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NY Times Front Page: Persecution of Indian Christians


Aug 1, 2009
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United States
This is gracing the front page of the NY Times right now as a large article--and that too in the Christmas season. NY Times keeps bashing on India every few days. This is a such a thoroughly researched article, BTW.


Arrests, Beatings and Secret Prayers: Inside the Persecution of India’s Christians

“They want to remove us from society,” a Christian farmer said of Hindu extremists. Rising attacks on Christians are part of a broader shift in India, in which minorities feel less safe.

By Jeffrey Gettleman and Suhasini Raj
Photographs by Atul Loke

INDORE, India — The Christians were mid-hymn when the mob kicked in the door.

A swarm of men dressed in saffron poured inside. They jumped onstage and shouted Hindu supremacist slogans. They punched pastors in the head. They threw women to the ground, sending terrified children scuttling under their chairs.

“They kept beating us, pulling out hair,” said Manish David, one of the pastors who was assaulted. “They yelled: ‘What are you doing here? What songs are you singing? What are you trying to do?’”

The attack unfolded on the morning of Jan. 26 at the Satprakashan Sanchar Kendra Christian center in the city of Indore. The police soon arrived, but the officers did not touch the aggressors. Instead, they arrested and jailed the pastors and other church elders, who were still dizzy from getting punched in the head. The Christians were charged with breaking a newly enforced law that targets religious conversions, one that mirrors at least a dozen other measures across the country that have prompted a surge in mob violence against Indian Christians.

Pastor David was not converting anyone, he said. But the organized assault against his church was propelled by a growing anti-Christian hysteria that is spreading across this vast nation, home to one of Asia’s oldest and largest Christian communities, with more than 30 million adherents.

Anti-Christian vigilantes are sweeping through villages, storming churches, burning Christian literature, attacking schools and assaulting worshipers. In many cases, the police and members of India’s governing party are helping them, government documents and dozens of interviews revealed. In church after church, the very act of worship has become dangerous despite constitutional protections for freedom of religion.


To many Hindu extremists, the attacks are justified — a means of preventing religious conversions. To them, the possibility that some Indians, even a relatively small number, would reject Hinduism for Christianity is a threat to their dream of turning India into a pure Hindu nation. Many Christians have become so frightened that they try to pass as Hindu to protect themselves.

This is good reporting, Highlighting this matter will bring far more attention in the west than a story of the same thing happening to muslims, particularly from american evangelicals who are very influential in american politics and foreign policy. People should publicize these matters and get it more attention, post it elsewhere like reddit and twitter. If you post a story about muslims, the RSS sanghis will try to deflect with trying to make it seem like they are the actual "victims" or that muslims are deserving of the violence against them or try to deflect to other things, and try to use animosity against muslims and Islam in the west as cover, but they will not be able to do the same with Christians. People should post this to reddit worldnews and other subs and twitter and elsewhere.
Good that India is cracking down on these Christians.

You are an incredibly hateful person.
This is good reporting, Highlighting this matter will bring far more attention in the west than a story of the same thing happening to muslims, particularly from american evangelicals who are very influential in american politics and foreign policy. People should publicize these matters and get it more attention, post it elsewhere like reddit and twitter. If you post a story about muslims, the RSS sanghis will try to deflect with trying to make it seem like they are the actual "victims" or that muslims are deserving of the violence against them or try to deflect to other things, and try to use animosity against muslims and Islam in the west as cover, but they will not be able to do the same with Christians. People should post this to reddit worldnews and other subs and twitter and elsewhere.

Yes. You are spot on. An article like this on the front page of the NY Times during the Christmas season about prosecution of Christians in India will be far more convincing to the Western audience then 5000 PDF Pakistani members telling the same news.
Yes. You are spot on. An article like this on the front page of the NY Times during the Christmas season about prosecution of Christians in India will be far more convincing to the Western audience then 5000 PDF Pakistani members telling the same news.

post in all english discussion forums, like reddit.
These articles should be used to shame the American government. They are the ones who are sponsoring this hydra of Hindu terrorism in India.

India has falsely built a global narrative of 'yoga' and 'non violence' and 'secularism'. If only the world knew the horrific religio-ethnic violence in India's history!! This article is about Christians, but there have been truly horrifying massacres of Muslims and Sikhs in Indian history. Honestly, even when the Babri Masjid was demolished in the early 1990s in India, the Hindus in Pakistan didn't face the massacre despite extreme anger against India and Hindus in Pakistan, for which Pakistanis are to be praised. India has never been either democratic or secular. At most it is not an overt theocracy.

Articles like these should be propagated in the Western audience. Over time enough pressure can build through public awareness for the Western governments to at least not be so blind in supporting India. It would be an uphill task but very much possible.
“If somebody wants to convert, no problem,” said Sudhanshu Trivedi, a spokesman for Mr. Modi’s party. “But why is it that only the most illiterate and poor convert? Can you tell me that someone who cannot even write the ‘J’ of Jesus begins to believe in it? How so?”
These articles should be used to shame the American government. They are the ones who are sponsoring this hydra of Hindu terrorism in India.
LOL American and the West simply can't afford to make 2.5 billion people their enemies, that is China n Indian Hindus.
I thought only muslims were the primary target for the piss drinkers.

This should go on reddit for more exposure.
No initially they will hit on all the non muslim communities. Once those are pacified/exterminated they will turn around on the lower cast Hindus. There will be no end to these peddlers of hate.
No initially they will hit on all the non muslim communities. Once those are pacified/exterminated they will turn around on the lower cast Hindus. There will be no end to these peddlers of hate.

Muslims are a chunk of the Indian population so there maybe some basis of demographic threat--but even then I don't see that; India is overwhelmingly a Hindu nation. But Christians?? They are such a tiny part of Indian population and I see no reason to be threatened by them. This is asking for global bad press.
Muslims are a chunk of the Indian population so there maybe some basis of demographic threat--but even then I don't see that; India is overwhelmingly a Hindu nation. But Christians?? They are such a tiny part of Indian population and I see no reason to be threatened by them. This is asking for global bad press.
Because the caste system recognises them as worse than shuddar (low caste Hindus). They ade hate peddlers so will persecute anyone who is not like them.
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