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Of interfaith harmony: Believing in unity of religions, Hindu doctor practices fasting

i am a testament to chak bamu's fairness:rofl::rofl:
You never learn my friend. You and Icewolf were bickering. You were both thread banned for making a lot of zero value posts and derailing the thread. Had you been the only one thread banned, you could say this with some justification.

Now leave the thread and take this somewhere else. Enough OT.
You never learn my friend. You and Icewolf were bickering. You were both thread banned for making a lot of zero value posts and derailing the thread. Had you been the only one thread banned, you could say this with some justification.

Now leave the thread and take this somewhere else. Enough OT.

what to do yaar,,punjabi's are not known to be too brainy:cry::cry::cry:
I have generally found mods to be of equitable disposition to all. Though few do not. Chak Bamu in my opinion is pretty impartial and when he does cut slack its because of reasons he explains.

In any case, you ought not to respond to abusive posters, that is literally the best way, Don't respond, just report.

Thank you my friend. You can see my last report just above to illustrate your point. I had just posted it before I read your post.

No need to respond. We would be extending OT streak here.

what to do yaar,,punjabi's are not known to be too brainy:cry::cry::cry:

Ya Khuda.... Bhai tu smajhta kyun nahin hai. Enough OT. Go to "Whatever" thread. We can continue with this over there.
Hahaha.u r right.such silly fellows think that their Muslim friends pour heaps of praises on them for observing Muslim rituals.The fact of the matter is Muslims would be laughing among themselves saying "however many fastings he may do,he will always be a dozahi(resident of hell)for not accepting Islam.

you mean dozakhi. Muslims are not inhumane people. Islam teaches us human rights, and respect for other human beings.

Actually, Muslims would rather be praying to God to illumine his heart with the light of His primordial faith, the only true faith, Islam [ this is the belief they hold ]

All Muslims come from non-Muslim backgrounds except the Prophets AS, in one way or another.
you mean dozakhi. Muslims are not inhumane people. Islam teaches us human rights, and respect for other human beings.

Actually, Muslims would rather be praying to God to illumine his heart with the light of His primordial faith, the only true faith, Islam [ this is the belief they hold ]

All Muslims come from non-Muslim backgrounds except the Prophets AS, in one way or another.

Its not that simple as u are making out to be.
There are both peaceful and violent verses in quran.

And violent ones carry more weight as they were written later on in the life of prophet(pbuh)..........and by rules the verses written later carry more weight than one written earlier.

I saw this in a documentary,,can u dispute it??
Such supremacist attitude among many muslims is the reason you guys get associated with trouble making, terrorism and intolerance world over.

Ephone is right, you do not even know the meaning of harmony, for you harmony is others accepting your supremacy and your invisible friend. Get well soon.

Which invisible friend? He is not stating attitude. He is stating Islamic beliefs. If you consider Muslim beliefs supremacist, then thats your mis-conception. We dont believe in equality of religions. And to extend this to terrorism and intolerance is sheer exaggeration. We believe in tolerance for other religions to exist in their full right. Because God created them for a purpose, and God nourishes them, not us.

Islam rejects idolatory as one of the biggest sins.

I wanted to know if shirk is not allowed , why bend to black box (is that called kaaba? )

shirk means to worship someone else than the One True God. This can manifest in many ways.

The ka'ba musharrifa is a direction towards which we do prostration physically. It is not an idol we worship.

We can't just prostrate anywhere or to anything in worship. We only prostrate to God in worship. And He ordered us to prostrate in the direction of the Ka'ba in Makkah Mukarramah.
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I have gone to Church sermons just out of curiosity

Gone to Catholic and Orthodox (was in Russian so didnt learn much but was interesting to notice the remark differences between the Catholic and Orthodox ones) ...am curious about the Anglican one though...

Sister, but in Shariat, it is illegal for a Muslim to enter a church.

In the Jewish Halakha Law, it is illegal for a Jew to enter a Church. So, religious jews will never enter a church.
Sister, but in Shariat, it is illegal for a Muslim to enter a church.

In the Jewish Halakha Law, it is illegal for a Jew to enter a Church. So, religious jews will never enter a church.
where does it say so? :unsure:
Interfaith harmony should be vice versa as well.

Let me know what the other faith has practiced anything in your own faith, e.g. in this case, hindu practice???

It is two way communications when you use interfaith harmony, not one way only.

There is a basis difference in two religions. If a Hindu pray in Mosk, Church etc there will be no question about his Hinduism. Still he is a Hindu. Many Hindus eat beef eg in Kerala( contrary to common Hindu belief), still they are Hindu. Even an atheist can be termed as Hindu. There are many Hindu philosophy which are atheist in nature eg extreme materialistic Charbak philosophy.
Hinduism is not a monolith ideology. Various faiths together loosely termed as Hinduism ranging from believer of a single god to million gods even a non believer .

But if a Muslim does not have that liberty. If a Muslim pray in mandir or church , many will immediately consider him as kefirs. An atheist can be sentenced to death.
If you consider Muslim beliefs supremacist, then thats your mis-conception. We dont believe in equality of religions.

So you are saying Muslim beliefs are not supremacist? That muslims do not believe their religion superior to others + muslim majority lands should be governed by islam???

You say islam allows other religions to practice freely. Really??? In most muslim lands for example, muslims are free to say their belief that jesus is not son of god, but the christian belief is that your prophet was no prophet but an imposter. Can they openly profess that???

I'm sorry but you repeating your claims do not make them true. You conveniently say ''thats islamic belief'' when some supremacist illogical stuff comes up. Interfaith harmony is possible at the human level, not through your rigid beliefs that have no scientific value.
where does it say so? :unsure:

Its a ruling in all 4 schools of Islamic jurisprudence.

A church is considered house of idolatory and part of dozakh. To enter it is to enter dozakh. I am not being harsh. Just stating the Shariat ruling.

In the Jewish Halakha Law, it is the same ruling.
Its a ruling in all 4 schools of Islamic jurisprudence.

A church is considered house of idolatory and part of dozakh. To enter it is to enter dozakh. I am not being harsh. Just stating the Shariat ruling.

In the Jewish Halakha Law, it is the same ruling.
Can you quote this law...

Because if I remember correctly if it is parto f dozakh then Prophet should have asked for its destruction and not send his people to Ethiopia for protection....also the Caliphs would have destroyed it ....yet in Islam respecting religion is pointed out alot! How do respect something when you call it dozakh?
So you are saying Muslim beliefs are not supremacist? That muslims do not believe their religion superior to others + muslim majority lands should be governed by islam???

You say islam allows other religions to practice freely. Really??? In most muslim lands for example, muslims are free to say their belief that jesus is not son of god, but the christian belief is that your prophet was no prophet but an imposter. Can they openly profess that???

I'm sorry but you repeating your claims do not make them true. You conveniently say ''thats islamic belief'' when some supremacist illogical stuff comes up. Interfaith harmony is possible at the human level, not through your rigid beliefs that have no scientific value.

Actually, Muslims do not believe other religions are valid. They believe they are invalid religions made over the centuries. It is not about supremacy. It is about right and wrong. Muslims believe Islam is the only true religion ever sent by God on Earth.

But that does not mean other religions have no right to exist. They do, because they were created by God, and God nourishes their followers all for a purpose. All men have free choice to follow whatever they wish.

Regarding your slyness in trying to insult our Prophet salat wa salam alaih [ and we Muslims are taught never to insult other religions or the beliefs of non-Muslims for the same reason of reciprocity], no, within a Muslim community, proselytizing of other religions is illegal.

You can do it outside the Muslim community, if you wish.
Dont tell me Pakistanis dont know it? Something called VRAT or UPWAAS. Havent u guyz heard this term before?

If not, its pityful that we guyz argue so much about each other without knowing nothing bout the other. Indians luckily know much bout Pakistan coz of mixed linguistic and mixed religious society. Punjabis and 20 Cr muslims give us a lot understanding bout Islam and Pakistani culture.

But how much do u guyz really know bout Hinduism and Indian Style in general?

No ideas what upwaas vraat is, no interest in knowing either, so you have understanding of Pakistan due to Muslim population in your country and punjabis, by saying that you have proved you don't know nothing about Pakistan and it's culture.

Pakistan is bigger then Punjab and when it comes to Indians be it a Muslim or none Muslim doesn't matter, it's purely racial.

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