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Obama says the U.S. will lead the world for the next 100 years. China disagrees.

Sanction China is very easy said than done. Are you forgetting the fact that our trade volume with USA and EURO worth over $1 trillion? Sanction goes both ways. Sanction us, yes we will suffer immensely but let assure that we won't sit back and not retaliate. After all, how do you sanction one with $4 trillion dollar reserve, your global engine for growth, and basically your creditor? I have to disagree with you. Yes the West's share of technology is still huge but we caught up with most of it. While our quality is still not up to Western standard, it is enough to replace the West product. We are self-sufficient. There is also the question of retaliation that you must take into account. Our basic products make inflation in America bearable and our market make US corps very profitable. Do you know that US corps stock and quarter profit continue to rise despite the so called declining US's economy? All thanks to China.

Right now, China needs Western consumers more than the West needs Chinese consumers. Also, Europe doesn't depend on Chinese energy sources, as it does on Russia's.

I am not saying there wouldn't be pain for the West in any economic sanctions, but China is more vulnerable in this regard than Russia is.

Of course, as Chinese consumers become richer over time, the balance will shift in China's favor.
Right now, China needs Western consumers more than the West needs Chinese consumers. Also, Europe doesn't depend on Chinese energy sources, as it does on Russia's.

I am not saying there wouldn't be pain for the West in any economic sanctions, but China is more vulnerable in this regard than Russia is.

Of course, as Chinese consumers become richer over time, the balance will shift in China's favor.
Not true, not true. To understand, you need to know what we actually trade with the West (USA + EU). The West consumers consume mostly low-end products from us and the re-export type products which are produce by 3rd parties (US, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, etc..) in China but pass off the export value to China. Meanwhile, the West exports high-end and luxury products to China which is the bulk of very profitable business. While Europe doesn't depend on our energy, they do depend on China for growth and keeping inflation down as our products make things cheap all around. Germany, for instance, has huge trade surplus with us. Trading is always a two-ways street. I am confident in trade war, they will back down just like the Solar industry dispute. Remember? We threaten France and they back down? And let not even talk about the US sanction on us. I mean, who are we kidding here? They owe us a lot of money. We fund their spending.
Not true, not true. To understand, you need to know what we actually trade with the West (USA + EU). The West consumers consume mostly low-end products from us and the re-export type products which are produce by 3rd parties (US, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, etc..) in China but pass off the export value to China. Meanwhile, the West exports high-end and luxury products to China which is the bulk of very profitable business. While Europe doesn't depend on our energy, they do depend on China for growth and keeping inflation down as our products make things cheap all around. Germany, for instance, has huge trade surplus with us. Trading is always a two-ways street. I am confident in trade war, they will back down just like the Solar industry dispute. Remember? We threaten France and they back down? And let not even talk about the US sanction on us. I mean, who are we kidding here? They owe us a lot of money. We fund their spending.

You may be right that China has reached a point where the West's options would be limited. Certainly, the direct military option is off the table since China has a credible threat of retaliation.

Perhaps the only option is the indirect option to support countries who resist China.
Democracy is slowly showing its sight of weakness as many western countries are crumpling.
...and this statement is why communists China will not become the world leader it aspires to be any time soon. Obama's statement is about more than American economic or military power. It's about the trajectory of the world toward representative government, market economies, guaranteed individual rights and the transparent rule of law. As to "weak" democracies, the democratic West has heard that now for decades and decades, (Krushchev's "We will bury you!" comes to mind.), by totalitarians, tyrants and dictators, all of whom...we defeated.

The "gold standard" that normal nations aspire to now, is to model themselves on democracy, freedom and individual rights, private property, market economies, free trade, etc. Those countries that are on a different path, as Putin seems to be taking, or as some Chinese who have a revisionists fantasy view of Mao often state, will soon find themselves frozen out of the normalized world of free trade, innovation, and democratic values. America will always be an important, if not the most important player on the world stage, as long as the world embraces those values.
US if far from being overthrown from its current super power status. In the long run i believe both US-China will find a compromising solution to accomodate concers & interest of each other. It won't be like US-USSR but would be more open and dynamic and sustainable. Other powers (like brazil & russia) and wet dreaming open defecators will have to contend themselves with being junior partners of either of the 2.

I suspect that you are referring to Bangladesh there. You should really be more optimistic about your nation :D
...and this statement is why communists China will not become the world leader it aspires to be any time soon. Obama's statement is about more than American economic or military power. It's about the trajectory of the world toward representative government, market economies, guaranteed individual rights and the transparent rule of law. As to "weak" democracies, the democratic West has heard that now for decades and decades, (Krushchev's "We will bury you!" comes to mind.), by totalitarians, tyrants and dictators, all of whom...we defeated.

The "gold standard" that normal nations aspire to now, is to model themselves on democracy, freedom and individual rights, private property, market economies, free trade, etc. Those countries that are on a different path, as Putin seems to be taking, or as some Chinese who have a revisionists fantasy view of Mao often state, will soon find themselves frozen out of the normalized world of free trade, innovation, and democratic values. America will always be an important, if not the most important player on the world stage, as long as the world embraces those values.

Yes,yes. When you don't like it. Just invent some lies of WMD and invade another countries to assert your control. JUst like how some shall sponsor some dictatorship ruling state like old Iran Shah and Saudi Fat King. Democracy? My Foot!
Yes,yes. When you don't like it. Just invent some lies of WMD and invade another countries to assert your control. JUst like how some shall sponsor some dictatorship ruling state like old Iran Shah and Saudi Fat King. Democracy? My Foot!
We supported Iran's "old Shah" because anyone at that time who knew Iran's internal situation, knew that the strongest opposition to the Shah was not forces of democracy, but the forces of medieval Islamic extremism. That has proven to be more than the case, following his departure. Iran became and still is, far more brutal and undemocratic in the treatment of her own people, than she ever was under the monarchy. That does not mean that America would have liked to have seen, as she does in the KSA, a gradual and eventual transition to a constitutional monarchy. As the Shah himself said when asked by a Swedish reporter why he didn't simply govern his subjects like the King of Sweden does. He replied, "I will be happy to, when we all start behaving like Swedes and embrace their ideals of democracy, but the Mullas do not want that".
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We supported Iran's "old Shah" because anyone at that time who knew Iran's internal situation, knew that the strongest opposition to the Shah was not forces of democracy, but the forces of medieval Islamic extremism. That has proven to be more than the case, fallowing his departure. Iran became and still is, far more brutal and undemocratic in the treatment of her own people, than she ever was under the monarchy. That does not mean that America would have liked to have seen, as she does in the KSA, a gradual and eventual transition to a constitutional monarchy. As the Shah himself said when asked by a Swedish reporter why he didn't simply govern his subject like the King of Sweden does. He replied, "I will be happy to, when we all start behaving like Swedes and embrace their ideals of democracy, but the Mullas do not want that"

So much excuse from our American counterpart. Be a man and admit it rather than inventing more lies to cover up another. :no:

This show the double face of American. Their so called democracy is deemed for westerner and others not.
So much excuse from our American counterpart. Be a man and admit it rather than inventing more lies to cover up another. :no:

This show the double face of American. Their so called democracy is deemed for westerner and others not.
Admit what? I think I just did. News flash, not every country is ready for democracy! How's that?
Admit what? I think I just did. News flash, not every country is ready for democracy! How's that?

Let me just tell the truth. America so called democracy is never about spreading human right and giving freedom to its people. When the US government hold on its people is threaten, freedom is redundant as demonstrated reveal by snowden the wide abuse of infringing the right of any US individual by accessing their data and personnel info thru tapping and unauthourise access.

US will allies with any countries even its dictatorship that just serve the US personal own interest to help them maintain global domination. Spreading democracy is just a smokescreen to fool those ignorant. Even it mean killing few hundred millions of other races, I can bet US is willing to do it for her selfish purpose.
US will allies with any countries even its dictatorship that just serve the US personal own interest to help them maintain global domination. Spreading democracy is just a smokescreen to fool those ignorant. Even it mean killing few hundred millions of other races, I can bet US is willing to do it for her selfish purpose.
That statement takes real chutzpah, coming from a citizen of a country who's sole legal political party is guilty of the greatest mass murder in all of human history. :agree:
That statement takes real chutzpah, coming from a citizen of a country who's sole legal political party is guilty of the greatest mass murder in all of human history. :agree:

Nonsense, So much of your american lie. And China is not double faced scum. Do we go around champion about democracy while acting like a dictator? At least China admit she is not perfect and not talking about spreading fake freedom. But you American talking about freedom but outright supporting dictator and destroying others freedom. That is outright hypocrite.

Iran shah, saudi arabia, Iraq saddam hussein, South Vietnam corrupted regime. Do you want me to go on?
Nonsense, So much of your american lie. And China is not double faced scum. Do we go around champion about democracy while acting like a dictator? At least China admit she is not perfect and not talking about spreading fake freedom. But you American talking about freedom but outright supporting dictator and destroying others freedom. That is outright hypocrite.

Iran shah, saudi arabia, Iraq saddam hussein, South Vietnam corrupted regime. Do you want me to go on?
No, the fact that you think Mao's genocide, known throughout the world, is just some Western lie is enough to tell me that you are living in a fantasy world. Hard to argue with someone like that.
No, the fact that you think Mao's genocide, known throughout the world, is just some Western lie is enough to tell me that you are living in a fantasy world. Hard to argue with someone like that.

That part is irrelevant in this context. A person fault and it becomes whole Chinese burden? How about you admit US do support some dictatorship just to support her selfish interest? What not prepared for democracy and in the transition with dictator for democracy is just some face saving measures of you Americans to cover up your more American lies. Bingo! :lol:

American is just some double face hypocrite. They sweet talk to you in front while holding a knife at back, ready to stab you when you turn your back.
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