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NSA talks: Pakistan's even got a dossier on Ajit Doval

fear? Nah i just gave you an example about how talks can't be held hostage to whims and fancies of Pakistanis.

Pakistan's whims and fancies : Lets talk about anything and everything between us !

India's whims and fancies : Our issues are the only issues.....your issues are non issues !

fear? Nah i just gave you an example about how talks can't be held hostage to whims and fancies of Pakistanis.
Hostage, whims, fancies.

All nice ways to say: "Please don't say the K-word."
Hostage, whims, fancies.

All nice ways to say: "Please don't say the K-word."
K word- a very nice way to stay away from real issues in Pakistan. K-word is one of the word which keeps Pakistan united or else... :D:D
Sticking to the thread, NSA Pakistan should visit Delhi to show Indian terrorism or no? So Pakistanis are concerned with Kashmir more than they are concerned whats going on within their own country? Do you even remember how many people die due to your home grown terrorism? But no, Kashmir FTW :agree::agree:
whats the hand of indain cartoon doing
fingering other cartoon. :victory:

More amusement from pakistan.
NSA talks: Pakistan's even got a dossier on Ajit Doval - The Economic Times

Of all the dossiers Pakistan has prepared for NSA-level dialogue, there's one which will be of a source of real amusement for India, if not complete shock. It is on Ajit Doval.
Yes, Ajit Doval. That's Pakistan's way of countering assertions by India that it could spring a couple of surprises on Doval's counterpart Sartaj Aziz during NSA talks on Monday.
What about Indira Gandhi? I mean she was responsible for cutting off pakistan and its open fact.....Pakistan should give that dossier..
Like it or not this time Indian gov acted stupidly & played right in the hands of Pakistan, had they let Hurryat leaders meet sartaj aziz nothing would have happened, it would have been in the news for 1 day and it would have been over, due to marvellous reaction of Indian gov now once gain Kashmir agenda in on the Top ( even though it was no where to be seen recently) .

From detention of Hurriyat leaders, to their release & then detaining them again , then allowing them to fly and detaining them on the Airport.. it is alike Indian gov putting up a billboard & saying Look we have a Kashmir Issue.... which we dont admit .. but hey as you can see we do....

Sartaj Aziz is a very shrewd guy, those who know him closely know this, he is the sole reason India has been on the back foot on many diplomatic fronts, from UN to Ufa, Doval on the other hand Indian Media has craed such a Hype around Ajit Doval that he is simply unable to meet the expectations.
That's a very reasonable analysis.
There is a reason behind that..... Goi cancelled the last peace attempt on the Hurriyat leader issue, and If they allowed it, that would have put them in back foot and allowed opposition to make fun of..... They lost it in first instance not here.....

You credit UFA to Sartaj Aziz???? India will be happy than ever to have him there then..... From what i learnt UFA was Pakistan's sharmal e shaik
You are already on the back foot dude..stop pretending
ever heard the phrase innocent until proven guilty ?
I am not talking about hanging them, just detain them for few days.

Pakistan's whims and fancies : Lets talk about anything and everything between us !

India's whims and fancies : Our issues are the only issues.....your issues are non issues !

Why Nawaz Sharif is backing out of what was agreed upon in Ufa?
What choice did they have, if a thumping majority of Indians elect mass-murderers like Modi as their PM or consider extremists such as Ajit Devil, Godse the Ghandi-murderer as their heroes?

The problems is in the mindset of core Indian society and you see it on PDF as well.

For example, they will never accept that Ajit Devil is supporting cross-border terrorism in Pakistan.

Or they will never accept generally that India has been exporting cross-border terrorism over half a century in the region. LTTE, Mukti Bahini, BLA, TTP etc etc. The list is very long.

So why should we be surprised?
India has manipulated a tiny Mumbai and we couldn't even capitalize on such ruthless tales of terrorism.
Why ? :(
Hostage, whims, fancies.

All nice ways to say: "Please don't say the K-word."
Blame Nawaz Sharif for not mentioning K word when he agreed for the meeting. Don't point towards India for his mess up.
Why Nawaz Sharif is backing out of what was agreed upon in Ufa?

They agreed that India and Pakistan have a collective responsibility to ensure peace and promote development. To do so, they are prepared to discuss all outstanding issues.

Full text of India-Pakistan joint statement on PM Narendra Modi-Nawaz Sharif talks in Russia - The Hindu

What outstanding issues do you think were agreed upon at UFA if not the 'outstanding issues between India and Pakistan' ? :crazy:
Of Course .Kashmir .Kashmir means entire Kashmir including GB,***.IOK.and land that you gifted to the China.
Can you put all those places in diplomatic talks?
We know you cant.*** is now filled Pak Punjabis not Kashmiris.
According to China Arunachal pradesh is their Southern Tibet .According to India Aksai area is ours .But we didnt have ny problem to increase our relation and business.That is what you call as mature diplomacy.
What you are doing now is just a childish play .All these years you were to trying to justify the creation of Pakistan as a good thing through your actions and always try to seek with parity with India. .How immature was that actions is just another story.And failed miserably every times .Of Course you had some parity in early 60 s and 70 sand now you are nothing in front of us .Your policymakers cant accept that. .
But China and other neighbours dont have any such issues.

Of Course a good move only for entire Pakistanis.But an absurd stupidity to rest of the world.
So mature are you and still pretending that an issue like Kashmir is not worth talking on which you fought wars with us.
I am not talking about hanging them, just detain them for few days.
Well that shows your poor understanding of your own law, before you said they are money laundress & what not & I tell you they are not unless proven guilty in court or your government has expressly declared them terrorists or persona non grata since it seems to be nether the case you don't have any moral or legal grounds to stop them from meeting anyone as long as the person they are meeting is not a terrorist himself ... get the point ?
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Dont u have proofs of so called Indian terrorism in Pakistan? Dont u have proofs that RAW is behind everything that happens in Pakistan? If yes, NSA Pakistan should visit Delhi and show. If not, yes then u can cry as much as u can but at the end of the day, we know whose not coming to Delhi for talks :yahoo::yahoo:.
We are coming with proofs that's why GOI is beating around the bush.
I agree it is a non issue, because it was happening before, and GoI got into a situation by calling off the talks that day.....
Over acting and showing false muscle has back fired for GOI.
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