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Obama Bombs a Hospital: War Crime, or Historic Achievement?


Apr 30, 2014
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Taiwan, Province Of China
Obama Bombs a Hospital: War Crime, or Historic Achievement?

If the U.S. is actually responsible for bombing a hospital full of volunteer doctors and maimed Afghanis — and there's still no way to know for certain — it would mark the first time in human history that a Nobel Peace Prize winner bombed a fellow Peace Prize recipient. That counts for something, right?

Historians agree that the historic murder of peace prize winners by a peace prize winner would have been even more historic if it had been done with a baseball bat. Next time?
For anyone vaguely familiar with U.S. foreign policy, October 3, 2015 was much like any other day: Some bombs were dropped, some people died, and yadda yadda yadda. In the annals of U.S. hospital/school/wedding bombings, the massacre which occurred in Kunduz, Afghanistan was more or less standard operating procedure.

Except this particular hospital was operated by English-speaking volunteer doctors who were once awarded the same peace prize that Barack Obama currently keeps in his desk drawer. To make matters slightly more difficult to sweep under the rug, the volunteer doctors repeatedly advised the U.S. military of the exact GPS coordinates of the hospital. They did so most recently on September 29, just five days before the strike. Beyond that, MSF personnel at the facility “frantically” called U.S. military officials during the strike to advise them that the hospital was being hit and to plead with them to stop, but the strikes continued in a “sustained” manner for 30 more minutes.

How would the Pentagon normally respond to a “regrettable boo-boo” such as this? Let us consult the best-selling U.S. Army field manual, So You Committed a War Crime. Now What?

1. Plausible deniability. For example: “It could have been the Taliban Air Force”. If this doesn't work, then:

2. Blame the brown-people government of the brown-people country that you are currently occupying. If this doesn't work, then:

3. Weapons were actually being stashed at the hospital, so it was a legitimate target. If this doesn't work, then:

4. Hey, look. Another school shooting.

You would think that considering the extraordinary circumstances the Pentagon would go “off script” to handle a PR nightmare like this. Think again.

In its first article on the attack, The Washington Post also previewed this defense, quoting a “spokesman for the Afghan army’s 209th Corps in northern Afghanistan” as saying that “Taliban fighters are now hiding in ‘people’s houses, mosques and hospitals using civilians as human shields.'” AP yesterday actually claimed that it looked at a video and saw weaponry in the hospital’s windows, only to delete that claim with this correction.

Doctors Without Borders is now publicly stating that this is a war crime. Meanwhile, the U.S. military is changing its story every 30 minutes.

As you probably recall, Barack Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize for being the first half African American leader of a global empire. And now he has blown up a hospital full of actual peace-spreaders, while simultaneously bad-mouthing Russia for launching air strikes against terrorists. What more can be said of this sad episode? It reminds us of Obama's other stunning contributions to history:



And who could forget the time he used his peace trophy to advocate for more war?

Obama probably had nothing to do with the bombing. He probably gave the go ahead to militarily assist the Afghan National Army with anything that is possible, but it was probably a high ranking military official that gave the nod to conduct the strike (along with the Afghan officer that gave the coordinates) whom is responsible. Presidents don't micromanage wars, they leave that job to their military commanders.
Obama probably had nothing to do with the bombing. He probably gave the go ahead to militarily assist the Afghan National Army with anything that is possible, but it was probably a high ranking military official that gave the nod to conduct the strike (along with the Afghan officer that gave the coordinates) whom is responsible. Presidents don't micromanage wars, they leave that job to their military commanders.

Take it as the US government. Obviously Obama is mentioned in the figurative sense only, as he is the figurehead of the state. It does not matter what was the technical details of communication, but, as the figurehead, he will be held responsible, at least, morally.

What is more interesting to me is this part:


How would the Pentagon normally respond to a “regrettable boo-boo” such as this? Let us consult the best-selling U.S. Army field manual, So You Committed a War Crime. Now What?

1. Plausible deniability. For example: “It could have been the Taliban Air Force”. If this doesn't work, then:

2. Blame the brown-people government of the brown-people country that you are currently occupying. If this doesn't work, then:

3. Weapons were actually being stashed at the hospital, so it was a legitimate target. If this doesn't work, then:

4. Hey, look. Another school shooting.
So white people bomb the hospital, blame goes to a black
So white people bomb the hospital, blame goes to a black

Not because he is a Black US citizen, but because he is the head of the state.

Why would criticize Donald Trump at this stage?

But, more important than this or that person is the way these incidents are handled. I liked the article in that it nicely highlights the usual perception management strategy in the aftermath of such incidents.

Compare this with the furor made over the Russian jets that violated Turkey air space.
The US is just trying to remove terrorists. the hospital is just collateral damage.:usflag::sniper:
U.S. killed tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq, no issue.

30 people died during an error in Afghanistan and cries of war crimes ring out.

Politics can be SO aggravating at times.
U.S. killed tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq, no issue.

30 people died during an error in Afghanistan and cries of war crimes ring out.

Politics can be SO aggravating at times.

I guess world has changed a lot since the Iraq War.

Also, the incident became an issue as it came right after the US was lecturing Russia about the likely civilian loss during the anti-terror operations in Syria.
Not because he is a Black US citizen, but because he is the head of the state.

Why would criticize Donald Trump at this stage?

But, more important than this or that person is the way these incidents are handled. I liked the article in that it nicely highlights the usual perception management strategy in the aftermath of such incidents.

Compare this with the furor made over the Russian jets that violated Turkey air space.

around Goerge Bush's time no one ever pointed finger on him but the army. Was Abu Ghraib ever blamed on GB

gotta give the papers a few days to get the full story, they like jumping the gun to get their article printed first.

General Is Said to Think Afghan Hospital Airstrike Broke U.S. Rules

Seems the GPS coordinates for the hospital were not relayed to the Pilot/ the one who gave the go ahead for the pilot.

Regardless if terrorists were firing from the hospital or not, the hospital was not warned first as per protocol.

Someone in the chain of command messed up, investigation is ongoing.

Unfortunate accident.
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It was a typical hospital bombing mission... until they realized this hospital had white people not just brown people. Now it's a big scandal. Next hospital bombing will be more careful.

They are taking the regular steps as per the article:

How would the Pentagon normally respond to a “regrettable boo-boo” such as this? Let us consult the best-selling U.S. Army field manual, So You Committed a War Crime. Now What?

1. Plausible deniability. For example: “It could have been the Taliban Air Force”. If this doesn't work, then:

2. Blame the brown-people government of the brown-people country that you are currently occupying. If this doesn't work, then:

3. Weapons were actually being stashed at the hospital, so it was a legitimate target. If this doesn't work, then:

4. Hey, look. Another school shooting.
The story was developing, some may be used to instantaneous news, but in a chaotic situation such as a war-zone, SURPRISE! things are chaotic! It takes a while to get the full story, and the media doesn't like waiting.

The General out and out acknowledged it was US error, there is no obscuring going on.

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