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NYTIMES: Kashmiri Teenagers Are Dying to Protect Militants

Seperate jammu and ladakh from valley administratively and deal with valley . Its becoming clear the valley has become radicalized and have gotten used to velvet glove tactics such as allowing large funerals for militants and giving back bodies.Ultimately we may need china model for worst affected areas.China is setting the standard and pakistanis dont seem to have a problem with it,so i don't think they will have a problem with it in kashmir either.This whole kashmir issue is a waste and a drain.
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Seperate jammu and ladakh from valley administratively and deal with valley . Its becoming clear the valley has become radicalized and have gotten used to velvet glove tactics such as allowing large funerals for militants and giving back bodies.Ultimately we may need china model for worst affected areas.China is setting the standard and pakistanis dont seem to have a problem with it,so i don't think they will have a problem with it in kashmir either.This whole kashmir issue is a waste and a drain.

Failed policy like this is turning the whole world against India and giving Kashmiris’ the moral right to independence.
Im happy for the kid. Now he's enjoying virgins in Islamic heaven and I'm stuck in India typing this. I'm truly happy for him.
Failed policy like this is turning the whole world against India and giving Kashmiris’ the moral right to independence.
To be honest world --atleast the ones who matter-- does not care about Kashmiris. Most don't even know where the heck is the place and there is no 'kashmiri' identity known on any diplomatic forums. In Canada, we hear a lot more about Sikhs and their massacare and recognize them as a religious minority group. Kashmiris if they are anywhere in North America have no real identity beyond 'some kind of Muslims'. And if Europeans and North Americans do not care, remainder of the world cares even less.

Actually the world sees Kashmir more as a flash point between two poor and nuclear armed states and nothing more. Contrast this with say Jewish holocaust or even Palestine crisis.
Im happy for the kid. Now he's enjoying virgins in Islamic heaven and I'm stuck in India typing this. I'm truly happy for him.
Please feel to cross the border and join him
To be honest world --atleast the ones who matter-- does not care about Kashmiris. Most don't even know where the heck is the place and there is no 'kashmiri' identity known on any diplomatic forums. In Canada, we hear a lot more about Sikhs and their massacare and recognize them as a religious minority group. Kashmiris if they are anywhere in North America have no real identity beyond 'some kind of Muslims'. And if Europeans and North Americans do not care, remainder of the world cares even less.

Actually the world sees Kashmir more as a flash point between two poor and nuclear armed states and nothing more. Contrast this with say Jewish holocaust or even Palestine crisis.

This is because kashmiris generally present themselves as Pakistanis in the West.

More exposure for you is good.
Failed policy like this is turning the whole world against India and giving Kashmiris’ the moral right to independence.

Yes,you are right.Current policies are failing.Time to try out 'successful' chinese model.Surely pakistanis shouldn't have problem with it.
This is because kashmiris generally present themselves as Pakistanis in the West.

More exposure for you is good.
I won't even argue against that. But that said, it hurts their cause because once you say you are Pakistani then obviously Indian army killing you does not even figures into anyone's mind. At that point Kashmiri calling himself Pakistani is Pakistan's headache and not an international issue. It roughly becomes something like this : Kashmiri are muslims and if they claim to be Pakistani so Pakistan's government is there to fight India for their Interest. Kashmir is a unresolved dispute between India and Pakistan and at least India is not interested anymore in using a third party's good office to settle it, they want to settle it via a bilateral talk with Pakistan. Interestingly, Pakistan also does not have an option there. There is no commonly acceptable party which can mediate between two.

In contrast certain Sikhs, for instance, repeatedly insist how they have a distinct identity and they were persecuted by Indian government.
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Interestingly, Pakistan also does not have an option there.

All options are still on the table.

Kashmiris are Pakistanis, it’s just the fact of the matter. No matter what Indians say, it doesn’t matter much.

Firoun (Pharoah) rejected the identity of Bani Israīl, but did that stop Hazret Musa (Moses) on his quest for freedom and emancipation?
ok lets agree with NY times for a while now question is why ???????????
All options are still on the table.
Actually, thats no the case. Had it been, some of options might have been exercised. And please don't give me "at right time" crap. There is no more important time than the one during which children are being killed.

Kashmiris are Pakistanis, it’s just the fact of the matter. No matter what Indians say, it doesn’t matter much.
This is not even about India. It is simply about Kashmiri. Without a distinct identity, they cann't ask for any international support. Once someone says: I am a X national, they automatically become the responsibility of that X nation. Unless that nation is itself in disarray or suffering an emergency.

Firoun (Pharoah) rejected the identity of Bani Israīl, but did that stop Hazret Musa (Moses) on his quest for freedom and emancipation?
Those are just fairy tales. Unfortunately, there is nothing which can part seas or deflect the bullets of a machine gun in this case. If Indian Army is firing machine guns on civilians, civilians will die. Simple and sad.
Does it matter in the least?

The only outcome has been hardening of Indian stand vis a vis Kashmiris. And intensification of combat operations against militants. Earlier, IA and security forces would pull back and let mlitants flee to avoid civilian casualties, so as not to anger Indian's in rest of India. Now entirety of Indians see these protesters as militants. The resut, they are shot and liquidated without mercy or sympathy or even too much media coverage. Not worth news time reporting for unarmed militants.

And that is where Kashmiri separatists and their supporters are wrong. No matter how hard or whichever way they protest or fight, it doesn't matter in the least to the Army or GOI or to the bureaucracy. Sure there will be casualties of troops, but honestly there is an extant callous disregard for lives in India. They will crush you harder, more ruthlessly, more inhumanely the harder and more violent the kashmiris make the situation.

The only way India's position changes is if the majority of Indians want and force a change through the ballot. That's the only way anything changes. And the Kashmiris last and only hope.

And that won't happen, not for a long long time. The day the Kashmirs slaughtered and kicked out the pundits is the day they lost India. There is very little sympathy, and no mercy for them. Anymore.
Any change in Kashmir will only come through the Indian democratic process, these militants can try as much as they want but will only be an irritant for the Indian military, the Pakistani actions in Kashmir is even more pathetic and does not yield favorable results.
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