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Obama 'to expand drone strikes' in Pakistan

At what point can the GoP acknowledge the extent of its responsibility for drone attacks?

GOP's acknowledgment for its responsibility is not important as we as Pakistanis know they are being carried out with their consent and are very critical of it and we don't support our Gov for their act, unlike most of you who support the unfair and aggressive acts of your gov based upon falsehood.
That is the difference, have the courage to admit your mistakes. Rectification phase comes after that.
And yes one more thing do you americans seriously support the actions of your gov or you just come here and disagree for the sake of defending your country because you speak against all the facts and always say that your policies are right and the whole world is wrong.
For heavens sake have some shame and courage to admit what is wrong.

I cannot speak for any Americans but one, myself. I do not agree with everything my country does in the world. For example I do not agree with our total support for everything that Israel does. I believe that we should withdraw our support of Israel if it does not either (1) establish a single secular state with all Israelis and Palestinians as equal citizens or (2) agree to withdraw from all lands captured in the 1967 war with the exception of internationalizing Jerusalem. I did not agree with going into Iraq in 2003. There are many others. BUT, I do agree with drone strikes because of the safe havens that Pakistan has allowed our enemies in its territory. I do not agree with drone strikes on any part of Pakistan over which Pakistan exerts true sovereignty.
I cannot speak for any Americans but one, myself. I do not agree with everything my country does in the world. For example I do not agree with our total support for everything that Israel does. I believe that we should withdraw our support of Israel if it does not either (1) establish a single secular state with all Israelis and Palestinians as equal citizens or (2) agree to withdraw from all lands captured in the 1967 war with the exception of internationalizing Jerusalem. I did not agree with going into Iraq in 2003. There are many others.

Thank god, finally an american not supporting Israel.:yahoo:

BUT, I do agree with drone strikes because of the safe havens that Pakistan has allowed our enemies in its territory.

As far as the drones are concerned, Pakistan is not providing safe heavens to any of U.S enemies if you think we are share the intelligence with us and if the Pakistani Forces don't take action I'm sure U.S is in the position to exert its pressure economically :azn:
Stop the aid, don't give us F-16's our exports to U.S which is more then all the exports to all other countries in the world put together and trust me I will be the first Pakistani to support U.S for their rightful demand of eliminating terrorists from Pakistan.

We heard everyone saying Osama is in Pakistan and then one of your senior most official said we lost track of him 6/7 years ago.
If you know someone is somewhere you know exactly where otherwise you are just making guesses.

I do not agree with drone strikes on any part of Pakistan over which Pakistan exerts true sovereignty.

Pakistan is a sovereign country and all the areas inside its international borders is the responsibility of Pakistan. See the drones you attack with not only kills terrorists but also innocent civilians and that creates problems for us, hatred for U.S and gives an opportunity to the terrorists to brainwash people easily to use them against you and us.
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Pak cautions US against Quetta strikes

NEW YORK: A senior Pakistani official told Los Angeles Times if the US went ahead with its plan to launch drone strikes in Quetta then it would be ‘the end of the road’ for the US-Pakistan cooperation in the fight against extremist groups.

‘We are not a banana republic,’ said the official involved in discussions on security issues with the Obama administration. The official bristled at the suggestion that Pakistan had been reluctant to target militants in Quetta, saying US assertions about the city’s role as a sanctuary had been exaggerated. ‘We keep hearing that there is a shadow government in Quetta, but we have never been given actionable intelligence.

Pakistan is prepared to pursue Taliban leaders, including Omar, even when the intelligence is imprecise,’ he said. ‘Even if a compound 1km by 1km is identified, we will go find him.’ But, he added, ‘for the past two years we haven’t heard anything more.’

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Pak cautions US against Quetta strikes
NEW YORK: A senior Pakistani official told Los Angeles Times if the US went ahead with its plan to launch drone strikes in Quetta then it would be ‘the end of the road’ for the US-Pakistan cooperation in the fight against extremist groups.

‘We are not a banana republic,’ said the official involved in discussions on security issues with the Obama administration. The official bristled at the suggestion that Pakistan had been reluctant to target militants in Quetta, saying US assertions about the city’s role as a sanctuary had been exaggerated. ‘We keep hearing that there is a shadow government in Quetta, but we have never been given actionable intelligence.

Pakistan is prepared to pursue Taliban leaders, including Omar, even when the intelligence is imprecise,’ he said. ‘Even if a compound 1km by 1km is identified, we will go find him.’ But, he added, ‘for the past two years we haven’t heard anything more.’

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Pak cautions US against Quetta strikes
I am sure Mullah Omar is in helmand , where he was during US invasion, as per muslim history muslim army cammander always remain in the battle field.:D
What the hell is this?

Why Pakistan cannot just tell America loud and clear that they are not allowed to do this?

If India moves a muscle, the politicians declare it a war situation at once. But USA is f*cking the country like anything and all you have got to say is - "we will cut the supply lines"? If one country bombs the lands of other country without proper permissions, then its nothing but a war.

If Pakistanis don't wake up even now, USA is going to bomb Quetta. Make no mistake there. GoP is just incapable of resisting USA on the table. If you really don't want to see drones flying above Quetta, then its time to put all the pressure in the world on GoP. :agree:
What the hell is this?

Why Pakistan cannot just tell America loud and clear that they are not allowed to do this?

If India moves a muscle, the politicians declare it a war situation at once. But USA is f*cking the country like anything and all you have got to say is - "we will cut the supply lines"? If one country bombs the lands of other country without proper permissions, then its nothing but a war.

If Pakistanis don't wake up even now, USA is going to bomb Quetta. Make no mistake there. GoP is just incapable of resisting USA on the table. If you really don't want to see drones flying above Quetta, then its time to put all the pressure in the world on GoP. :agree:

Even though I hate it sometimes when you talk about Pakistan, but the above is nothing but facts and in fact the very sentiments of any Pakistani. We unfortunately have people sitting on the top who will literally sell them selves if any gain can be made out of it. I hope and pray to Allah that the regular Joe on the street and the honest parliamentarians wake up now cause it will be a case of too little too late if we wait longer.
"If one country bombs the lands of other country without proper permissions, then its nothing but a war."

I agree. Do something about it as I submit that when one country harbors proxy armies to wage war upon a neighbor and forty other nations then it, too, is nothing but a war.


"If one country bombs the lands of other country without proper permissions, then its nothing but a war."

I agree. Do something about it as I submit that when one country harbors proxy armies to wage war upon a neighbor and forty other nations then it, too, is nothing but a war.



Your arrogance have no boundaries, there were nations before you and there probably will be after. And talking about the proxies funny eh try looking in the mirror for once.
"If one country bombs the lands of other country without proper permissions, then its nothing but a war."

I agree. Do something about it as I submit that when one country harbors proxy armies to wage war upon a neighbor and forty other nations then it, too, is nothing but a war.



Agreed 40 nations are fighting with Mullah Omar from last eight years even could not detect him , highly desperate satuation , we could understand frastration level of your Generals and pressure on President Obama.

I told you many times he has devine powers and invisible army :D
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GOP's acknowledgment for its responsibility is not important as we as Pakistanis know they are being carried out with their consent and are very critical of it and we don't support our Gov for their act, unlike most of you who support the unfair and aggressive acts of your gov based upon falsehood.
That is the difference, have the courage to admit your mistakes. Rectification phase comes after that.

But these drone attacks are killing alot of innocent pakistanis, dont they? GoP tried alot to protest against these attacks but took them nowhere.
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