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OBL raid: US raid team member claims Chinook resupply helicopter evaded attack by PAF F-16

Reported for fake news.

Regardless of your flags, it is obvious you are a Gangadeshi (ROIndian.)

Abbottabad raid narrarice is full of inconsistencies, but that is a whole other topic.

Fake News ?

Wow, just amazed to see what a make-believe world some people live in!

Can you not check and see that MILITARY TIMES is an extremely respected, quasi-official news outlet of the US military ?
Just to put through your thick skull, F-16 needs a clearance to shoot down something. F-16 didn't shoot down a chinhook because it was never given a clearance

Instead of blindly making biased observations, sometimes making common sense observations would do you good.

You're not a technical expert to make a claim that Chinhook defeated F-16 3 times. Remember How your Indian Mi-17 Couldn't evade a SAM missile ? Yup thats what it looks like when you have trigger happy, undisciplined officers with judgment and analytical skills like you in cockpit or in situation to make decisions to fire a missile.

Or the permission to kill chinhook never came from Ground Control. IF F-16 was close enough to kill him, it meant he had a lock on helicopter.

All PAF aircraft need clearance from ground control to engage a target (to launch a missile at it).

I would rather say that Chinook was actually defeated 3 times. All 3 times the F-16 was not allowed to strike at it.
This is a normal operational procedure or rule of engagement - though informal - for dealing with the American air assets coming in from the Afghan border or the Sindhu Sagar (aka the Arabian Sea). Unless we are actually at an armed conflict with the US, Pakistan military would never target their military assets. I know of an old story when a PAF Mirage got a lock-on on the USN F-14 but had to let it go - no clearance (& no valid reason).

Plus, this story undermines the entire narrative of the US conducting secret/covert and stealth operation. If true they were simply compromised and were at PAF's mercy.
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Level of desperation among ranks of Bhartis is pathetic since Feb 2019,they just have to cling on anything which paints Pakistan in bad light.A nobody has wrote something on an unknown website, and this despo comes here,posts it not for any debate or discussion, but only for rubing some ointment on inflated ego of his nation, that was wreaked by Pakistan using it's arm known as PAF.
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Amazing article about special operations Chinook pilot Chief Warrant Officer 5 Douglas Englen .

Let no apologists for the PAF and the military rulers of Pakistan claim that the US and Pakistan worked together and that permission was given for this operation.

4 helicopters flew well inside Pakistan. 2 landed in a refueling point and were there for 2 hours +. Two more choppers flew in to Abbottabad. Killed Osama. One crashed. The refueling chopper flew into Abbottabad . They flew back to the refueling point!!!
And then 3 choppers flew back to AFG.

So many shocking details in this article, please take the time and read.

So hopefully this puts the PAF's unsuccessful role in this Abbottabad operation crystal clear to fanbois.

Meanwhile, Englen’s lone Chinook on its way back was engaged three times by a Pakistani F-16. Because he’d anticipated and planned for that, he was able to defeat and evade the fighter jet.

“It was as an electronic fight. A missile never left the rail. So I was able to evade him electronically. That’s all I’ll say. But, he was searching and hunting for me, and three times came very close to actually launching a missile,” Englen said.

He'd done that before with other fighter jets on other missions.

"That's why we were picked for this mission. And, I was one of the few who trained 160th crews how to do that," he added.

Regardless, they were still jinking and jiving, flying nap-of-the-earth.

"We pulled every technique and tactic out of the book. And it worked," he said.

The risk was different, depending on who you asked.


Americans like indian drama series ...create fantastic scenarios for viewers attention...in reality ...the fkd by few thousands ak47 equipped Afghan fighters who were not properly dressed and bare footed.

it is no secrete that it was all planned drama...and the site was created ...we were part of that drama.....almost all seal team members are killed later in different incidents......
I have a question that has been bugging me for a lot of time.
Americans came in two choppers and one got destroyed. How did they left in one chopper or another one came in???
This story was probably told to Indian pilots as well hence they tried to engage PAF at 27th Feb 19 however the same F16s got a lock on Asian Raptor and shot her *** down. You can continue to believe that our F16s are useless.
No wonder Zardari was the only Pakistani invited on Trump's coronation as USA is in debt of him over Osama incident.
First he starved PAF of budget, only releasing 60% of allocated budget every year and gobbling up the rest, then he did not allow any action from PAF, and PAF cannot start a war with USA without government involvement. Or it would be another Kargil, which was totally Nawaz Sharif's fault but blamed on PA.
Amazing article about special operations Chinook pilot Chief Warrant Officer 5 Douglas Englen .

Let no apologists for the PAF and the military rulers of Pakistan claim that the US and Pakistan worked together and that permission was given for this operation.

4 helicopters flew well inside Pakistan. 2 landed in a refueling point and were there for 2 hours +. Two more choppers flew in to Abbottabad. Killed Osama. One crashed. The refueling chopper flew into Abbottabad . They flew back to the refueling point!!!
And then 3 choppers flew back to AFG.

So many shocking details in this article, please take the time and read.

So hopefully this puts the PAF's unsuccessful role in this Abbottabad operation crystal clear to fanbois.

Meanwhile, Englen’s lone Chinook on its way back was engaged three times by a Pakistani F-16. Because he’d anticipated and planned for that, he was able to defeat and evade the fighter jet.

“It was as an electronic fight. A missile never left the rail. So I was able to evade him electronically. That’s all I’ll say. But, he was searching and hunting for me, and three times came very close to actually launching a missile,” Englen said.

He'd done that before with other fighter jets on other missions.

"That's why we were picked for this mission. And, I was one of the few who trained 160th crews how to do that," he added.

Regardless, they were still jinking and jiving, flying nap-of-the-earth.

"We pulled every technique and tactic out of the book. And it worked," he said.

The risk was different, depending on who you asked.


Fake News ?

Wow, just amazed to see what a make-believe world some people live in!

Can you not check and see that MILITARY TIMES is an extremely respected, quasi-official news outlet of the US military ?
When the PAF first carried out it's first Motorway Operations, the IAF Archief had nothing else to say except with a wry smile, ''What's the big deal, Swedish Airforce has been doing it for decades''..... it's another thing ever since, the IAF has been attempting the same.
After the beating of 27th February, the IAF and the Indian losers have been desperate to find any points to discredit the PAF. Just read the OP's POV.....the fusspot is desperate to discredit the PAF as if he's reporting from ground zero. Nothing more than typical Indian trying to fire over others shoulder.
No one really knows what transpired during OBL raid....there are 101 versions of the incident....however the world at large saw it live the humiliation suffered by the IAF from the hands of a much smaller force.
Nice work of fiction there. They were here with our army leadership’s blessing. Civilian leadership had no idea of OBL’s presence.

The ‘raid’ was more of an escorted excursion. The story changed at the last moment when the Obama administration panicked as the chopper crashed. To get ahead of it they threw Kayani under the bus.

And thus making all of us look like spineless, clueless, incompetents. And simultaneously harbouring the world’s most wanted terrorist.

A big kudos to the army leadership who oversaw this national embarrassment, you perhaps could not have done worse if you tried.

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