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Obama promises Palestinian state within 2 years

now we are at it..
Let's assume, hypothetically, that Palestine is a reality in the near future, compromising the territory within the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and only a portion of the Palestinian refugees return, so that the population count is 6 million in the future state.
The two territories, Gaza and the West bank, will be connected via either a free passage highway running through Israeli territory, or a partial subterranean corridor, below Israeli territory. Palestine would have access to the Mediterranean sea via Gaza.
Palestine would be connected apart from Israel to Egypt via Gaza, and Jordan via the West bank.

Now the big question, since this is a defence forum, how would the Palestinians secure the existence of Palestine? what kind of alliances would they have to make, with whom? and how would the Palestinian defence forces have to look like?
Please keep this on par with reality, taking into consideration, the geo-political situation today and in the near future.
For instance, the very small area of Palestine, would realistically prevent it from having an effective air force, so what is the solution? The West bank, is a hilly area preventing effective tank warfare but perfect for defensive ambushes etc., what to do? Israel, the main adversary has one of the most technologically advanced armies in the world, how should the Palestinians face them?

join the debate!

Most interesting points you brought up. I was think of doing a land swap with Gaza so Palestine becomes contiguous, but what you propose is better.

I think a sub-terrain tunnel is the best option. This would also allow Israel to be connected, and wouldn't require a road through it. Israel would have access to Mediterian and Arab sea, and Palestine would have access to Mediteranian AND Egypt (along with Jordan).

Thus the land route can be complete from Africa to Middle East (and onwards). This would also serve as a major commercial and tourist function. Imagine the toll fees Palestine can make. From this a major joint-alliance can be made between Palestine + Egypt / Jordan / Syria / Iran.

This might actually be doable. Let's hope both sides compromise to bring peace.
Only viable option would be to land swap, Gaza strip land handed over to Israel and similar amount land given to Palestine state surrounding West Bank.

Any thing other than the obove solution is fraught with too many risks and Peace wont return to the holyland.

People talking about Highway / Sub Terreraian route is not feasable - Both Economically and security wise.
Most interesting points you brought up. I was think of doing a land swap with Gaza so Palestine becomes contiguous, but what you propose is better.

I think a sub-terrain tunnel is the best option. This would also allow Israel to be connected, and wouldn't require a road through it. Israel would have access to Mediterian and Arab sea, and Palestine would have access to Mediteranian AND Egypt (along with Jordan).

Thus the land route can be complete from Africa to Middle East (and onwards). This would also serve as a major commercial and tourist function. Imagine the toll fees Palestine can make. From this a major joint-alliance can be made between Palestine + Egypt / Jordan / Syria / Iran.

This might actually be doable. Let's hope both sides compromise to bring peace.

Well, a land swap where Gaza is swapped with an area adjacent to the West bank would mean that Palestine would not have access to the Mediterranean sea, which I see as a major strategic loss.
For instance the future trade from Palestine would probably be with the EU and not so much the arab world.
A seaport in Gaza would mean a direct and unobstructed trade line between the EU and Palestine. All trade and goods would then have to go through either Jordan or Israel, and both countries would most likely impose taxes or toll on goods, hence having both control over goods and prices. A seaside territory, can generate tourist income, as the Weather in Gaza is sunny most year. Palestine would loose its connection to Egypt, which could be a major problem in wartime.
And most importantly you would need to uproot 1.5 million people and relocate them to different areas resulting in potential social problems etc.
A tunnel linking the WB and Gaza, would at shortest be 30miles long (48km) making it the world's third longest tunnel probably costing around $3-4 billion (conservative estimate) and who will pay this amount?
Secondly, Israel would in case of conflict target the tunnel as one of the first things, separating the Wb and Gaza, money and lives lost.
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You are correct about the importance of having Gaza as a sea port.

In general you sound too pessimistic and a lot of it is understandable. And I too think Obama may not be able to 'deliver' for Palestinians. But I don't think Obama is playing games like Bush did. I don't think Obama is going to force the Palestinians to accept something worse or similar to what was offered to Arafat in Camp David in 2000 (which was a horrible Bantustan). Obama's hands are tied by The Lobby in Washington. But may be he choses to be remembered in history as a peacemaker even if it leads to his losing US elections (the Lobby is too powerful).
Let's hope for the best--and there is certainly more hope now than it was in early late December when Bush watched with apathy while Gazans were being slaughtered by the criminal state of Israel.
The world wishes you the best. I am quite optimistic that there will be a unilateral declaration of independence by S. Fayyad govt. in the second half of 2011 along the Green Line and that act will be recognized by the UNSC. That act will result in an automatic designation of Israel as an occupying power in the W. Bank. The rest will fall in place as a result of land-swap, sharing of the holy sites, tunnel between Gaza-W.Bank, and some kind of solution to the refugee problem.
President warns Israel over peace talks deadlock

JERUSALEM, May 2, 2010 - 12:00AM

US PRESIDENT Barack Obama has warned Israel that he will pave the way for an independent Palestinian state if the peace process is still deadlocked in September.

Mr Obama is proposing that, unless there is a breakthrough, the international community take over the Middle East peace process, Israeli officials have said.

Mr Obama has formulated a secret plan with European allies to convene an international peace conference by the end of the year, Israel's Ha'aretz newspaper reports.

The move would fulfil one of Israel's deepest fears by effectively stripping it of its power to dictate the course of the talks.

The conference would attempt to end decades of Israeli-Palestinian conflict by pressing both sides to accept compromises on issues ranging from the future of Palestinian refugees to the status of Jerusalem. Mr Obama is also eager to gain international recognition for the creation of a Palestinian state.

Officials in the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed dismay at reports that Mr Obama was planning a takeover of negotiations by imposing his own peace deal on the two sides and said such a step would undermine indirect talks brokered by the US, to start this week.

Mr Obama's efforts to broker a peace deal have faltered badly. Trust between the two sides has all but evaporated in a row over Mr Netanyahu's settlement policy in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

President warns Israel over peace talks deadlock
Obama promised Abbas a Palestinian state within two years

By Haaretz Service

U.S. President Barack Obama told Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas that he was committed to seeing the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state within two years, an Egyptian official told the Arabic-language daily Al-Hayat on Thursday.

Obama promised Abbas that the United States would make great effort to help see that Palestinian goal achieved, the official told the London-based newspaper.

The official also told Al-Hayat that Israel had rejected special U.S. envoy George Mitchell's proposal to withdraw Israel Defense Forces troops from Palestinian-occupied sections of the West Bank, as it did on the eve of the Second Intifada in 2000.

According to the report, Israel told Mitchell that it could not guarantee such a move before beginning direct peace negotiations with the Palestinian Authority.

In place of withdrawing troops, the official told Al-Hayat, Israel offered other goodwill gestures, such as removing checkpoints and releasing certain Palestinian prisoners.

Last week, Abbas urged the Obama administration to impose a solution to the Middle East conflict that would give his people an independent state, and rejected the idea of creating a state within temporary borders.

"Mr. President [Barack Obama] and members of the American administration, since you believe in this [an independent Palestinian state], it is your duty to take steps toward a solution and to impose this solution," Abbas said in a speech to his Fatah party.

Abbas' appeal to Obama came amid widespread media reports that the U.S. president was considering floating a proposal that would set the contours of a final peace deal.

Report: Obama promised Abbas a Palestinian state within two years - Haaretz - Israel News

How many times has it been promised by the Americans so far ? There won't be any shortage of excuses to go back on this kind of fake promise.
And i promise you il be able to fly in two years :coffee:. All TALK TALK TALK. Nothings gonna happen and everyone knows that.
Obama promised Abbas a Palestinian state within two years

By Haaretz Service

U.S. President Barack Obama told Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas that he was committed to seeing the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state within two years, an Egyptian official told the Arabic-language daily Al-Hayat on Thursday.

Obama promised Abbas that the United States would make great effort to help see that Palestinian goal achieved, the official told the London-based newspaper.

The official also told Al-Hayat that Israel had rejected special U.S. envoy George Mitchell's proposal to withdraw Israel Defense Forces troops from Palestinian-occupied sections of the West Bank, as it did on the eve of the Second Intifada in 2000.

According to the report, Israel told Mitchell that it could not guarantee such a move before beginning direct peace negotiations with the Palestinian Authority.

In place of withdrawing troops, the official told Al-Hayat, Israel offered other goodwill gestures, such as removing checkpoints and releasing certain Palestinian prisoners.

Last week, Abbas urged the Obama administration to impose a solution to the Middle East conflict that would give his people an independent state, and rejected the idea of creating a state within temporary borders.

"Mr. President [Barack Obama] and members of the American administration, since you believe in this [an independent Palestinian state], it is your duty to take steps toward a solution and to impose this solution," Abbas said in a speech to his Fatah party.

Abbas' appeal to Obama came amid widespread media reports that the U.S. president was considering floating a proposal that would set the contours of a final peace deal.

Report: Obama promised Abbas a Palestinian state within two years - Haaretz - Israel News
its a lie..................
now we have speculated politics. This is a defence forum for God's sake
so let's assume a state is created, how on earth would the Palestinians ensure its survival? militarily speaking.
It would consist of two territories roughly 30 miles apart, one steep and hilly the other a mini and flat seaside territory.
How should a Palestinian defence force look like?
Is a small air force an illusion due to the very small airspace?
How about armored forces?
A navy I guess, although would be extreemly small, I think is not impossible
How about radars and sensors? air defence?
give us your opinion

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