alaih [ and we Muslims are taught never to insult other religions or the beliefs of non-Muslims for the same reason of reciprocity], no, within a Muslim community, proselytizing of other religions is illegal.

You can do it outside the Muslim community, if you wish.

Like a typical religious bot you are using circular arguments. I don't give a flying fluck what islamic beliefs are as I'm not muslim. So stop quoting ''this is our belief'' as some kind of an argument, because when I simply quoted christian beliefs, you think thats blasphemy. Dude, its their belief, accept it just the way you want your supremacism and intolerance accepted in the name of your ''beliefs''.

You simply say proselytizing in muslims comunities is illegal, and then you go on to say islam is not a supremacist religion. What a grade A hypocrite.

Secondly, stop being superstitious.
Again, grasping at straws only makes you look desperate.
I said Abrahamic faiths. I am sure education is not that bad in Pakistan.
the 's' at the end implies plurality. That is, more than one.

Just to be perfectly clear (if you are still not), Islam is the youngest religion. As such it is called a new religion.

NVM :) all are Abrahamic . The continuation of the same completed at Islam.

period. and all are negation of idolatry
NVM :) all are Abrahamic . The continuation of the same completed at Islam.

period. and all are negation of idolatry
They are not a continuation at all.
Islam is not the continuation of Christianity or Judaism. Its a new religion altogether that claims it does.
Islam is essentially Arab culture. It was created with ancient Arab moral standards in mind so all followers of Islam and basically wannabe Arabs. Have some shame you beghairats.
NVM :) all are Abrahamic . The continuation of the same completed at Islam.

period. and all are negation of idolatry

They are not, Islam is not.

Why do you think you make rounds of that cubical stone building?

Why do you kiss that stone there?

Why do you get angry when a certain long dead individual is even sketched?

Why fuss over a non functional mosque (that was made by destroying others' holy places in the first place) when in Saudi they consider a mosque as just a utilitarian building and nothing more?

Is that not idolatory? In fact it is the biggest form of idolatory.

Think about it.
I dont understand why i would pray in a nihilistic environment like a mosque/church.

One doesnt get the feel of god in there,it is just a social congreagtion for doing prayers/namaaz,just a social ritual,nothing more.

Why at all you have to go to a certain place to pray ? If god is creator of everything and he is omnipresent why you have to go to some place to pray? On the other hand , if you are really praying and devoting yourself to your creator does it matter if you are praying in a building with a dome or in a building with an arch ?

If you are praying to your creator, why you need a middleman or broker in the name of Mulla or a priest or a father in between?
Why at all you have to go to a certain place to pray ? If god is creator of everything and he is omnipresent why you have to go to some place to pray? On the other hand , if you are really praying and devoting yourself to your creator does it matter if you are praying in a building with a dome or in a building with an arch ?

If you are praying to your creator, why you need a middleman or broker in the name of Mulla or a priest or a father in between?

again i repeat,you can pray anywhere but the feeling you get in a temple,it is more than praying,it is more than god,it is impossible to explain,i miss going there every single day.

God is the creator? God is omnipresent? God is a person ? no.

God is not the creator and where you pray and its nature does affect you.

I think you do not understand the meaning of prayer at all.
again i repeat,you can pray anywhere but the feeling you get in a temple,it is more than praying,it is more than god,it is impossible to explain,i miss going there every single day.

This is your habit like brushing your teeth in the morning. If you forget you will miss it for the whole day. It does not mean anything

I think you do not understand the meaning of prayer at all.

The above statement is the root cause of all kind of anarchy, extremism. It demontrates the underlying sentiment that " What I do is right and what you do is wrong as I do not believe or understand that" and "You know nothing". More quickly we come out of the psychology, good for the world.
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i am not saying that at all.prayer is a personal thing but you choose to go and define it in xyz terms,i never asked you to describe it.

so obviously then,we get stuck in semantics.

I have my opinion on how to pray or go to a temple,by giving my opinion i am not asking you to subscribe to it.
Like a typical religious bot you are using circular arguments. I don't give a flying fluck what islamic beliefs are as I'm not muslim. So stop quoting ''this is our belief'' as some kind of an argument, because when I simply quoted christian beliefs, you think thats blasphemy. Dude, its their belief, accept it just the way you want your supremacism and intolerance accepted in the name of your ''beliefs''.

You simply say proselytizing in muslims comunities is illegal, and then you go on to say islam is not a supremacist religion. What a grade A hypocrite.

Secondly, stop being superstitious.

Please keep the personal attacks aside, and answer the arguments. All you have said above are fallacies.

If you do not give anything about Islamic beliefs, then why question them and quote your own belief [ not christian belief ] here?

You do not seem to follow the argument and as such resort to attacks. This is typical of most of your thousands of posts here. It is very easy to call someone else a hypocrite. Prove the hypocrisy and then i will see if you understood the argument i made.

you can ban proselytizing in your community, and Muslims wont call your religion supremacist at all because banning doesnt mean supremacy.

typical indian anti-muslim mindset
Please keep the personal attacks aside, and answer the arguments. All you have said above are fallacies.

If you do not give anything about Islamic beliefs, then why question them and quote your own belief [ not christian belief ] here?

You do not seem to follow the argument and as such resort to attacks. This is typical of most of your thousands of posts here. It is very easy to call someone else a hypocrite. Prove the hypocrisy and then i will see if you understood the argument i made.

you can ban proselytizing in your community, and Muslims wont call your religion supremacist at all because banning doesnt mean supremacy.

you can ban proselytizing in your community, and Muslims wont call your religion supremacist at all because banning doesnt mean supremacy

BS. Dude you are really full of it. Banning it while doing it yourself is hypocrisy, plain and simple.
typical indian anti-muslim mindset

You say proselytizing in muslim communities is illegal (but of course muslims can proselytize in non muslims), and then you go on to say islam is not a supremacist religion. What makes you a grade A hypocrite, there is nothing personal about it except your willful inability to see the obvious.

Typical muslim supremacist and hypocritical mindset.
lai yaar eni nafrat.................why,kyun,kislai,,,main ki kiita??:angry:

Tu toh burra maan gaiya prah. :o:

fasting is okay if u want to reduce weight


If it happens other way around terms like "apostate" and "haram" would have been lobbed vigorously . Just like it happens with Shahrukh and Salman when they attend Hindu festivals and even pray with their families in their homes on Hindu Festivals .

There are some things as Muslims we can never do but some that we can and do participate in like Holi.
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You say proselytizing in muslim communities is illegal (but of course muslims can proselytize in non muslims), and then you go on to say islam is not a supremacist religion. What makes you a grade A hypocrite, there is nothing personal about it except your willful inability to see the obvious.

Typical muslim supremacist and hypocritical mindset.

More fallacies. If non-Muslim societies dont allow proselytizing, then Muslims wont proselytize there and obey the law.

Who told non-Muslim societies to allow Muslims to proselytize in them? You i guess

You deduce from this non-existent argument that Islam is supremacist. Another typical stupid fallacy

You havnt proven the hypocrisy. This shows that you came here just to attack Islam, and Muslims and Pakistanis

Dont come here with your anti Muslim attacks.
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