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October Surprise: my prediction for war

I agree with your points. OP is talking about sinking half USA ACs without any destruction of china.

The OP is under the delusional belief that a war between China and the United States will be strictly one way.

Not surprised though, this is PDF after all. where delusional mentalities are taken seriously.
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USA is absolutely lawless.
She has breach all international rules and laws.
She is now isolated like a pariad state.
Nobody is taking USA seriously today.
Is this karma? :coffee:
The three powers whose currencies are in red will emerged - 100 yuan and 1000 roubles are in red are probably China, Russia and possibly India. :coffee:

No not India but Pakistan:pakistan:.

Russian Ruble


Pakistani Rupee


Chinese Yuan

Everything penned down from Chinese machine is so well articulated that no one can deny the fact.Feng long how do you do it ?
US can surge 8 supercarriers and a number of their smaller ones in wartime.

You underestimate just how many they can deploy if they really wanted to. Maintenance and other things can be cut short if there is a pressing need.

PLAAN and China would suffer massive defeat if USN intervened to defend Taiwan and it will stay this way for at least another 10 years.

Supercarier is also super expensive, Carriers threat is only from the aircraft, the ship itself is only a target. America navy would not make the risk to deploy them near China.

America goal is keeping the global hegemony. China goal is unifing Taiwan. Let's compare whose goal is easier to get! If America want to protect Taiwan, it has to continuely deploy troops from 10000km away bases, he will lose warships, fighters, soldiers everyday. America can't protect Taiwan, and it will lack the ability of global hegemony after the war.
I agree with your points. OP is talking about sinking half USA ACs without any destruction of china.
Better to not involve the USA by attacking USA forces up front. The Russian approach in Crimea is best for Taiwan, IMO. Russians took Crimea fast and firm with no response from NATO or USA. USA is not treaty bound to protect Ukraine or Taiwan. This is an internal Chinese matter, and there is only one China. If USA wants to be an aggressor and stick its no nose in internal Chinese matters....then all hell will break out. Both sides will be hurt.
Better to not involve the USA by attacking USA forces up front. The Russian approach in Crimea is best for Taiwan, IMO. Russians took Crimea fast and firm with no response from NATO or USA. USA is not treaty bound to protect Ukraine or Taiwan. This is an internal Chinese matter, and there is only one China. If USA wants to be an aggressor and stick its no nose in internal Chinese matters....then all hell will break out. Both sides will be hurt.
CCP and leadership are career politicians. Xi already declared himself as lifetime president. Why would they take the risk and what's more incentive they get?
The US is already bankrupt. It can only print money to stay solvent. Once China decouples economically from the US during wartime, all the printed money will come back to inflate US dollar and bonds until they become nearly worthless paper.

Massive civil unrest will follow. Trump will "suspend" the US constitution.

At that point in time, nobody will even care about three or four severely damaged or sunk aircraft carriers, bombed out bases in Japan or bombed out Guam.

Even fewer people will care about PLA troops in Taiwan or PLA / Pakistan Army in Kashmir Valley.
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Sometime between October 10 and October 22, the US will announce an adjustment in the One China Policy and upgrade its diplomatic relations with Taiwan to ambassador level. Within 24 hours, PLAAF will penetrate Taiwan airspace and commence an air war over Taiwan. The US will deploy at least one aircraft carrier to an area around 1000 km east of Taiwan to try to defend it. Fighter jets / bombers from Japanese bases and Guam will also join the war. Meanwhile, at least two aircraft carriers will travel from the Indian Ocean through the Straits of Malacca and launch an attack on China's South China Sea islands.

Within a few days of fighting, at least three US aircraft carriers will be heavily damaged by missile strikes and many US bases in Japan as well as Guam will be bombed. PLA will land on Taiwan within 3 days from the start of hostilities and the Taiwan will be declared fully liberated within one week.

During the Sino-US War of 2020, India will launch an attack in Ladakh on PLA but will suffer more than 100,000 casualties within one week from the PLA artillery and rocket fire. Then a 2.5 front war scenario will push them out from Leh and Kashmir Valley by November.

Trump will use the conflict as an excuse to postpone the November election indefinitely.

May I know based on what you make this prediction?
US can surge 8 supercarriers and a number of their smaller ones in wartime.

You underestimate just how many they can deploy if they really wanted to. Maintenance and other things can be cut short if there is a pressing need.

PLAAN and China would suffer massive defeat if USN intervened to defend Taiwan and it will stay this way for at least another 10 years.

I dont think so. If the war happen in west pacific, US will be more at disadvantage, they are all within reach H-6, DF-26, DF-21 and J-16.
@Feng Leng

Are you for real or is this satire?

If China hit 3 US aircraft carriers like you say, all bets will be off.

US will launch merciless conventional strikes on Chinese military and economic targets on or near it's coasts.

Chinese sea trade will come to a halt as USN/JN will blockade Chinese shipping.

China will be economically crippled quite quickly.
In any chinese war scenario it’s only chinese that shoot while other don’t.
All will surrender before the men and women of the PLA.
Xi Jingping will ride on a white horse.
You forgot about Indian Navy, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam. Everyone will jump in settle with china for good. Tibet, Xinjiang, manchuria, inner mongolia will be independent.
Well, I don't think Feng Leng's prediction is going to happen, the chances are less than 0.001%. But what you mentioned above are just hilarious as fxck... It is like saying10000+0.1=10000.1=~10000...
You beggars first taste some of our Megatons before dreaming even a inch of our land:
May I know based on what you make this prediction?
US has downgraded diplomatic relations with PRC from ambassador level to consulate level. The last US ambassador resigned and there isn't a new one.

US changed the logo of its consulates in China to remove the word "China".

US Secretary of Health paid an official visit to Taiwan in August. Undersecretary of State paid an official visit to Taiwan in September.

A bill has been tabled in the House of Representatives to change the One China Policy. Think Tanks have been suggesting the US change the One China Policy.

Taiwan "president" Tsai said recently "we will make a great step forward and the international community will support us".

Beijing has said that an air war over Taiwan will be triggered if the US Secretary of State or Secretary of Defense visits Taiwan.
I dont think so. If the war happen in west pacific, US will be more at disadvantage, they are all within reach H-6, DF-26, DF-21 and J-16.
During the war, Beijing will show some surprises:

1) Railgun based in Fujian will lob shells at Taipei.

2) H-6N will carry DF-17 to carry out anti-ship strikes.
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