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NUS: Students turning to prostitution to fund studies

strange, but then you are entitled to an opinion
Think logicaly....you will understand......

Why this practise(prostitution) had been continuing since old ages??.....out of necessity only??

Why this practice exists in both liberal as well as so called "conservative" societies??.....out of necessity only??

If you acknowledge that women also have desire....then there is no logical(there may be emotional) reason to believe that prostitution exists ONLY because of poverty/necessity.
It is really sad what people are being forced to do for the sake of education and a degree. To sell your most precious position in order to secure a better future for yourself is too much a sacrifice to bare. States around the world MUST include education help with the taxes so that students will have an easier time going to college. College education is slowly becoming a privilege rather than a right. And so with this the gap between rich and poor will only widen.
^It is always sad when people are forced to do ANYTHING..........

BUT you sould also be able to distinguish, when they are forced and when they are doing it by choice.
Hmmmm, I've found that the student loan is more than enough to cover your living costs. Thankfully no one I know has done this.
selling honor/dignity out of necessity is what women would like us to believe...........
BUT the bottomline in most cases is desire.........

In this case it seem like some sort of adventure rather than necessity. There are peoples who do weird things to get attention. I read one girl was selling her virginity earlier ..there are many other ways to get education..what about those indians student who come to UK for education after taking loans from Indian banks?
This is nothing new. Quite some students do this in Germany to finance their study. Even our current first lady had some background.
Sad but true. An MBA in UK would cost you around 55000 Pounds and, above it, the living costs in London would be around 1500 Pounds a month.So for around two years the total living costs would come near 30000 Pounds. So in total to get an MBA you have to spend 85000 pounds or 70 lac Indian rupees. No wonder students are turning to prostitution

That is an inflated figure. I live and study in the UK.......and my Cousin lives in London, pursuing his ACCA qualification and now enrolled part time as MBA. He makes some good money from his professional auditing firm, but his expenses in london are no where near 1500 pound mark you quoted. And there are plenty of single year MBA programs that cost 24000 pounds or less...and those are at pretty good schools.

I don't know how you got the 85000 pounds figure and if you are on a loan of 50,000, i'd say you better work hard....and good luck...but i would never take a loan that much in my life.....to pursue MBA in a country which going down the toilet (UK i mean)
Götterdämmerung;2396919 said:
This is nothing new. Quite some students do this in Germany to finance their study. Even our current first lady had some background.

what do you think about this method of finance for education in developed countries? :)
That is an inflated figure. I live and study in the UK.......and my Cousin lives in London, pursuing his ACCA qualification and now enrolled part time as MBA. He makes some good money from his professional auditing firm, but his expenses in london are no where near 1500 pound mark you quoted. And there are plenty of single year MBA programs that cost 24000 pounds or less...and those are at pretty good schools.

I don't know how you got the 85000 pounds figure and if you are on a loan of 50,000, i'd say you better work hard....and good luck...but i would never take a loan that much in my life.....to pursue MBA in a country which going down the toilet (UK i mean)

You can do MBA for 11000 pounds in any UK university with Average ranking. I paid 10000 pounds many years ago. Mba is the only feild where fees of home student is very much same as those of international students unlike other fields where they pay half or less than half fees as compare to international student.
That is an inflated figure. I live and study in the UK.......and my Cousin lives in London, pursuing his ACCA qualification and now enrolled part time as MBA. He makes some good money from his professional auditing firm, but his expenses in london are no where near 1500 pound mark you quoted. And there are plenty of single year MBA programs that cost 24000 pounds or less...and those are at pretty good schools.

I don't know how you got the 85000 pounds figure and if you are on a loan of 50,000, i'd say you better work hard....and good luck...but i would never take a loan that much in my life.....to pursue MBA in a country which going down the toilet (UK i mean)

The fee is 53,900 pounds. You can check the website

MBA Fees and financing, London Business School

I live near Baker Street. I pay 250 Pounds a week, so it comes around 1000 pounds a month. Now include food, transportations and other expenses, it should roundup to 1500 pounds. I have some class mates who spend 3000 pounds a month on living expenses. I am pretty stingy:D
Found out a couple girls from my college did this. Never could look at them the same way again even though I understand why they did it.
can't do that in the US. g o v e r n m e n t robs you of 1/3 your salary, without a degree you can only make 2000 per month (1/3 robbed away from that) and housing is at least 1000 per month in anything but the worst criminal neighborhoods. You will be lucky to keep above the water.

If you're in the 'Adult' industry, I bet most of them don't pay any taxes. Some may not have a social insurance number to avoid paying taxes, live 'off-the-grid', etc... at the expense of access to social services. I vaguely remember reading an article of a Russian female doctor (don't remember if during Soviet times) who became a prostitute because she made more money as a prostitute than a doctor.

Yup,its true,i personally knew somebody who registered herself into an escort agency to fund her education.. Student loans are a trap..you keep paying almost half of your life if things dont go as planned..

I wonder if this is a new trend as I never have encountered people that use prostitution to fund their education when I was in college. But then again, I sacrificed my social life for my education by working in crappy (but legal) jobs.

Those who justify their choice using the 'education funding' excuse are trying for the easiest / quickest way. I noticed in the article that 'Claire' mentioned she turned down legitimate jobs because it interfered with her social life. Clearly she doesn't have any idea what is more important. Then there are others that were 'tricked' into it using the excuse of 'economic freedom'; kinda like how people peddle religion. Unfortunately, I believe many don't reach their goal. Lastly, very few deliberately choose this 'occupation' because of the 'lifestyle' associated with it.

What is the use of that education which you gain after selling your honour/dignity. these peoples really need moral education

Many people have different views on what honour/dignity is. However, I do agree with you as there are other ways to fund your education.

It is really sad what people are being forced to do for the sake of education and a degree. To sell your most precious position in order to secure a better future for yourself is too much a sacrifice to bare. States around the world MUST include education help with the taxes so that students will have an easier time going to college. College education is slowly becoming a privilege rather than a right. And so with this the gap between rich and poor will only widen.

It's easier to control a population that is poorly educated or 'educated' in a way that suits the '1%'.
Many people have different views on what honour/dignity is. However, I do agree with you as there are other ways to fund your education.

You are right my friend but almost all of them call those women prostitute/slut who sleep with random guys for money :D
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