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October Surprise: my prediction for war

China will no doubt beat the US in a conventional war.

But the only problem is that Trump and his far-right crazies will eventually become completely rogue and pre-emptively launch the nuclear strike.

China needs to be able to intercept all US ICBMs including the D5 and Minuteman 3.

We can intercept our own DF-31 back in 2010, and right now our capability should be much more enhanced.
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Sometime between October 10 and October 22, the US will announce an adjustment in the One China Policy and upgrade its diplomatic relations with Taiwan to ambassador level. Within 24 hours, PLAAF will penetrate Taiwan airspace and commence an air war over Taiwan. The US will deploy at least one aircraft carrier to an area around 1000 km east of Taiwan to try to defend it. Fighter jets / bombers from Japanese bases and Guam will also join the war. Meanwhile, at least two aircraft carriers will travel from the Indian Ocean through the Straits of Malacca and launch an attack on China's South China Sea islands.

Within a few days of fighting, at least three US aircraft carriers will be heavily damaged by missile strikes and many US bases in Japan as well as Guam will be bombed. PLA will land on Taiwan within 3 days from the start of hostilities and the Taiwan will be declared fully liberated within one week.

During the Sino-US War of 2020, India will launch an attack in Ladakh on PLA but will suffer more than 100,000 casualties within one week from the PLA artillery and rocket fire. Then a 2.5 front war scenario will push them out from Leh and Kashmir Valley by November.

Trump will use the conflict as an excuse to postpone the November election indefinitely.

A very optimistic analysis, what happens in worst case scenario? China suffers huge losses and Taiwan is successfully defended?

I don't think US will intervene and confront China directly but may support Taiwan through weapons supplies information/intelligence, logistics and tactical support. Any attack on mainland China could lead to attack on west coast of USA which could spiral out of control splitting the world into a new world war. The Zion appointed heads of states are now well established around world so the pieces are set and the timetable read and it is just a question of when.
US supremacy is a nothing more than a myth. Take a good look at the usual argument often used, US will include India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Philippines, UK, France, Australia, Vietnam to fight China. Do you ever see the Chinese and Russians ever using the same sort of arguments where they would be saying they need many allies joining the fight? What kind of a superpower is the US where it would be crying for assistance dealing with a real superpower? It sounded as if America is too afraid to face China alone.

US Naval Commanders already said the US Navy stands no chance against China in the Western Pacific or in the South China Sea. All the simulations predicted this outcome so is the software representing a false picture? Are US Naval Commanders unqualified for the job? Maybe you should be replacing them and lead the US Navy to war with China.

8 Aircraft Carriers? If there is ever a war, the captains of the AC are afraid to sail near Chinese backyard knowing the capabilities of DF-21D, DF-26. H-6N carrying an air launched ballistic missile and Type 055 armed with a Naval version of DF-100. China has plenty of capabilities to sink all US AC to the bottom of the Pacific.

US does not want to suffer this kind of humiliation for Taiwan. The implications would be devastating for the US on the world stage. How else would you explain the US allowed China to buildup islands and arming them in the South China Sea without doing anything? How else would you explain the US allowed North Korea to develop nukes if the 8 AC can make a difference? The US could have simply flied B-2s taking off from South Korea or Japan and bombed the North back into stone age but instead did nothing. It literally allowed North Korea to develop nukes and improved ballistic missiles.

If US can really protect Taiwan, all Tsai has to do is officially declare Taiwan as an independent state with the US backing it. Simply just do it and you will see if China is bluffing or not. Pretty sure the PLA will be scrambling for war and not a second to waste.
During the war, Beijing will show some surprises:

1) Railgun based in Fujian will lob shells at Taipei.

2) H-6N will carry DF-17 to carry out anti-ship strikes.

The most strategic target should be the US nuclear arsenal, and it is very dangerous that their nuclear football is at the hand of Trump.

We need to be able to neutralize it with those super sophisticated weapons like this.

Sometime between October 10 and October 22, the US will announce an adjustment in the One China Policy and upgrade its diplomatic relations with Taiwan to ambassador level. Within 24 hours, PLAAF will penetrate Taiwan airspace and commence an air war over Taiwan. The US will deploy at least one aircraft carrier to an area around 1000 km east of Taiwan to try to defend it. Fighter jets / bombers from Japanese bases and Guam will also join the war. Meanwhile, at least two aircraft carriers will travel from the Indian Ocean through the Straits of Malacca and launch an attack on China's South China Sea islands.

Within a few days of fighting, at least three US aircraft carriers will be heavily damaged by missile strikes and many US bases in Japan as well as Guam will be bombed. PLA will land on Taiwan within 3 days from the start of hostilities and the Taiwan will be declared fully liberated within one week.

During the Sino-US War of 2020, India will launch an attack in Ladakh on PLA but will suffer more than 100,000 casualties within one week from the PLA artillery and rocket fire. Then a 2.5 front war scenario will push them out from Leh and Kashmir Valley by November.

Trump will use the conflict as an excuse to postpone the November election indefinitely.
What no thermonuclear weapons will be used?
Kid go back to sleep , China cant do squat.
not surprised that fanboys here think that no other country is able to retaliate or do any damage to the great china....even after they kill 100,000 troops of one country and destroy 3 super carriers of another. Their subs will not be able to do anything because china has anti sub assets which are indestructible.
Guys we all should just surrender already. China is god
Did anyone noticed that as per op their is no loss on chiniese side even after complete destruction of India US and Taiwan....
This is what communist party feeds their ppl....
Did anyone noticed that as per op their is no loss on chiniese side even after complete destruction of India US and Taiwan....
This is what communist party feeds their ppl....
The Chinese people are nice everywhere you meet them. Its the CCP bots that are the issue.
Sometime between October 10 and October 22, the US will announce an adjustment in the One China Policy and upgrade its diplomatic relations with Taiwan to ambassador level. Within 24 hours, PLAAF will penetrate Taiwan airspace and commence an air war over Taiwan. The US will deploy at least one aircraft carrier to an area around 1000 km east of Taiwan to try to defend it. Fighter jets / bombers from Japanese bases and Guam will also join the war. Meanwhile, at least two aircraft carriers will travel from the Indian Ocean through the Straits of Malacca and launch an attack on China's South China Sea islands.

Within a few days of fighting, at least three US aircraft carriers will be heavily damaged by missile strikes and many US bases in Japan as well as Guam will be bombed. PLA will land on Taiwan within 3 days from the start of hostilities and the Taiwan will be declared fully liberated within one week.

During the Sino-US War of 2020, India will launch an attack in Ladakh on PLA but will suffer more than 100,000 casualties within one week from the PLA artillery and rocket fire. Then a 2.5 front war scenario will push them out from Leh and Kashmir Valley by November.

Trump will use the conflict as an excuse to postpone the November election indefinitely.
Yes quite posible, but China must not get into trap, instead it should go with its Indian plans get as much as lands it can get, push the nagas, Sikhs and others to get thier independence while breaking the key market of Americans it will itself will break american economy then doesn't matter what trump does, Americans will dump the trump!
But for that, China needs a fighting media arm, which it lacks highly, I don't see any chinese English and reginol news channels working 24/7, China must get that ASAP evn giving emeployements to friendly countries top level journalists
Did anyone noticed that as per op their is no loss on chiniese side even after complete destruction of India US and Taiwan....
This is what communist party feeds their ppl....
Thats ok ,this member used to fling nukes at us earlier in his posts , this is an improvement.
China is not ready for war. First china has to catch up fully in technology to be self sufficient for example in micro processors.
If the war starts, China has to prioritize its ressources for war.
US will launch merciless conventional strikes on Chinese military and economic targets on or near it's coasts
You believe only US can do that? Remember you are talking about a country that can hit the US main land on any given day. How many countries have the US fought who had the capacity of hit back on the main land? If US escalates the conflict and gets involved than all bets will be off and China will start hitting US main land as well including US bases. So US economic and Military targets will not be safe either. I doubt if the american people have the will to go that far into the conflict for the sake of Taiwan.
China is not ready for war. First china has to catch up fully in technology to be self sufficient for example in micro processors.
If the war starts, China has to prioritize its ressources for war.

To unify Taiwan by force, China needs at least 30-50 thousand nuclear warheads. Not to attack Taiwan, but to prepare in the event of the United States and the West intervening.

During the war, Beijing will show some surprises:

1) Railgun based in Fujian will lob shells at Taipei.

2) H-6N will carry DF-17 to carry out anti-ship strikes.

PLA can order 100-200 thousand MOABs from Norinco and buy FOAB from Russia with TOT. It is very effective against Taiwan.
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