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OBL raid: US raid team member claims Chinook resupply helicopter evaded attack by PAF F-16

Just to put through your thick skull, F-16 needs a clearance to shoot down something. F-16 didn't shoot down a chinhook because it was never given a clearance

Instead of blindly making biased observations, sometimes making common sense observations would do you good.

You're not a technical expert to make a claim that Chinhook defeated F-16 3 times. Remember How your Indian Mi-17 Couldn't evade a SAM missile ? Yup thats what it looks like when you have trigger happy, undisciplined officers with judgment and analytical skills like you in cockpit or in situation to make decisions to fire a missile.

Or the permission to kill chinhook never came from Ground Control. IF F-16 was close enough to kill him, it meant he had a lock on helicopter.

Part of SoF pilots training is avoiding enemy aircraft and being able to evade them. All things considered, it is extremely difficult to shoot down a low flying chopper at night.

More difficult is the OP’s own ego trip on scoring points for Indian ego by showing an outclassed Pakistan ADGE by the United States with its well documented ability to compromise much more advanced AD systems.
Not to mention the moles it has within our command structure.
But then some insecurities for the battering on the 27th have to be assuaged elsewhere.
No F-16 were even airborne that night as there was no clearance to engage the Americans.
The idea was to create a story strong enough for Obama to win the election and it worked.
In addition, the “Parai shadi mein deewana” OP also got the entire context of the source material wrong. Such excitement is usually reserved for scoring an usually attractive woman for people other than online Indians.
Part of SoF pilots training is avoiding enemy aircraft and being able to evade them. All things considered, it is extremely difficult to shoot down a low flying chopper at night.

More difficult is the OP’s own ego trip on scoring points for Indian ego by showing an outclassed Pakistan ADGE by the United States with its well documented ability to compromise much more advanced AD systems.
Not to mention the moles it has within our command structure.
But then some insecurities for the battering on the 27th have to be assuaged elsewhere.
Help me understand this but how high speed aircraft is supposed to lock on to a low flying chopper and shoot it down?
i didnt mention about the capability of our military. i only talked about the lack of will by the decision makers. if those F-16 would have given clearance by our decision makers to bring the helis down i am sure they would have done it with ease but a final order should have been there by someone which was not there.

For the sake of argument, let us assume that one PAF jet somehow obtained a lock on one of these helicopters while it was attempting to flee to Afghanistan (this was post-Abbottabad engagement chase in reality), WE could not afford to exchange blows with Americans on ad-hoc basis, risking a much wider conflict, putting our entire country into choas and jeopardy afterwards. USAF was 100% active and watching our every move in the airspace and ground. Fazool mein nuqsaan karwalatey apna.

Americans destroyed a mixed force of Russian mercenaries and Syrian army in a firefight over control of a Syrian oil field, and Russian Air Force did not dare to intervene which it would have in case of lesser adversary.

They killed a terrorist - job well done. WE can make do with this.

Not just Pakistan, if India was in our shoes, it could not do anything either.

Part of SoF pilots training is avoiding enemy aircraft and being able to evade them. All things considered, it is extremely difficult to shoot down a low flying chopper at night.

More difficult is the OP’s own ego trip on scoring points for Indian ego by showing an outclassed Pakistan ADGE by the United States with its well documented ability to compromise much more advanced AD systems.
Not to mention the moles it has within our command structure.
But then some insecurities for the battering on the 27th have to be assuaged elsewhere.
Absolutely, Sir. Well said. :tup:
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Help me understand this but how high speed aircraft is supposed to lock on to a low flying chopper and shoot it down?
It's extremely difficult but we have shot down Indian Searcher UAV during night as well.
Not with a missile, did we?
Yup with a Lima round i believe.


But chopper are big loud and have large RCS due to their shapes.
They can also fly very low and may have been stealthy.
Yup with a Lima round i believe.


They can also fly very low and may have been stealthy.
F16 that are mlu'ed or blk52+ would not lock on due to iff, so how will we shoot that a friendly a/c or a drone....ADF can lock on i guess?

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