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Obama Bombs a Hospital: War Crime, or Historic Achievement?

US military's strategy is to invade a poor and defenceless country, line up all the women and children, rape and kill them and brag what a superpower military it is.

Raping women, killing children, bombing hospitals, bombing schools while young children are trying to learn, bombing embassies.

These are the things the US and the US military is good at.
This is why the Chinese on this forum are not taken seriously most of the time.
Another feather in the cap of American "collateral damage"....... Not a biggy, as long as it's not white Americans dying as the collateral. Only God himself can stop Yankee butchering on a global scale. One day, perhaps.
Another feather in the cap of American "collateral damage"....... Not a biggy, as long as it's not white Americans dying as the collateral. Only God himself can stop Yankee butchering on a global scale. One day, perhaps.

According to the US-flagged weirdo above, you just made yourself one of those "not taken seriously most of the time."

A hospital is protected in the Geneva Convention, but only as long it is not used for military purposes. Treating war casualties is not a military purpose,
but using the hospital as an observation post or firing from it render it legal for an attack.

Unlike other civilian structures, hospitals have extra protection, since when military use has been detected, the hospital must be contacted and given warning that the military activities must cease.

If it does cease, then the hospital must be left alone, but if it continues then, like any military target, it can be attacked. There is always an issue of proportion.

It is unclear who is responsible if the Afghan Army requests the US Air Force,
to make an Air Strike vs a hospital.
The responibility definitely ends at the Air Force level, since the Instruction Manual
makes these rules clear.
Thus, I do not see Obama beeing responsible for these bombings.
He is responsible for having a real investigation completed,
and that possible dereliction of duty by US soldiers gets proper handling.

Obama promised a full and fair investigation. The results will show what really happened.
Accidental Casualties: American Bombs Striking the Wrong Targets


War always has consequences, the worst of them the death of civilians. In every major conflict there will always be those who will suffer a fate meant for the aggressor on the other side of the conflict.

“Christmas bombing” Bach Mai Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam, 1972


Bach Mai Hospital, the largest and finest in Northern Vietnam at the time, was destroyed by the US infamous B-52 bombers on December 19th and 22nd, 1972, claiming lives of 28 doctors, nurses and pharmacists.

Infant Formula Production Plant, Abu Ghraib, Iraq, 1991

An Infant Formula Production Plant in Abu Ghraib, a suburb of Baghdad, was bombed by US-led coalition on January 21st, 1991, after claims it was used as biological weapons facility.

Air Raid Shelter, Amiriyah, Iraq, 1991

#OnThisDay 1991 US planes bomb #Baghdad. Hit 'Human Shield' air-raid shelter. 500 dead. VIDEO @ITNSOURCE #Reuters

A purposeful strike of two guided missiles on an air raid shelter in Baghdad neighborhood Amiriyah on February 13th, 1991, killed at least 408 civilians. The US military claimed they were targeting a command-and-control structure of the Iraqi army.

Médecins Sans Frontières Hospital, Mogadishu, Somalia, 1993

American and Turkish forces under the mandate of the UN peacekeeping mission in Somalia bombed the Digfer Hospital on July 20th, 1993, where Médecins Sans Frontières were operating, killing three patients and severely damaging the facility.

Pharmaceutical factory Al Shifa, Khartoum, Sudan, 1998


Thirteen US cruise missiles targeted the Al Shifa pharmaceutical factory on August 20th, 1998, the major production facility for medicines at the time in Sudan. The strike claimed life of one person, injuring 11 others. As the factory was producing 90% of pharmacy for Sudanese population, the facility destruction also caused an unknown number of people to die from various diseases.

Hospital and marketplace, Niš, Serbia, 1999

A US-led coalition bombarded a hospital and a marketplace with cluster bombs in the southern Serbian city of Niš on May 7th, 1999, killing 3 people in the hospital and not less than 12 at the outdoor market, dozens were injured.

Hospital, Belgrade, Serbia, 1999


NATO warplanes hit the Dr Dragiša Mišović hospital in Belgrade with two cruise missiles on May 20th, 1999, killing three patients and one employee, leaving many more wounded.

In total, there were reportedly 6 hospitals damaged in US-led air raids and missile strikes in the 1999 Serbian campaign.

Serbian sources insisted on the death toll of not less than 2,000 civilians as a result of NATO air strikes, whereas Human Right Watch estimated civilian deaths up to 528 people.

Red Cross Complex, Kabul, Afghanistan, 2001

Two attacks on the complex housing of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Kabul took place in October 2001. The Red Cross told the US-led coalition its exact locations in Kabul before the second strike took place on October 26th, only 10 days after the first one. The air raids destroyed warehouses with food and other relief goods, leaving 55,000 without necessary supplies.

Maternity Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq, 2003


US warplanes bombarded a maternity hospital of the International Red Crescent on April 2nd, 2003, killing several people and injuring 27 more, including medical personnel.
OMG, since last time I was here, now more and more dude who know nothing about SOP on calling airstrike speak up and make this already idiotic topic more idiotic. If you @TaiShang et el don't know the SOP and Geneva Convention, it would be wise for you to stop commenting, it will only embarrasses you and the victim further.

Calling an airstrike have to follow a standard protocol (Standard Operational Procedure or SOP) before a strike can be established.

In this case, when the Afghans Ground force called the air strike, the airstrike request will be connected to JSOC command center. Then relay to either FOB based Forward controller or CCP or TACP.

At this time, controller for the airstrike will determine if the target is legitimate by consulting "the log" and also consulting a JAG officer on duty regarding civilian proximity and legitimacy of target. Only if both clear, can an Airstrike proceed.

And no, Combat Hospital may or may not fall under Geneva Convention protection. To comply with GCP, the hospital must broadcast their location using plain message (ie not coded) system every 20 minutes and have to be Positively identify the structure (Usually by marking it with a BIG RED CROSS). Hospital cannot have any offensive weapon, nor cannot be used to shelter soldier/fighter for any side beside the wounded. Basically, if Taliban, even unarmed are staying in the hospital ground, as long as they are unhurt/unwounded. That Hospital would lose the protection status and become a legitimate target.

Now, there could be a number of reason beside US intentionally bomb the hospital

  • The afghan may call the wrong coord (Hence when the controller check with day log it won't find the hospital) or
  • If the controller heard and repeat a wrong coord (Same thing) or
  • If the pilot put the wrong coord into the system (if not lazing) or
  • If the pilot disobey a direct order by firing on a illegitimate target or
  • If there are able bodies Taliban fighter on ground (Which would negate the protection status)
  • Or if the hospital reported a wrong coord
  • Any mechanical failure
Before pointing the finger like an idiot like the OP, do wait for the official report on the incident, or you will ended up like embarrassing yourselves like the OP
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When did we start caring about the opinions of weirdos? :D
For those of US who have served in the military -- we do not. :D

And no, Combat Hospital may or may not fall under Geneva Convention protection. To comply with GCP, the hospital must broadcast their location using plain message (ie not coded) system every 20 minutes and have to be Positively identify the structure (Usually by marking it with a BIG RED CROSS). Hospital cannot have any offensive weapon, nor cannot be used to shelter soldier/fighter for any side beside the wounded. Basically, if Taliban, even unarmed are staying in the hospital ground, as long as they are unhurt/unwounded. That Hospital would lose the protection status and become a legitimate target.
Come now...These ya-hoos are not interested in the nitty-gritty details of the GC. Your paragraph alone is enough to make them pop their head gaskets, let alone taking the time to read the entire documents and their legal attachments throughout the yrs.
Hitting the wrong targets since 1972: the ‪#‎MSF‬ hospital bombing is not the first time when US forces 'accidentally' caused a tragedy.

Oh my god,you are the one who can point out syria and afganistan in the map,You are a genius aussie,really.Your country must be proud of you!LOL

Pity, You can't say the same...
All Your postings seems to contain no useful information whatsoever.
Then again, I got bored after reading a few.
For those of US who have served in the military -- we do not. :D

Come now...These ya-hoos are not interested in the nitty-gritty details of the GC. Your paragraph alone is enough to make them pop their head gaskets, let alone taking the time to read the entire documents and their legal attachments throughout the yrs.

Man, these walking morons have their own set of Geneva Convention, that is, under their definition, everything the American do is illegal.......

Well, you had been debating these internet know-how for ages, since when did they play by the book? Better yet, had any of them actually saw a book before?

Oh my god,you are the one who can point out syria and afganistan in the map,You are a genius aussie,really.Your country must be proud of you!LOL

By the way, I am Chinese, not just Aussie
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Man, these walking morons have their own set of Geneva Convention, that is, under their definition, everything the American do is illegal.......

Well, you had been debating these internet know-how for ages, since when did they play by the book? Better yet, had any of them actually saw a book before?

lol 你是弱智殘童 no 2? 還是腦殘戰士二號?

Well, I am not gonna stop you from being Idiot Number 2

By the way, I am Chinese, not just Aussie
Huh,haven't you bragged no one except you knows the location of Syria?And what's these name calling?
Huh,haven't you bragged no one except you knows the location of Syria?And what's these name calling?

Well, I did not brag about I know where Syria is located,knowing where Syria is nothing to brag about, it may get you a C in geography. But on the other hand, can't say the same to those who saying something while those clueless individual have no idea where Syria is.

That is not the same as bragging about something there are nothing to brag about, knowing the location is basic , everyone should have know. Yet the one that are the crying the loudest here are the one who doesn't know. Shame

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