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Obama warns China

When you no longer can act, you can only warn.

Huh....so you are taking China's side?? I thought Vietnam was your ally??:cheesy:

speak for yourself, not for the US. that is a different game you don´t know.
adolf hitler never imagined that england would declare war if germany invaded poland.

True talk bro. Hmmmmm.....but then again, we live in the 21st century. There will NEVER BE any direct war between major nuclear powers. Mybe indirect/proxy one, but not directly. Plus i dont think the U.S can declare war on China because of some disputed islands which sooo many other claimants claim. If Vietnam could solve its terrirotial disputes with its other smaller claimants like Taiwan, Phillippines etc then it will be easier to deal with this situation, as of now there are just too many claimants. So U.S might make some noise, but there will be no action. Moreover, Vietnam is not a U.S ally, its still a communist country with close ties to Russia(which we consider as a threat/rival). So tell me me why our governemnts should risks their huge economic interests/soldiers/capital with China because of a country which isnt our ally to start with? Maybe if it was say Japan(an important/big ally of the U.S/west) then yes the U.S might intervene. But Vietnam? hmmm....to be honest i dont think so. Not for now though. Vietnam still has to prove itself more and move closer to the U.S before it can even start thinking of a U.S support/intervention. You cant expect to eat your cake and have it bro.:)

With all this big talk coming from the PRC members, China still barely possess anything in the spratly. The majority of them are in the hands of the South East Asians.


This thread is disgusting. No one can even read what is going on behind the scene. All the Asians in this thread have too much inferiority complex and the Ah Q spirit is too strong.

Very nice Ah Q spiritual victory you have there. :coffee:

Nice diagram bro. I have always wondered how Vietnam got hold of so many islands in spratlys islands compared to other claimants. Job well done Vietnam, just try and keep the status quo, dont fall in a trap and do something stupid.:cheers:
Keep warning, China will keep building in the SCS.

U.S. can't do a damn thing to stop China's construction.

Warn warn warn :lol:
True talk bro. Hmmmmm.....but then again, we live in the 21st century. There will NEVER BE any direct war between major nuclear powers. Mybe indirect/proxy one, but not directly. Plus i dont think the U.S can declare war on China because of some disputed islands which sooo many other claimants claim. If Vietnam could solve its terrirotial disputes with its other smaller claimants like Taiwan, Phillippines etc then it will be easier to deal with this situation, as of now there are just too many claimants. So U.S might make some noise, but there will be no action. Moreover, Vietnam is not a U.S ally, its still a communist country with close ties to Russia(which we consider as a threat/rival). So tell me me why our governemnts should risks their huge economic interests/soldiers/capital with China because of a country which isnt our ally to start with? Maybe if it was say Japan(an important/big ally of the U.S/west) then yes the U.S might intervene. But Vietnam? hmmm....to be honest i dont think so. Not for now though. Vietnam still has to prove itself more and move closer to the U.S before it can even start thinking of a U.S support/intervention. You cant expect to eat your cake and have it bro.:)

I think you are slightly mistaken here. Under no circumstances will the US be fighting for Viet Nam. I don't think any Vietnamese would think the US would do so. The US will be fighting for their interest only. However, their interests may converge with Vietnam's own interest.

Nice diagram bro. I have always wondered how Vietnam got hold of so many islands in spratlys islands compared to other claimants. Job well done Vietnam, just try and keep the status quo, dont fall in a trap and do something stupid.:cheers:

How did VN end up with so many Islands? Some Chinese will say it is because VN is a snake. But I think it is because China was too slow and hesitant. The Philippines and Malaysia holds similar number to China. I think the Philippines was the slowest, considering the whole thing is just right next to them lol.
Nice diagram bro. I have always wondered how Vietnam got hold of so many islands in spratlys islands compared to other claimants. Job well done Vietnam, just try and keep the status quo, dont fall in a trap and do something stupid.:cheers:

Yes Vietnam has been quite cunning at this game, it is quite likely that without chinese presense all other parties in this dispute would focus on them instead (but most likely fail). The best of all is the fact that China is so intimidating because of size and strength, counting the real presense both ROC and PRC actually fall behind. Despite the fact that Republic of China got back control over the main island in Spartly region for over half century after the world war - the taiping island. it would have been a perfect head start for China, making good of the claim of ROC into effective control, and consequently also for PRC as successor of offical representative of China. But both parties of China were forced to focus elsewhere, there was the loopholes for others in the region to take advantage of, vietnam was the fastest with other followed behind, and pinoy the slowest of all despite the short distance. The development up to now was quite interesting as we see viets is riding on the wind to shift all pressure/fault on China, and with pinoy also following as the loudest, at the "perfect" timing with american pivot tp east asia. Of course despite the best attempt to show ASEAN as united against "evil China", other than the 2 rest of ASEAN are quite calm and reserved, guess there is good reason why pinoy will always comes last and get picked on easily, even without China involved.
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Nice diagram bro. I have always wondered how Vietnam got hold of so many islands in spratlys islands compared to other claimants. Job well done Vietnam, just try and keep the status quo, dont fall in a trap and do something stupid.:cheers:

Both Paracel and Spratly is under official administration of Nguyen Dynasty Vietnam in the past. We Vietnamese known well about our Islands.

Both China and Pynoy invaded in to our Islands in Vietnam war.:smokin:
Both Paracel and Spratly is under official administration of Nguyen Dynasty Vietnam in the past. We Vietnamese known well about our Islands.

Both China and Pynoy invaded in to our Islands in Vietnam war.:smokin:
So pynoy also invaded your islands @Zero_wing ? Shame Vietnam had to go through the Vietnam war. Else I think it will have had all the islands under its control.
So pynoy also invaded your islands @Zero_wing ? Shame Vietnam had to go through the Vietnam war. Else I think it will have had all the islands under its control.

Sovereignty Statue of Vietnam on North East Cay Island.

1970, in Vietnam war, Pynoy taken it from South Vietnam. We could follow the negociation to solve the dispute.

Sovereignty Statue of Vietnam on North East Cay Island.

1970, in Vietnam war, Pynoy taken it from South Vietnam. We could follow the negociation to solve the dispute.


Never knew pynoy were also a land grabbing greedy country. Lol
To be honest I don't think pynoy will everever give you back your islands no matter how much you negotiate
So pynoy also invaded your islands @Zero_wing ? Shame Vietnam had to go through the Vietnam war. Else I think it will have had all the islands under its control.

What? clarify i dont speak bull

Sovereignty Statue of Vietnam on North East Cay Island.

1970, in Vietnam war, Pynoy taken it from South Vietnam. We could follow the negociation to solve the dispute.


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