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Obama's pitch: Fix Kashmir for UN Security Council seat

I also meant the same, Americans even don't know where is which Indian city.

Interestingly, there is a prime-time sit-com that has Indian background. I do not know whether it will last long, since it is sensitive.. but that in itself, is something.

10 years ago when I came to US, India did not exist for US. For better or for worse, every American knows India at some level or other.
Interestingly, there is a prime-time sit-com that has Indian background. I do not know whether it will last long, since it is sensitive.. but that in itself, is something.

10 years ago when I came to US, India did not exist for US. For better or for worse, every American knows India at some level or other.

I am also an Indian, but with my vast experience based on interaction with Americans, they have no idea about India except the butter chicken tikka masala, if you are in IT industry things might be little different since some American employee or manager might be cribbing about the infrastructure problems when he/she visited India and hence know little bit more than butter chicken tikka masala IMO!

But yeah mostly are ignorant, when they have holidays they prefer going to Europe or East Asia but not India so how they will ever get to know about India.
Interestingly, there is a prime-time sit-com that has Indian background. I do not know whether it will last long, since it is sensitive.. but that in itself, is something.

10 years ago when I came to US, India did not exist for US. For better or for worse, every American knows India at some level or other.

you talking about Outsourced?
you talking about Outsourced?

yeah, Outsourced.. but I liked the movie better, and hope this sit-com has some traction going forward.. I cringed watching the pilot.

On topic: Obama wants to cleverly help Pakistan and compel India do one of the two things, become a hedge against China or get re-boxed into the Indo-Pak paradigm.

For some weird reason, Obama wants "unconditional" talks with Iran that is still holding 2 american hikers hostage and freed one after ransom at the same time attacks traditional allies.

Obama hates India, period.. but he is masterfully posturing as a friend of India.
On topic: Obama wants to cleverly help Pakistan and compel India do one of the two things, become a hedge against China or get re-boxed into the Indo-Pak paradigm.

How is Obama helping Pakistan with the Kashmir dispute? He wants LoC turned into an International Border. That would be a victory for india, while Pakistan wont still have most of Kashmir.

If he really wanted to help Pakistan with the Kashmir dispute, he would pressure india to hold up a referendum in Kashmir under neutral supervision, and Kashmiris themselves chose in the referendum which country they would like to be part of, Pakistan or India, the referendum that was promised to the Kashmiris by the UN and india's first prime minister, the referendum that Kashmiris are waiting for to this day.

Obama hates India, period.. but he is masterfully posturing as a friend of India.

If Obama hated india, why is he devoting most of his south asian trip to india, he is not even going to Pakistan in his SOUTH ASIAN Trip. And of all the world leaders, he hosted the indian PM in his first white house dinner, and he always praises india in his speeches.
If fixing the problem entails conversion of the LOC to an IB its fine, nothing else will work.

India can wait for Hillary to be the next President.
Sorry to disappoint but Obama will still be around after 2012 and as for Hillary? Sarah Palin the hockey mom gone political has a better chance.

Here's what's going to happen. The democrats will have the most house of representative seats won and the senate republicans will stay below 50%

Barack Obama will have a 50/50 chance of staying the white house with the most likely replacements being Mitt Romney or Sarah Palin.
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Sorry to disappoint but Obama will still be around after 2012 and as for Hillary? Sarah Palin the hockey mom gone political has a better chance.


Time will tell.Either way the Indian stance remains the same for over 60 yrs.
If Obama hated india, why is he devoting most of his south asian trip to india, he is not even going to Pakistan in his SOUTH ASIAN Trip. And of all the world leaders, he hosted the indian PM in his first white house dinner, and he always praises india in his speeches.

To pretend as if he is friend of India.

The age old notion in washington that Indians are protocol freaks and thow them a bone of state dinner would charm them, was the tactic Obama tried playing on with India.

When the discussion went into details, Obama has nothing but empty suite.

Time will tell.Either way the Indian stance remains the same for over 60 yrs.

Yes speculation, what you think I have a crystal ball? I am making my educated guess.

and who said anything about India? I was just talking how people are under-estimating Obama.
Sorry to disappoint but Obama will still be around after 2012 and as for Hillary? Sarah Palin the hockey mom gone political has a better chance.

Here's what's going to happen. The democrats will have the most house of representative seats won and the senate republicans will stay below 50%

Democrats will lose the congress. Will have reduced strength in Senate.

May be Hillary will be loyal to Obama. I hope then some sane Republican showing up and getting rid of Mr.Teleprompter.

In the mean time American taxpayer will keep on paying for FREDDIE, FANNIE and AIG. T
Democrats will lose the congress. Will have reduced strength in Senate.

May be Hillary will be loyal to Obama. I hope then some sane Republican showing up and getting rid of Mr.Teleprompter.

Ok I bet you 100 virtual dollars that democrats retains congress.

If fact if you're so sure, you can make some easy money. These bookies must be really stupid to spread these odds, if the republicans are such a sure thing.


Control of House after 2010 Elections

Applies to the party holding the majority after the 2010 House of Representatives Elections.


Yes speculation, what you think I have a crystal ball? I am making my educated guess.

and who said anything about India? I was just talking how people are under-estimating Obama.

The subject of this thread is India with reference to J&K.
. .
Only a fool would think that India can be stopped from UNSC for more than 10-15 years now.

In that period, India will be where China is today and it will be impossible for the UNSC to ignore India's concerns.

Obama is a fool if he thinks such arm twisting will work with Kashmir just because it worked with Nuclear Deal, Libility Bill and Defence Agreements etc.

Kashmir is way too above in India's priority list than these relatively 'petty' issues.

Obama: No kashmir, No UNSC seat

India: No UNSC seat, no major defence deals in future, no govt. helping american nuclear suppliers etc. Forget Kashmir.

LoL, India never got pressured on Kashmir in its 63 years history after independence, what makes Obama think India is so desperate as to compromise on Kashmir now?

Anyways, this Obama guy is going to be significantly weakened in the upcoming Novermber elections .

Obama is high on words and low on substance and he is not getting elected again. :lol:

India just has to 'wait and watch' a few more years and the world will stand in line to get us included in the UNSC.:lol:
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