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Obama overrated India's progress, analysts say

Luckily most nations of this world aren't that stupid. Example, the ASEAN has just sign a cooperation agreement with China, despite, US efforts to turn the region against China over the S. China sea. How smart India will be, remains to be seen.

Thats because now the world knows how US dumped her allies and how they attacked various nations .You can fool a person one time ,two time but not every time .

World know who is culprit specially with the change in paradigm nations are loosing there dependency on US and moving more towards other emerging nations
I think Obama and other Americans tend to bracket India with China out of a fear for China and what it represents. They in some ways just can't explain China. America and the west have fashioned a very specific set of criteria to be successful in the world. China by ignoring these, is defying their logic. The new paradigm they then came up with is that of the developing world versus the developed world.

They then can explain away China's success as not being a result of its unique society or system of organization (which they find abhorrent), but rather China is doing well because it is a developing nation along with a democratic, comprehensible India. They do this without really coming up with a meaningful definition of what it means to be a developing nation.
Agreed. And if the US regarded India as any sort of threat at all, this so-called approval of its political system would vanish just like that. Look at US sanctions against India during the 70s and 80s.

US-India friendship is based purely on a mutual enemy.

Luckily most nations of this world aren't that stupid. Example, the ASEAN has just sign a cooperation agreement with China, despite, US efforts to turn the region against China over the S. China sea. How smart India will be, remains to be seen.
Winning over ASEAN was really a huge coup for China. With ASEAN slightly leaning toward China, the US will have a difficult time trying to contain China in South China Sea.

Once China gains control of the South China Sea, it controls the sea lanes of both Japan and South Korea. This gives China serious leverage over all of East Asia.

India will still try to pull China into a two-front war of course. A Second Indo-Chinese War is inevitable. If ASEAN is pro-China, then we can bring ASEAN into a military alliance together with Pakistan, Nepal Maoists, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to encircle and defeat India.

First strike Southwest! Then strike East! That should be China's plan in a two front war.

Seeing the recent defence deals we made with them, i think that we are following what is best for us.
Yes, India thinks it has a chance to gain superiority over China by buying advanced weapons from the West.

That would depend on how intelligent China will be. It is not the U.S. scaring India, it is the Chinese pushing India into the arms of the U.S. True actually for the rest of Asia, very few are buying the "peaceful rise of China" story.
For China's friends, China's rise is peaceful. For China's enemies, China's rise is not peaceful! It seems India has chosen. It will have to live with the consequences.

That would have been a masterstroke for China, since without India, the rest of the asian branch of the anti-China alliance would be very weak & might have run up against India's own plans for the Indian Ocean region.

While Obama may have overstated India's rise, China/Chinese are guilty of understating the same.
India's role is nothing more than cannon fodder for US. It is impossible for India to beat China. The only question is how much resources China will need to expend to defeat India decisively.

China is not impressed with India's delusions that it can challenge China as #1 superpower in Asia by allying with USA. That is why we will not surrender to your Indian expansionist agenda. We are happy to do another 1962 if that's what is needed.
Maybe you think so, but people have different perspectives.

When India becomes one of the top five largest economies, or as influential as a P5+1 member, then maybe people will start to change their minds.

But you have to actually reach that point first.

I'm sure you have a different perspective on India but please note that I haven't assigned a position on the chart for India nor have I made any comparisons. All I have said is that China/Chinese (incidentally your post is proof of that ) tend to understate India's position/rise as being insignificant. That is not important per se except that it leads to some miscalculation on how far a position can be pushed. China does not want to share its moment in the sun with anyone least of all with India.That may even have valid reasoning(as you did) that India is not yet in the same league but China's actions over the last year make it necessary for many to see India as a counterweight. That will only annoy Chinese more, we will see more barbs directed at India, both between the two countries as well as through proxies as in here, leading Indians to take a harder position against China; a sort of a vicious cycle.(that would also probably explain Indian & Chinese behavior here)
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I'm sure you have a different perspective on Ondia but please note that I haven't assigned a position on the chart for India nor have I made any comparisons. All I have said is that China/Chinese (incidentally your post is proof of that ) tend to understate India's position/rise as being insignificant. That is not important per se except that it leads to some miscalculation on how far a position can be pushed. China does not want to share its moment in the sun with anyone least of all with India.That may even have valid reasoning(as you did) that India is not yet in the same league but China's actions over the last year make it necessary for many to see India as a counterweight. That will only annoy Chinese more, we will see more barbs directed at India, both between the two countries as well as through proxies as in here, leading Indians to take a harder position against China; a sort of a vicious cycle.(that would also probably explain Indian & Chinese behavior here)

Overestimation is just as dangerous as underestimation.

You said that Chinese posters here tend to underestimate India, well I actually have noticed the opposite. By talking about India as a viable threat to China in today's world, I think they are overestimating India.

Future GDP is a nice thing to have, even a great thing to have. But it only exists in the future, not today.

Future predictions also have a tendency to go badly wrong. All we can count on is what we have today, and work hard for the future.
India's progress is mirage of numbers like gdp growth etc.real picture on ground level for majority of indians who are scrapping through their daily lives is far from truth.
That is not important per se except that it leads to some miscalculation on how far a position can be pushed.
The biggest miscalculation is from India. The result will be India splitting into smaller states.

China does not want to share its moment in the sun with anyone least of all with India.
Of course not. You could say we are in a different "caste." We do not regard India as a country that can possibly be a superpower in Asia. Ultimately, the truth can only be revealed by armed conflict.
Well, The Most Amusing Thing which I get to see in the Internet forums is that, the World Still thinks us to be the land of Snake charmers, Well even though There Ignorance is Strategically Important But there Views Do hurt our Sentiments... Many One Eyed Can Only see Rural India while the Urban India is Catching them up and Chasing them hard....
Obama is a big time loser troll who is still not sure what the heck is he doing to he opened the popular newspapers and pick up happy go lucky statements to please.
Obama is a big time loser troll who is still not sure what the heck is he doing to he opened the popular newspapers and pick up happy go lucky statements to please.

He knows what he is doing thats why he is doing :azn:
Well, The Most Amusing Thing which I get to see in the Internet forums is that, the World Still thinks us to be the land of Snake charmers, Well even though There Ignorance is Strategically Important But there Views Do hurt our Sentiments... Many One Eyed Can Only see Rural India while the Urban India is Catching them up and Chasing them hard....

Everyone has a different perspective .You perceive thing "A" in different manner then i do.If you as a nation will start going by everyone's word then you can't even move on

People tend to find positives out of negatives and similarly people tend to find negatives out of positives.

Its not about world its about you, how you make them perceive

.its not about external its something that comes from internal .When your own people promote you in a negative way then you cant blame externals ,do you?

Even your media ,journalists .

For example i still watch documentaries on Nat Geo made by your own people which gave impression about a backward india,its all about monekys and snakes ,i personally never visited india so have many people so what do you expect them to perceive ?

People believe what they see
Overestimation is just as dangerous as underestimation.

You said that Chinese posters here tend to underestimate India, well I actually have noticed the opposite. By talking about India as a viable threat to China in today's world, I think they are overestimating India.

Future GDP is a nice thing to have, even a great thing to have. But it only exists in the future, not today.

Future predictions also have a tendency to go badly wrong. All we can count on is what we have today, and work hard for the future.

True .you raise some valid points.but just consider the following as well.
India has a large population which still has to come to middle class, Just as China did in 80s and 90s.True that India is miles behind China, and China will replace US as the place to be in next decade,yet that does not means it will have autarky.As the salary will rise and China becomes a developed country , it's consumption will rise too and then the lower value chain jobs will again be shifted since most of the chinese would have risen in the value chain.India's hinterlands can then provide the resources required for growth in manufacturing, just as it is happening in China.

right now we are at 8% and china is chugging at 10%,so no way we are going to cross China in this decade,but we will surely be where China is today in the next decade, and you cannot deny this.

So yes future is still far ..but it is the same reason US is afraid of China because it has great potential.

China would remain a great competitor and would view India as same
Yes, India thinks it has a chance to gain superiority over China by buying advanced weapons from the West.

I don't know where u got this idea but we are only trying to replenish our depleting divisions. The number of aircrafts is already at all time low when compared to sanctioned number.
Many Chinese people just get angry at the India media. Not underestimate India.
China and India is different culture.
Whether it is criticism or praise, Chinese people do not like to be evaluated.
Because, In China, Only parents and teachers and boss can be evaluated. Otherwise, it is impolite. Chinese people will think it is "丢面子".
USA media like to talk about China, So Chinese people like to curse the USA. It was revenge.
India media like to talk about China, So some of my compatriots in this......
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