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NYT: India warned Sri Lanka of terror attack several times

True. we need to see who is beneficial to these attack and that is india.

These Buddhist/Hindu radical monks have created a nexus which unites them across countries, with a common goal of genocide against Muslims.

Sri Lanka, being a Buddhist majority nation, is heavily influenced by these forces. They are pressuring the moderate government of SL. Population is in love with Buddhist fascist monks.
The suspect was arrested in India, the ISIS footprint existed and used Indian gateway to reach Sri Lanka for these activities. It also transpires that ISIS went to Sri Lanka, trained a man or so and then returned to India.

Something is fishy! Remember the Keralites who died in Afgh via MOAB?

13 suspected Indian IS fighters killed as MOAB hit Afghanistan: Reports
At least two dozen Indians, including 21 from Kerala, were believed to have joined the IS in eastern Afghanistan last year.
Something is fishy! Remember the Keralites who died in Afgh via MOAB?

Yes,.... Yes... and then few recovered from Iraq ISIS captivity with thanks. Some even found in Syria traveling from India back then.

There are two more tracks/paths for inter connection & utilization of such source for certain achievements. I am sure, you will have the know how. Authorities are keeping it the way it should be played where I see, someone within R&AW used a card in Sri Lanka too early in frustration which is the result of COINT at somewhere else. They firstly let them loose, roam, travel, gather everything & prepare for the attack and then reaches SL at 11th hour.

ISIS also shows up in Kashmir suddenly and then goes blank and then after I see Doval in Kenya visiting specific place of training etc. Meets Israeli counterpart and so, reaches black operators available in the market. How come you think Chinese flags were found in Indian Occupied Kashmir and then India is being touted some ally like NATO, given deep reach inside Afghanistan with NDS and so, loves to roam with Black Water at some places. Taliban takes down a UK Military Warehouse and another facility where unknown Indians were too in casualty list.

Its the whole rotten fish at hand right now.
The suspect was arrested in India, the ISIS footprint existed and used Indian gateway to reach Sri Lanka for these activities. It also transpires that ISIS went to Sri Lanka, trained a man or so and then returned to India.

FYI, non of the suspect were arrested in India. On the contrary on of our detainies in other terror case who provided the Intel related to the SL attacks and the subsequent suspects, who are unfortunately all dead now.

India gave the Intel on 4th April and it is acknowledged by PMO Sri-Lanka now. It means they got more than 2 weeks to act. But it seems to be a severe security lapse and criminal negligence from the SL counterparts.
FYI, non of the suspect were arrested in India. On the contrary on of our detainies in other terror case who provided the Intel related to the SL attacks and the subsequent suspects, who are unfortunately all dead now.

India gave the Intel on 4th April and it is acknowledged by PMO Sri-Lanka now. It means they got more than 2 weeks to act. But it seems to be a severe security lapse and criminal negligence from the SL counterparts.

Inform CNN for saying that he was arrested in India. On the contrary, how come suspects died?
It seems I was wrong in my earlier post about Indian leadership. My apologies for that.

My heartfelt condolences go out to the victims, the survivors, the families affected, and the Sri-Lankan people as a whole.

I hope this terror network is efficiently taken out, and that the war against isis and their comorades is intensified once more.

Faith should not be forced onto others by terror strikes or any other kind of violence.

It's also time to consider prison sentences for those holding digital terror propaganda/manuals.
This would not be oppression, or the end of democracy, it would be pure defensive actions.
Inform CNN for saying that he was arrested in India. On the contrary, how come suspects died?

Well I guess, CNN has reported the exactly same news that I just typed above.

I mean the suspect mentioned in our Intel one Hashim was one of the suicide bomber as per SL authorities and obviously, he is dead now.

Remember the how conveniently ISIS released the Indian hospital workers in Iraq?

Every responsible government will try every means including ransom or even handing over criminals (like Masood Azhar) to ensure the safety of their abducted citizens.

So apart from another conspiracy theory for you, what does it prove ?? :azn:
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