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Obama voters, Muslims need not apply for gun course


what this guy is doing is illegal

Illegal,,, certainly not....

Lets put this in perspective, if you allow unfollowers to your Mosque, were the Eimam is also speaking of destroying America or Americans would that also constitute of free speech?
Does that really stand? If he is supposed to provide services, he cannot stop anyone who has the right to get one. It is clear case of discrimination based on religion, ethnicity, nationality, and political beliefs.

Can anyone who is good with the US laws please shed more light on this case whether this man can be prosecuted on the grounds of unlawful discrimination?

The answer to your question is NO... It is an enterprise, It works similar to hiring issue/law as you say, but in terms of Customers you have greater ability to deny. For example, A high end night club will put a bouncer at the door to just let the people in, based on there status and income level...............
its can be either a publicity stance or a example how the Muslim are seen today by some western people . In any case this guys licenses should be cancel for this kind of attitude . :angry:
Lets put this in perspective, if you allow unfollowers to your Mosque,

Mosques regularly hold "open houses" where non-Muslims are invited in. Anyone can go into a mosque in the US as long as they are dressed modestly and they remove their footwear.

However, if they wanted, mosques and churches could restrict entry to people if they don't belong to the 'organization'. Country clubs and businesses do that all the time. Then the matter would shift to rules for membership qualification in the organization.

were the Eiman is also speaking of destroying America or Americans would that also constitute of free speech?

Once again, this is not an issue of free speech.
The answer to your question is NO... It is an enterprise, It works similar to hiring issue/law as you say, but in terms of Customers you have greater ability to deny. For example, A high end night club will put a bouncer at the door to just let the people in, based on there status and income level...............

You fundamentally misunderstand the law.

Certain types of discriminaton are forbidden by law (national origin, gender ,ethnicity, religion). Others (dress code) are allowed. Why do you think nightlub bouncers have an unwritten rule to allow X number of blacks/latinos into the night club regardless?
Once again, this is not an issue of free speech.

were the Eiman is also speaking of destroying America or Americans would that also constitute of free speech?

It is by separation of Church and State, that is why you do not see federal agent rushing in any Mosque, which they believe is committing hatred... Until if they believe they are holding any firearms!!!!!
You fundamentally misunderstand the law.

Certain types of discriminaton are forbidden by law (national origin, gender ,ethnicity, religion). Others (dress code) are allowed. Why do you think nightlub bouncers have an unwritten rule to allow X number of blacks/latinos into the night club regardless?

This is where you are completely wrong, A business entity has ever right to take in what ever customers they desire. Again A Business Entity!!!!!!!!! For example look at Golf Clubs in American, lets take the Master in August!!!!!!!!! See if they really have 10% African American member like the population....

Once again, this is not an issue of free speech.

Exactly right. This is not an issue of free speech, but of active discrimination.

You can say the n-word (n**ger) all day long if you want, that's not against the law, as long as you're not threatening or attacking anybody.

But if you don't allow black people to shop at your store, you are breaking the law. If you say that you will not hire someone because they are black, you are breaking the law.
Any publicity is good publicity. The Obama and Muslim voters are not typical individuals applying for concealed weapon permit. Its his gimick to show he is a law abiding citizen conserving the value from the Muslim vermins. I doubt this will help his business.

It is against the law, he will probaly discontinue if he is served with suit, court or admin order.
He seems desparate.
I'm an advocate of freedom of speech but you guys who support this type of freedom of speech are ignorant and misled. This is exactly what happened in the U.S. years ago. Here, let me give you an excerpt:


Do you support discrimination? I doubt it. So, please cut the bullshit.
This is where you are completely wrong, A business entity has ever right to take in what ever customers they desire. Again A Business Entity!!!!!!!!! For example look at Golf Clubs in American, lets take the Master in August!!!!!!!!! See if they really have 10% African American member like the population....


Dude, I don't know what to tell you. The country clubs cannot exclude blacks just because they're black. It doesn't mean they don't find roundabout ways of excluding people they don't like, but they have to be creative. One of the most common, and the way country clubs do it, is to require a number of inside referrals from existing members and anonymous voting. Business discriminate all the time, but they have learned to work within the law and find legal reasons to exclude people.

I will give you a reverse example: When you apply for a green card, the company has to show that there is no qualified American who applied for the job. It's a ridiculous proposition in a country of 230 million people with a high education level and high unemployment. But companies do it all the time. The way they do it (one example) is to say the job requires someone who has skill A+B+C+D+E... The job description is specifically tailored based on that individal's personal skill set. Of course, the chances of someone else having the exact same combination of skills, and who applies for the job, becomes very small. The company can reject all applicants and 'prove' that the only person who could possibly do the job was the individual in question.
Its my understanding that US private businesses are free to decide who they serve or don't.

That's some screwed up guy but whatever floats his boat, but I find it interesting that he seems to claim a lot of support for his actions. Multiculturalism is dying my friends.
FWIW, here's the add.

The guy obviously has issues with Muslims, but is probably going to get away with this.

MASON, Texas -- It was a message intended to bring in some extra business. A radio ad for a concealed handgun class at Keller's Riverside Store in Mason, located in the heart of the Texas Hill Country, is causing controversy.

Behind his store off Highway 87 two hours northwest of Austin, 65-year-old Crockett Keller teaches concealed carry courses to earn a few extra dollars. Courses that, he wants to make clear, are not for everyone.

"I call it exercising my right to choose who I instruct in how to use a dangerous weapon," said Keller. The instructor's $175 advertisement bought six days worth of air time on Mason's hometown radio station KHLB. The ad stopped airing Tuesday, but its message didn't stop there. The radio spot hit YouTube and took off, getting 1,000 views the first day. It had 17,000 by day three.

On Thursday, Keller defended the ad. "I'm not going to do it, I will give up my license to teach before I will teach them."

The "them" Keller refers to are voters of President Obama or non-Christian Muslims. "The fact is if you are a devout Muslim then you cannot be a true American," said Keller. "Why should I arm these people to kill me, that's suicide."

It's a stance Keller isn't alone on. During this interview the instructor fielded nearly 40 calls congratulating him for the ad. But their sentiment isn't shared by all. "It definitely got people's attention, that's for sure," said Mason resident Deborah Hofman. The local business owner heard the ad last week and believes it's too aggressive.

"Some people are really offended or agree with him; you don't find too much of a middle ground," she said.
Dividing maybe, but Keller says only two negative responses have come his way. "I just will not teach these people," said Keller. "If I see them on the road, I'll wave at them if they wave at me. If I meet them on the street, I'll be polite as they are to me, that's my nature; I believe in being polite and honest and matter of fact."

After hearing of Keller's ad, The Texas Department of Public Safety released the following statement:
"The Texas Department of Public Safety certifies individuals to teach coursework and provide training required to be taken by individuals seeking to qualify for a Texas concealed handgun license. Certified instructors are required to comply with all applicable state and federal statutes. Conduct by an instructor that denied service to individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity or religion would place that instructor’s certification by the Department at risk of suspension or revocation. The Department became aware of the statements in question yesterday and has begun an investigation into the matter. The Department will take appropriate administrative action based on the findings from the investigation."

Radio ad refuses service to Obama supporters, Muslims | kvue.com Austin
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Some of the posters should get some crash course about U.S laws before posting.
Oh, he undoubtedly doesn`t like Muslims but it`s his right as an American to not like Muslims and not allow them to train in his facility. As many don`t like different people from different places.

No he can't do that ...I heard him on radio and office who issued licence to him ..
He is losing his licence soon.. but he is one hell king of person .. in this environment he will get good support from many american ..
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