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Ocalan calls for PKK terrorists to lay down arms

I know they have the Turkish nationality, but I don't see any unity.

Not really, If they accepted there nationality, Unity would be no problem. You are a Turk, He is a Turk, Everyone is a Turk, There would be no differences. Think about it, They havent waved a single Turkish flag there, Not a single one!
Which celebration?

The Kurdish novruz, never mind bordo showed me what I was asking for.

Not really, If they accepted there nationality, Unity would be no problem. You are a Turk, He is a Turk, Everyone is a Turk, There would be no differences. Think about it, They havent waved a single Turkish flag there, Not a single one!

Yeah that is crazy, not one flag of the republic. Shows that they may have mixed feeling of loyalty towards the state.
Not really, If they accepted there nationality, Unity would be no problem. You are a Turk, He is a Turk, Everyone is a Turk, There would be no differences. Think about it, They havent waved a single Turkish flag there, Not a single one!
I think that is something that will come in due time. Even if it turns out to be a cold war, I much rather have that than what we have currently. If PKK dissolves, then they have no one to support and have no reason to hate on the republic. If their hatred towards the Turkish republic is not fed by something or someone, then opinions will change in time. These negotiations are still in early stages, opinions don't change over night either, time is needed.

When it comes to the Newruz celebrations, BDP should've took in upon themselves to open a Turkish flag, but they neglected to do so. From the little I saw, BDP's message was alright though (even though there was an Ocalan poster on stage).
Sorry, no offence or anything, but this post reminded me of this;

On topic, I'm okey with the negotiations between the government and PKK. If I look at IRA and ETA, they also negotiated an end to the problem, so I'm hoping for the best.
Stating facts has nothing to do with beeing scared.
IRA and ETA are from a different culture,you cant compare them to the PKK.
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Stating facts has nothing to do with beeing scared.
IRA and ETA are from a different culture,you cant compare them to the PKK.

IRA and ETA are very good examples. In what way is it different? IRA, ETA and PKK all had similar objectives, they were all separatists. The main objective being 'destabilizing the country'. I'm glad for England and Spain that they have solved this problem, and I think there is nothing wrong in hoping for the same type of solution for my own country.
Not really, If they accepted there nationality, Unity would be no problem. You are a Turk, He is a Turk, Everyone is a Turk, There would be no differences. Think about it, They havent waved a single Turkish flag there, Not a single one!

The lack of Turkish flags could also be that the culture/heritage behind Norooz in not Turkish. I mean, holidays (Christmas, New Year, ...) are not used to show national feelings as such.. I'm not saying you are wrong, but it is easy to over-analyze these pictures
The lack of Turkish flags could also be that the culture/heritage behind Norooz in not Turkish. I mean, holidays (Christmas, New Year, ...) are not used to show national feelings as such.. I'm not saying you are wrong, but it is easy to over-analyze these pictures

You could be right but I don't think so. The BDP leadership were aware of the contents of Ocalan's message before this event. The event itself was partly a celebration of Newroz but it was also partly about his message. If Ocalan wants peace and unity then displaying the Turkish flag at the event would've been a positive step.

Guy should've been executed when we captured him in the 90s IMO.
The lack of Turkish flags could also be that the culture/heritage behind Norooz in not Turkish. I mean, holidays (Christmas, New Year, ...) are not used to show national feelings as such.. I'm not saying you are wrong, but it is easy to over-analyze these pictures

I doubt it, As @Ozturk10 said, The BDP members where well aware of this news before the celebration began. Having waved a Turkish flag would have been much more of a progress then simply declaring to lay down arms and then still waving pro-pkk and pro-ocalan flags.
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IRA and ETA are very good examples. In what way is it different? IRA, ETA and PKK all had similar objectives, they were all separatists. The main objective being 'destabilizing the country'. I'm glad for England and Spain that they have solved this problem, and I think there is nothing wrong in hoping for the same type of solution for my own country.
How can they be the same?
Both England and Spain are educated countries,where the society knows the meaning of democrasy,human development,where you cant buy votes or where the head of a clan desides what to do.
social securty garanteed,living standarts are equal.
IRA was mostly about religion,nothing else(protestants wanted England,katholics wanted Ireland)
Eta wanted the creation of a Bask country.
Both gave up because there was nothing to gain by having a own country in western europe.
The PKK on the other hand has very much to gain,
The final goal is a kurdish country containing parts of Turkey,Iran,Irak and Syria.
Most kurdish people living in these countries are educationaly,economicly behind the Turks,Iranians,Iraqies and Syrians.
The kurdish people believe in the PKKs prommises of a better future if independent from all(lack of education and good living standarts).
Still convinced its the same?
Who doesnt want peace in his country?
But at what cost?
Btw,IRA and ETA had limited finances,PKK has unlimited backing from our so called friends and allies(Germany,France,Switzerland,Denmark,Sweden,Iran,US, to name a few)
But officialy none of the above helps the PKK.
Who the fvck cares if they waved Turkish flags next to terrorists leader's flag? I personally wouldn't have taken it as a good sign but as an insincerity.

Once we get rid of this parasite, Turkey will swiftly become a country which both Turks and Kurds can be proud of. Once the wealth, education and living standarts of eastern parts of Turkey increased, Turkish flags will replace those terrorist posters. But, we should make it clear that PKK has always been an obstacle for these devolopments. Decades later, Kurds should think: PKK wasn't the reason why we are enjoying more democratic rights and wealth but it was the reason why it took so long to become what we are now.
I have my doubts about pkk and I hope i am wrong. They killed 33 soldiers unarmed remember.
As national awareness increases, unity in countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran will crumble.

One must be naive to think that Turks and Kurds can live together from today on. First Kurdish language replace government language, then Kurds will support separatism and convert into Ezidism abandoning Islam.

As long as Turks take northern Iran and northern Afghanistan, i dont mind giving southeastern Anatolia. That would be Good exchange.
How can they be the same?
Both England and Spain are educated countries,where the society knows the meaning of democrasy,human development,where you cant buy votes or where the head of a clan desides what to do.
social securty garanteed,living standarts are equal.
IRA was mostly about religion,nothing else(protestants wanted England,katholics wanted Ireland)
Eta wanted the creation of a Bask country.
Both gave up because there was nothing to gain by having a own country in western europe.
The PKK on the other hand has very much to gain,
The final goal is a kurdish country containing parts of Turkey,Iran,Irak and Syria.
Most kurdish people living in these countries are educationaly,economicly behind the Turks,Iranians,Iraqies and Syrians.
The kurdish people believe in the PKKs prommises of a better future if independent from all(lack of education and good living standarts).
Still convinced its the same?
Who doesnt want peace in his country?
But at what cost?
Btw,IRA and ETA had limited finances,PKK has unlimited backing from our so called friends and allies(Germany,France,Switzerland,Denmark,Sweden,Iran,US, to name a few)
But officialy none of the above helps the PKK.
I said similar, not the same. If you go into detail, and the reason for being, then obviously they are different. But if you look at tactics, structure etc, they are similar.

So according to you, the PKK is stronger than ETA and IRA were (referring to finances and unlimited backing from proxies)? If England and Spain wasn't able to eradicate IRA and ETA, but negotiated an end, then don't you think that eradicating the PKK would be extremely difficult, if not impossible? This PKK issue is a problem for 30 years now, what would you suggest other than negotiating? Yes, I guess you could continue fighting, but for how long?

Turkey is well aware that it needs to raise the living standards in South-East of Turkey, Kurdish in schools etc. And you see these changes in Turkey and that's why PKK is having trouble recruiting new fighters to it's cause for the past couple of years.

As national awareness increases, unity in countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran will crumble.

One must be naive to think that Turks and Kurds can live together from today on. First Kurdish language replace government language, then Kurds will support separatism and convert into Ezidism abandoning Islam.

As long as Turks take northern Iran and northern Afghanistan, i dont mind giving southeastern Anatolia. That would be Good exchange.
What are you talking about? I know many Turkish people that married a Kurdish person, how can they not live together? If they can live together on a micro-level, than they can live together on a macro-level.

The rest of your message is just dangerous talk. The way you wrote it, seems like you just want ethnic minorities to clash with their respective countries.
I said similar, not the same. If you go into detail, and the reason for being, then obviously they are different. But if you look at tactics, structure etc, they are similar.

So according to you, the PKK is stronger than ETA and IRA were (referring to finances and unlimited backing from proxies)? If England and Spain wasn't able to eradicate IRA and ETA, but negotiated an end, then don't you think that eradicating the PKK would be extremely difficult, if not impossible? This PKK issue is a problem for 30 years now, what would you suggest other than negotiating? Yes, I guess you could continue fighting, but for how long?

Turkey is well aware that it needs to raise the living standards in South-East of Turkey, Kurdish in schools etc. And you see these changes in Turkey and that's why PKK is having trouble recruiting new fighters to it's cause for the past couple of years.
England and Spain,i explained the people living there dont have the problems we have in the south-east(lack of economie,education)
People living there dont have those problems so IRA and ETA didnt have much support from the people.
Do you think that if we wanted we could not use same tactics(drones,satelites,bounties) as the US to erase the PKK from earth?
Its all politics,they just dont want the PKK gone,i dont trust Erdogan.
PKK has ''supporters'' evrywhere in Turkey where kurds live,even in the big western cities.
I dont have a real solution for this problem but it sure isnt this way.
England and Spain,i explained the people living there dont have the problems we have in the south-east(lack of economie,education)
People living there dont have those problems so IRA and ETA didnt have much support from the people.
Do you think that if we wanted we could not use same tactics(drones,satelites,bounties) as the US to erase the PKK from earth?
Its all politics,they just dont want the PKK gone,i dont trust Erdogan.
PKK has ''supporters'' evrywhere in Turkey where kurds live,even in the big western cities.
I dont have a real solution for this problem but it sure isnt this way.
I already explained in my post about the political changes in Turkey and the effect it had on PKK. You not trusting Erdogan, I can't really say much about that, well maybe I could, but wouldn't really know what to say. Personally I think Erdogan is sticking his neck out with this, and I appreciate it when a politician is willing to take risks to potentially lose vote's.
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