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Obama names Erdogan in list of allies

It is better to be in the "list of allies" then the "list of enemies" or "axis of evil" of the US. My impression of the article is not that Pres. Erdogan is so pro-US it's that Pres. Obama personally trusts him, doesn't mean they agree on all issues. Rather there is a mutual trust and understanding between the two head of states.
It is better to be in the "list of allies" then the "list of enemies" or "axis of evil" of the US. My impression of the article is not that Pres. Erdogan is so pro-US it's that Pres. Obama personally trusts him, doesn't mean they agree on all issues. Rather there is a mutual trust and understanding between the two head of states.

More like he is pleased with him, because he is good at following orders, master-puppet relationship.
So what exactly has PM Erdogan has done or compromised on in order to please the US? What orders has Pres. Obama given to Pres. Erdogan?
So what exactly has PM Erdogan has done or compromised on in order to please the US? What orders has Pres. Obama given to Pres. Erdogan?

He doesn't share with the people, not even with the main oppossition parties, it's all being kept secret. Typical of them.
He doesn't share with the people, not even with the main oppossition parties, it's all being kept secret. Typical of them.

Actually U.S dollar first created by Rothschilds so it is normal that it has some zionist signs.

Rothschilds are propably one of the strongest and most known family in human history and they are knonw zionists
This "friends list" is not about Turkey. It's Obama's way of getting back at Netanyahu without causing too much trouble with AIPAC. Also the incident of leaving the microphone on when Obama and Sarkozy was having that "little chat" was no accident.
This "friends list" is not about Turkey. It's Obama's way of getting back at Netanyahu without causing too much trouble with AIPAC. Also the incident of leaving the microphone on when Obama and Sarkozy was having that "little chat" was no accident.
Obviously not. But it's hardly just only for Netanyahu. Obama basically tells Zakaria his foreign policy method, his ability to work closely with other leaders and benefits of such close working relationships. There is no need to search deep and find other explanations in such a small paragraph.
why does everyone think obama is an angel and he never lies?obama came on tv and that raymond davis was a diplomat but in the end he turned up as a CIA contractor
cheap diplomatic move... obama and the rest of the west are nothing but a big cowards
Nothing wrong with having good personal rapport with other world leaders, it makes everything easier.
What happend to your muslim leader? you are fakes! openly admitting to be pro-us,while for years accusing the kemalists for the same thing, just hypocrisy and double standarts i rest my case!

What the hell you mean 'Muslim Leader'? The man is a Freaking PM not a Prophet! To be honest i never actually said that kemalists is anti or Pro US so your argument doesnt make any sense at all, Why dont you actually make a decent comment before you talk about hypocisy will ye?
Well let's see what's going to happen, I'm not that interested in what the world thinks atm, but more interested in seeing some disclosures on the new constitution. I hope they will disclose the draft of a new constitution a good while ahead to give the people time to react to it. Let's see whether they'll rush it through...
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