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Nuclear weapon hasn't enhanced India's security: Ex-diplomat


Mar 23, 2009
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N-weapon hasn't enhanced India's security: Ex-diplomat | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

NEW YORK (Agencies) – Testing nuclear weapon has not enhanced India’s national security, India’s veteran diplomat and Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar has said, noting that Pakistan also acquired the atomic bomb within three weeks after the Pokhran II, Zee News reported on Sunday.

“We had a strong conventional military advantage over Pakistan...the minute we became a nuclear weapon power...it took Pakistan three weeks to become a nuclear weapons power themselves,” Aiyar said,
who is at the United Nations to speak on the issue of nuclear disarmament.

On the necessity of having nuclear bombs since Pakistan had them, Aiyar told PTI that India’s security had not been enhanced by acquiring these weapons.

He said India always remained in the vanguard of the movement for nuclear disarmament but lost its traditional position on the issue in the past 22 years as it had to conform to the voices of other nuclear powers, the Congress leader said.

“Even since we have become a nuclear weapon power ourselves ... there seems to be a certain ambiguity as to how pro-active we should be in regard to nuclear disarmament,” Aiyar told the agency.
Responding to whether the new US-Russia agreement to cut down their nuclear arsenal would move the world towards fuller disarmament, Aiyar said, “It’s good but it’s not disarmament.”

“It is the reduction of hostility between the two powers who share between them perhaps 90 percent of the entire nuclear arsenal of the world,” he added.

“It is a reflection of the reduction of the danger of nuclear war breaking out between these two major powers.”
that a good statement by him,he is emphazising that india should acquire more hi-tech arms and ABM's to enhance India's security..cool
Mr Aiyer is a very knowledgable man however some of his latest remarks is beyond my understanding....Is he saying that GOI went nuclear for the sake of Pakistan???? I mean our first test was way back in 74 when Pakistan might have not even developed appetite for their own nuclear bomb, no??? Why China do not come into any of his equation???
So in simple all nuclear armed countries can not talk over disarmament untill they all give up their nukes
Actually I tend to agree with the author.

Nukes have increased our bargaining power vis-a-vis China but has seriously reduced our capabilities regarding Pakistan.

If 26/11 or the Parliament Attack had happened in pre-nuke India (Pakistan) the response would have been dramatically different,but since now Pakistan has nukes there enters an element of hesitation in all of GoI's approaches.
Actually I tend to agree with the author.

Nukes have increased our bargaining power vis-a-vis China but has seriously reduced our capabilities regarding Pakistan.

If 26/11 or the Parliament Attack had happened in pre-nuke India (Pakistan) the response would have been dramatically different,but since now Pakistan has nukes there enters an element of hesitation in all of GoI's approaches.

if it happens in pre nuke time then pakistan was going to have more high tech weapons :azn: as we were not going to have sanctions coz of nuclear explosions :azn: and we were to invest money in our air force navy n army more n :azn: why u thinking from one side :azn: and after it story was going to be different my boy
noting that Pakistan also acquired the atomic bomb within three weeks after the Pokhran II, Zee News reported on Sunday.

How can any country acquire a nuclear bomb within 3 weeks?

India's test of nukes proved that Pakistan already had the nuclear bomb ready.
if it happens in pre nuke time then pakistan was going to have more high tech weapons :azn: as we were not going to have sanctions coz of nuclear explosions :azn: and we were to invest money in our air force navy n army more n :azn: why u thinking from one side :azn: and after it story was going to be different my boy

India enjoyed a huge conventional superiority over Pakistan that got partially neutralised by the Nukes.

Yes I maintain,if the same Mumbai attacks had taken place in pre-nuke South Asia there would have been the third full fledged Indo-Pak war.
India enjoyed a huge conventional superiority over Pakistan that got partially neutralised by the Nukes.

Yes I maintain,if the same Mumbai attacks had taken place in pre-nuke South Asia there would have been the third full fledged Indo-Pak war.

india will never go for suicide mission :pakistan:
india will never go for suicide mission :pakistan:

Patriotism is always good only when mixed with reality.

The only reason war did not break ut after 26/11 was the nukes in the hands of Pakistan.
Not that we are afraid of it..But we have much more to loose in a nuke war with Pakistan.
India enjoyed a huge conventional superiority over Pakistan that got partially neutralised by the Nukes.

Yes I maintain,if the same Mumbai attacks had taken place in pre-nuke South Asia there would have been the third full fledged Indo-Pak war.

Let me put it the other way, Nuclear Weapons have actually prevented both the countries from going to a full-fledged war!!!

Hence, saved lives of thousands of civilians and more importantly of soldiers on both ends.
( -the role of Pakistan's weapon of detterance fulfilled!!)

In today's world Nuclear weapon is a show piece for countries to say, don't mess with me!!

Personally, i don't think India would ever go for a war on such a case, no matter what the situation is. And even if a war had happened that would have been an act of stupidity.
India enjoyed a huge conventional superiority over Pakistan that got partially neutralised by the Nukes.

Yes I maintain,if the same Mumbai attacks had taken place in pre-nuke South Asia there would have been the third full fledged Indo-Pak war.

The conventional superiority of India over Pakistan hasnt reached to a level where India could just over run Pakistan even in a pre nuke environment. Pakistan always maintained a minimum credible deterrence against India.
So while India does enjoy superiority thanks to its size, dont get carried away because the results would have been pretty much the same.
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