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Nuclear War Against Iran ?

What you wrote isn't even present in the article above. The above article has but more reaction to the misquotation, which is widespread and I do believe that despite it being so, it is purposefully spread-- after all, it at the least provides more justification for the case against Iran abroad. The point is, there isn't an actual Iranian government extract stating the intent to conduct bombing of "Israel and similar countries" which is what you had posted earlier.
what i am desesperatly explaining to French here
but when people want to lie they repeat the same lie so it becomes true

If a lie is repeated much, it soon becomes the truth
- Vladimir Lenin
Your threat perception is seriously tainted by your prejudice against your so-called 'religious states' and partly it is the outcome of bushy doctrine. Your logic to possess thousands of nukes is nothing but a lame excuse for Russia is now officially a US ally. A country that threatens to use nukes against any non-nuclear state is the biggest threat against world peace, take my word for it !

Do you have any examples of such threats?
After that statement about Israel, Iranian president has responded to that mistranslation over and over and he added his solution for Palestine but I can't get it why you are insisting in a wrong translation and neglecting his clarification which I heard it at least more than 3 time from American press. The last one is for about a week later in an interview with the New Yorker
President about the solution of Palestine issue made the remark: “The Palestinian people, whether Muslim, Jewish and Christian must determine their own fate and every bodies who have came from other parts of the world to this land must live under certain rule of Palestinian nation. These people can return to their land, if they want to do it, the costs which have been spend today to strengthen the Zionist regime can be placed in the fund to help them in return. Sure many people want to come back to the same place; and Europeans should set aside their hate and allow them to return to their homeland.

Presidency of The Islamic Republic of Iran News Service
Why do people on this forum say crap that they have no idea about.

The leader of iran has said on numerous occasions that he is going to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and other countries.

It's not some silly conspiracy that you imply it to be.

Why do some people on this forum fail to understand what is said for domestic consumption cannot be and should not be taken literally if the Iranian President said anyhting like that ? Why some people turn a blind eye to Israel's nuclear arsenal is the big question here. Why Israel can possess nukes while others cannot, why Israel's security will be guaranteed at the expense of the other countries in the region, are the real questions.
Do you have any examples of such threats?

A country that invades another after showing false satellite pictures of the invaded country having nukes, has thousands of nukes. It is the only country with the heinous record of using nukes on civillians in 1945(Hiroshima and Nagasaki). You don't need tonnes of evidence to recognize a criminal, do you ?
A country that invades another after showing false satellite pictures of the invaded country having nukes

Ok... I'll give you that. It's their shame and they have to bear the cost.

It is the only country with the heinous record of using nukes on civillians in 1945(Hiroshima and Nagasaki).

Have you an idea what bloodbath would have ensued if nukes wouldn't have been used? At least a million -Allied- casualties and total annihilation of the Japanese mainland and its people. Yes, it is a cold heated thing to say but one of the biggest horrors in history was averted.

Now, about the current US nukes... there is still Russia (We intercept enough Russian bombers these days) and China to contend with. Also, they serve as a deterrent to other state actors against using chemical and bio weapons. Plus, the current US arsenal is lot less than what it was during the Cold War.
Have you an idea what bloodbath would have ensued if nukes wouldn't have been used? At least a million -Allied- casualties and total annihilation of the Japanese mainland and its people. Yes, it is a cold heated thing to say but one of the biggest horrors in history was averted.

All speculation, just speculation and even that does not justify the use of nukes on civillians. The US will always find reasons to use its nukes on non-nuclear states, if anything, it points to that dirty fact. The promises that a nuclear state won't use its nukes on non-nuclear states stated in the NPT are 'lies', designed to continue the monopoly.

Now, about the current US nukes... there is still Russia (We intercept enough Russian bombers these days) and China to contend with.

But you don't accept that Iran has to face the nuclear armed Israel. BTW Russia and China are all US allies now, so your logic is at best a deceit. If the US has the right to have 20000 nukes to counter its allies then Iran has more valid reason to possess nukes for security against a nuclear rogue state like Israel.

Also, they serve as a deterrent to other state actors against using chemical and bio weapons. Plus, the current US arsenal is lot less than what it was during the Cold War.

To hypocrites like you, your 20,000 nukes look a lot less but what you don't understand is that to those who see you as the 'great satan' or whose legitimate rights are daily trampled by you(Palestinians) it's a perpetual threat against their existence.
All speculation, just speculation and even that does not justify the use of nukes on civillians. The US will always find reasons to use its nukes on non-nuclear states, if anything, it points to that dirty fact. The promises that a nuclear state won't use its nukes on non-nuclear states stated in the NPT are 'lies', designed to continue the monopoly.

Just speculation? Please do read this wiki article on Operation Downfall.
While it is a wiki article, it is based on quite credible sources.

Also, how about use of chemical and Biological warfare agents by the Japanese on the Chinese and Koreans? How about the genocide of 25 million Chinese by the Japanese? That's the B and C accounted for in NBC.

TW Russia and China are all US allies now, so your logic is at best a deceit

WOW..... Do you live in La-La land? Have you even read -This- forum?

To hypocrites like you, your 20,000 nukes look a lot less but what you don't understand is that to those who see you as the 'great satan' or whose legitimate rights are daily trampled by you(Palestinians) it's a perpetual threat against their existence.

Ok... now 20000 nukes? Not any more. The US is rapidly decreasing its nuclear stockpile and with the New START Treaty the stockpiles would be reduced to less than 2000 active nukes. Also, the new Nuclear Posture Review under the Obama Admin. rules out use of nukes against non-nuclear NPT members.
Ok... I'll give you that. It's their shame and they have to bear the cost.

Have you an idea what bloodbath would have ensued if nukes wouldn't have been used? At least a million -Allied- casualties and total annihilation of the Japanese mainland and its people. Yes, it is a cold heated thing to say but one of the biggest horrors in history was averted.

Now, about the current US nukes... there is still Russia (We intercept enough Russian bombers these days) and China to contend with. Also, they serve as a deterrent to other state actors against using chemical and bio weapons. Plus, the current US arsenal is lot less than what it was during the Cold War.

Ok... I'll give you that. It's their shame and they have to bear the cost.

I wont give you that with out proof, I dont know of any claim that the US goverment made that Saddam had nuclear weapons, if you have not proof what you say it is nothing more then farting in the wind.
A country that invades another after showing false satellite pictures of the invaded country having nukes, has thousands of nukes. It is the only country with the heinous record of using nukes on civillians in 1945(Hiroshima and Nagasaki). You don't need tonnes of evidence to recognize a criminal, do you ?

Show me where the US goverment said that they had satellite pictures of Iraq having nukes. .

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Why do people on this forum say crap that they have no idea about.

The leader of iran has said on numerous occasions that he is going to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and other countries.

It's not some silly conspiracy that you imply it to be.

It's very much a conspiracy by the western media and the western states.

What Ahmedinijad said was that the Israeli state needs to go. There's many non-muslims who would agree with him on that.

Clearly western media/western states spun that statement for their own benefits. Till today, they have not cleared the misconception but in fact use the misconception as a contesting point in some of their arguments.
It's very much a conspiracy by the western media and the western states.

What Ahmedinijad said was that the Israeli state needs to go. There's many non-muslims who would agree with him on that.

Clearly western media/western states spun that statement for their own benefits. Till today, they have not cleared the misconception but in fact use the misconception as a contesting point in some of their arguments.

Ahmadinejad said that the "regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the pages of time." Also, he was quoting Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. There was no mention of state which is the common misconception that Ahmadinejad quoted that Israel must vanish. He later clarified his words on numerous occasions as well that he was referring only to the apartheid regime.
I wont give you that with out proof, I dont know of any claim that the US goverment made that Saddam had nuclear weapons, if you have not proof what you say it is nothing more then farting in the wind.

I never said that Saddam had nukes... But I do think that in Iraq the US made a mistake... Her foreign policy was overtaken by special interest groups. Most of the intel that provided basis for the war was later proved to be false and based on a right wing agenda.

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