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Obama’s India visit is Pakistan’s wake-up call: analysts

To my fellow countrymen-

Are we all missing out on the point here?
To my fellow countrymen who wish to gloat over the 'successes' of this visit, I wish to ask just these question......... was President Obama very far from the mark when he said that a stable and prosperous Pakistan is in India's best interests?

If the history of the subcontinent is so deeply interconnected, can its future be so vastly divergent?

Do we need the Americans to tell us that India and Pakistan should settle their differences mutually.......and amicably?

Is it not in our interests as Indians who aspire for our just place under the Sun to ensure that we have prosperous and happy neighbours around us.

Why is it a moral victory for us if a visiting statesman gives a statement which shows our neighbour in poor light and supposedly vindicates our stand? Surely we are bigger than that? Or are we still school boys who sulk if big daddy gives an ice cream to the other brother and not to us?

OK, I don't pretend to know the answers to these questions. But the questions remain.............

Obama unlike Cameroon walked a very tight line on Pakistan , refusing to make any specific statement , only noting that it was in the best interests of the entire region if India-Pakistan resolved their differences through dialogue .

However considering he refused to bracket Pakistan with India ( unlike Bush or Clinton before him ) , perhaps signifies a trend in which the U.S considers India because of reasons like increased economic co-operation , business deals , co-operation in civilian tech , space ,etc rather than just perceptions like maintaining the power balance , the status quo etc.

It suggests that the U.S is gradually dispensing with the Indo-Pakistan tensions from its strategic thinking , for good. And looking at the larger picture .

Now the Indo-Pakistani relationship can run its course in the background without the U.S fearing it will offend one country if it extensively deals with another. The tangles have truly been broken.....:cheers:
partly sane....

the only issue missing is that today's pakistan mess is partly due to US dealings in afghanistan. but this is an argument based on moral standing.

coming back to the more realistic world where morals dont count but interests do, US is absolutely right in not caring about the aftereffects of its actions on other countries. they have to watch their interest as their leaders are ultimately answerable to american public and similar should apply to our leaders.

now this article makes full sense. unless we could be of economic benefit to others, we are only of temporary relevance. not only our leaders but our people should also realize this and stop complaining about the immoral/unjust behavior of the other countries towards us. Everyone is for oneself in this might is right world.

but then again we want subsidies without paying taxes; we want 24/7 electricity so we could steal it; prices shouldnt go up but we will hoard. For this we need american dollars but please dont call us beggars. Understood?

Very relevant points.

It takes a great deal of effort to make changes more so when we get used to freeloading. I recall the hue & cry when electronic meters were fitted.

Even today in India farmers are not taxed which is big loophole. I am not aware of how things are in Pk but hard decisions need to be taken before its too late . Later it may spark something like a revolution.

Thanks to the PAN card virtually no commercial transaction can be hidden now in India thereby increasing tax collection.
India will never let Pakistan to be both politically and militarily strong.

We know that and thats why all those talks of friendly india by morons of all colours is merely an eyewash and Pakistanis should never believe in hypocrites.

Unless Pakistan drops its aspirations to be a military power there can be no stable Pakistan.

In other words India will stop destabilising Pakistan only when Pakistan do away with its defence.

Well thank you thats none of Indian business we know what is good for us.

A militarily strong Pakistan will always pose a threat to India

A militarily strong India is a constant thread to entire region hence all regional countries including China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nedpal and Sri Lanka should strive for strong military and defence to counter Indian bullying and Indian state terrorism which we had seen in the past.
Bangladesh Nepal and Sri-lanka will never be Anti to India because India has helped then a lot and we never support terrorism like did ........i dont want to start a flame now but its the truth.....
A militarily strong Pakistan is good for you because to drive the Taliban out of the Pakistan ..........
Dude relax. We are just having some fun. You can't take away our bragging rights :lol:

People from both countries bad mouth each other online all the time, but when they meet a person from the other side they shower them with love. Us saying anything over here does not make a difference. It is the politicians from both sides that are going to make the decisions.

Sorry to ruin your party. Please carry on with the festivities.
Very relevant points.

It takes a great deal of effort to make changes more so when we get used to freeloading. I recall the hue & cry when electronic meters were fitted.

Even today in India farmers are not taxed which is big loophole. I am not aware of how things are in Pk but hard decisions need to be taken before its too late . Later it may spark something like a revolution.

Thanks to the PAN card virtually no commercial transaction can be hidden now in India thereby increasing tax collection.

We are struggling with putting agriculture tax but not succeeded yet :)

farmers here are not taxed as well. while in India the farmers are already dying so you can not tax them either
Bangladesh Nepal and Sri-lanka will never be Anti to India because India has helped then a lot and we never support terrorism like did ........i dont want to start a flame now but its the truth.....
A militarily strong Pakistan is good for you because to drive the Taliban out of the Pakistan ..........

How does strengthening own defence against a bully amount to anti-India notion ?????????????
India will never let Pakistan to be both politically and militarily strong.

Unless Pakistan drops its aspirations to be a military power there can be no stable Pakistan. A militarily strong Pakistan will always pose a threat to India

Leave India,Pakistani military itself will not allow their political fraternity to become strong.

The last thing their military likes will b taking order from a civilian govt and this itself is the root cause of the problem of Pakistan

Military is to provide security,not to rule
How does strengthening own defence against a bully amount to anti-India notion ?????????????

Thts the reason Srilankan president says tht

Indian view matters dnt care about others

And BD want to honour Indira Gandhi for their support in BDs independence. :lol:
We are struggling with putting agriculture tax but not succeeded yet :)

farmers here are not taxed as well. while in India the farmers are already dying so you can not tax them either

Arre..sometime can we have a discussion without cynicism.

Marginal farmers obviously cannot & will not be taxed. Those with large holdings and non farmers who simply buy agricultural land to show / regularize their income ( black money as it is loosely called) as having come from agriculture & thus evade taxes is what I was referring to.
Politically stable & secure Pakistan, good for India? --> YES
Militarily strong Pakistan, good for India? --> NO

On the long term, the 2 are inter-related.

Na Na Na.
Politically stable & secure Pakistan, good for India & Pakistan? --> YES
Pakistan & India equal Military power, good for India & Pakistan? --> YES

Both side should be stable. . :cheers:
India will never let Pakistan to be both politically and militarily strong.

What do you mean by "WE WILL NEVER LET". You couldnt weaken Pakistan's military for 63 yrs. Pakistan is Military strong and will InshAllah remain Military strong. . :pakistan:
stable and politically strong pakistan is in india's favor......as a matter of fact, it is more in pakistan favors, military should be only there to take orders not delivering the orders especially in routine matters
Na Na Na.
Politically stable & secure Pakistan, good for India & Pakistan? --> YES
Pakistan & India equal Military power, good for India & Pakistan? --> YES

Both side should be stable. . :cheers:

Politically stable & secure Pakistan,China good for India & Pakistan, China? --> YES
China,Pakistan & India equal Military power, good for China,India & Pakistan? --> YES
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