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NYT: Caught Between Indian and Chinese Troops, at 15,000 Feet

60 captured including majors ,

17 frozen to death, their rescue and medic is really a joke or they simply too afraid of pla and don’t care and left their people to die in frozen river

why only indians soldiers fall to the river? Not the Chinese? Do Chinese soldiers have wings?

its really sad how ur chinese govt treated its fallen soldiers no mention no tributes just to save face...
Over 40 of ur chinese were killed by Indian response after cowardly ambush of Indian Soldiers including CO, many were Thrown in riven down hill pretty sure if u ppl had any shame ur govt would have honored ur soldiers like martyred Indian Jwaans
its really sad how ur chinese govt treated its fallen soldiers no mention no tributes just to save face...
Over 40 of ur chinese were killed by Indian response after cowardly ambush of Indian Soldiers including CO, many were Thrown in riven down hill pretty sure if u ppl had any shame ur govt would have honored ur soldiers like martyred Indian Jwaans

Bullshit 40, no dead on pla side, only minor injuries

save face? We don’t release number to save modi’s face

we simply overpowered and outnumbered you and u jawans fled in panic by jumping into the frozen river, but receive no help

If ur army can really hold ground and have upper hand, U wouldn’t throw boycotting drama on the streets
its really sad how ur chinese govt treated its fallen soldiers no mention no tributes just to save face...
Over 40 of ur chinese were killed by Indian response after cowardly ambush of Indian Soldiers including CO, many were Thrown in riven down hill pretty sure if u ppl had any shame ur govt would have honored ur soldiers like martyred Indian Jwaans
I think IA wins the hearts of the people purely on the basis of revealing whatever casualties we had without thinking of the national backlash from a secular and democratic state. The PLA on the other hand were shameless enough to not even give an honorable send off to their soldiers who too in their own right fought bravely.
Bullshit 40, no dead on pla side, only minor injuries

we simply overpowered and outnumbered you and u jawans fled in panic by jumping into the river

If ur army can really hold ground and have upper hand, U wouldn’t throw boycotting drama on the streets

I belong to same place from where an Indian soldier martyred by Chinese u wanna know how cowardly ur soldiers acted .. Indian CO came up with 40 odd jwaans to see the disengagement and PLA already occupying higher reaches not only ambushed these soldiers but threw big rocks at Indian soldiers,,,
Well the response given by same regiment was so heartening that 40 skulls of ur han soldiers were crushed with rocks on same night including same number of captured pla and many thrown downhill too sad how ur CHinese govt never recognised their killings that how coward ppl u r
I belong to same place from where an Indian soldier martyred by Chinese u wanna know how cowardly ur soldiers acted .. Indian CO came up with 40 odd jwaans to see the disengagement and PLA already occupying higher reaches not only ambushed these soldiers but threw big rocks at Indian soldiers,,,
Well the response given by same regiment was so heartening that 40 skulls of ur han soldiers were crushed with rocks on same night including same number of captured pla and many thrown downhill too sad how ur CHinese govt never recognised their killings that how coward ppl u r
How much is it this time? 12? 40? 100? Why do you guys keep changing the story?
I think IA wins the hearts of the people purely on the basis of revealing whatever casualties we had without thinking of the national backlash from a secular and democratic state. The PLA on the other hand were shameless enough to not even give an honorable send off to their soldiers who too in their own right fought bravely.
I think IA wins the hearts of the people purely on the basis of revealing whatever casualties we had without thinking of the national backlash from a secular and democratic state. The PLA on the other hand were shameless enough to not even give an honorable send off to their soldiers who too in their own right fought bravely.
Then why do have to lie about inflicting 100 casualties on the enemy? It cheapens the Indian army sacrifice, not even your quad allies believe your bullshit numbers
I belong to same place from where an Indian soldier martyred by Chinese u wanna know how cowardly ur soldiers acted .. Indian CO came up with 40 odd jwaans to see the disengagement and PLA already occupying higher reaches not only ambushed these soldiers but threw big rocks at Indian soldiers,,,
Well the response given by same regiment was so heartening that 40 skulls of ur han soldiers were crushed with rocks on same night including same number of captured pla and many thrown downhill too sad how ur CHinese govt never recognised their killings that how coward ppl u r

haha very funny story, Bollywood script writer, u guys are too afraid to aid the injured jawans in the river and let them frozen to death and flee away but dreaming fighting back


How it went down is just like in the walking dead, negan ambushed Rick and bludgeoned indians CO to death but it’s ur CO crossed to our side and burned our tents to start this, so he deserved what’s coming

Well, why don’t u say it’s 400 pla dead and it can help u sell more tickets to delusional Hindu modi rss
haha very funny story, Bollywood script writer, u guys are too afraid to aid the injured jawans in the river and let them frozen to death and flee away but dreaming fighting back


How it went down is just like in the walking dead, negan ambushed Rick and bludgeoned indians CO to death

Well, why don’t u say it’s 400 pla dead and it can help u sell more tickets to delusional Hindu modi rss

too bad for those han farmer boys in pla get up killing for nothing no honour from their own ppl lol
wonder why ur govt. kept its silence... ask them how many lets c if they give u any answer...
The Chinese also kept their silence on casualties during the 1962 war as well ... and guess what the outcome was? Anyone can toss out a casualty figure ... for all purposes, India suffered considerably more than 20 dead and probably closer to 50.
Silence is better than giving bullshit numbers. Even your quad allies don’t believe your 40 casualites

again I ask why ur govt didnt mention a single soldier who sacrificed to keep these borders far away from han lands...
I say just simple post same sentence in chinese social media then see what reply u get from ur govt... haha
again I ask why ur govt didnt mention a single soldier who sacrificed to keep these borders far away from han lands...
I say just simple post same sentence in chinese social media then see what reply u get from ur govt... haha
Possible they didn’t suffer any casualties at all
The Chinese also kept their silence on casualties during the 1962 war as well ... and guess what the outcome was? Anyone can toss out a casualty figure ... for all purposes, India suffered considerably more than 20 dead and probably closer to 50.

outcome was running away from occupied lands when response was on its way same as of today...

Possible they didn’t suffer any casualties at all

yaa bring official statement from chinese foreign/military office..

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