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Obama voters, Muslims need not apply for gun course


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
By Jim Forsyth

SAN ANTONIO | Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:46am EDT

(Reuters) - A central Texas gun dealer ran radio ads advising "Socialist" liberals, those who voted for President Barack Obama, Arabs and Muslims that they need not apply for his concealed gun license class.

Crockett Keller, who owns Keller's Riverside Store, ran the ads on the radio station in his rural hometown of Mason, Texas, which is 120 miles west of the state capital of Austin.

"If you are a Socialist liberal and/or voted for the current campaigner in chief, please do not take this class," Keller said in the ad. "You have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as required under the law."

"Also, if you are a non-Christian Arab, or Muslim, I will not teach you the class," Keller said in the radio ad.

Keller said he is simply exercising his freedom to teach concealed handgun license classes to whomever he wants. He said he has received "hundreds" of calls from Americans who support his stance.

"I should have had the class next week instead of this week, I could have had 500 people in it," Keller said on Friday.

He said he was not joking when he put the lines about socialists in his commercial, because he knows some socialist liberals and did not want them to enroll in the class.

"I didn't want them to show up and have to tell them no," he said.

The Texas Department of Public Safety, which oversees the concealed carry program, and licenses instructors, said in a statement that "certified instructors are required to comply with all applicable state and federal statutes, and conduct by an instructor that denied service to individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity, or religion would place that instructor's certification at risk."

The department said it had begun an investigation into the matter, and would "take appropriate administrative action based on the findings of from the investigation."

Adults in Texas are allowed to carry concealed weapons if they have completed a class such as the one Keller teaches.

Keller wrapped up his radio by saying: "With no shame, I'm Crockett Keller. Thank you, and may God bless."

(Editing by Greg McCune)

Obama voters, Muslims need not apply for gun course | Reuters


so when its about demonizing muslims its "right of free speech"....as usual
A redneck is what we call em here in th US.. perhaps maybe a clan member from KKK or something a dumb guy funny my cousin who lives in TX was just telling me about this the other day.
I believe it`s called Freedom of Speech.

Not when you are running a business. You are bound by laws which prevent you from discriminating based on certain factors. This most definitely includes race. However I am not sure if religion is covered under these laws in Texas.

This is definitely a crime if it happened in the UK.
Equality Act 2010 | Single Equality Act | Equality Act UK .

Consider this case in the UK recently.
BBC News - Gay couple turned away from B&B in Cookham
This is a shrewed marketing gimick. He got the attention he wanted. Clever indeed !!
Oh, he undoubtedly doesn`t like Muslims but it`s his right as an American to not like Muslims and not allow them to train in his facility. As many don`t like different people from different places.

I guess it is also the right of Pakistani to dislike all jews for the same reasons you mentioned..

you and your childish arguments
The door swings both ways. There are knob heads in ever race, religion. These incidents come to mind.

Muslim M&S worker refused to sell 'unclean' Bible book to grandmother, customer claims | Mail Online

A Muslim store worker at Marks & Spencer refused to serve a customer buying a children's book on biblical stories because she said it was "unclean". Sally Friday, a customer at a branch of one of the famous stores, felt publicly humiliated when she tried to pay for First Bible Stories as a gift for her young grandson.

When the grandmother put the book on the counter, the assistant refused to touch it, declared it was unclean and then summoned another member of staff to deal with the purchase.

Muslim Cafe owner 'breached 'human rights' kicking out Israelis | Stuff.co.nz

An Invercargill cafe owner's refusal to serve Israelis on the basis of their nationality is a clear human rights breach, Race Relations Commissioner Joris de Bres says.

Sisters Natalie Bennie and Tamara Shefa were upset after being booted out of the Mevlana Cafe in Esk St yesterday by owner Mustafa Tekinkaya.
The door swings both ways. There are knob heads in ever race, religion. These incidents comes to mind.

I knew that, rather than discuss the topic at hand, you would hijack this thread to spew propaganda about evil Muslims to somehow justify this guy's actions. Should we now start a competition of listing such actions by Hindus and Sikhs? Will it somehow justify what this guy is doing?

On topic, what this guy is doing is illegal; he knows it; it is a publicity stunt promoted, yet again, by the Western media.
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