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Now that China's chance for revenge has come for 100 Years Of Humiliation By Western Europe, should China arm Russia with weapons?

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I actually think China should sell armed drones as well as EW drones to Russia.

EW drones to suppress enemy air defences and communications, while armed drones mop up remaining resistance.

J-16D has very powerful EW capability. J-16 is developed from Su-30 which Russian pilots are already familiar with. So exporting J-16 / J-16D to Russia makes sense.

J-16D has very powerful EW capability. J-16 is developed from Su-30 which Russian pilots are already familiar with. So exporting J-16 / J-16D to Russia makes sense.

No need to risk manned platform and pilots. Drones are cheap and expendable. You can also produce dozens in a week.
He is not Chinese, he is a Hong Konger of Vietnamese descent. You can tell by the spelling of his name that he is a traitor
Strangely, you are trying to frame your ancestors with crimes they don't do

What happens if your ancestors treat the Uighur people the same way the British treats indigenous Americans? Or the Ming dynasty began to kidnap foreigners, beat and sell them as slaves after Zhenghe's journey like the British trading slave?
Before the Warring states, the Shang dynasty that controlled more area than Zhou was much more powerful than the Zhou dynasty which let all those pretty much independent states to exist within its kingdom. As before the Shang, these was the Xia dynasty which also administered larger area than the Zhou according history. Right up to the Yellow emperor and beyond, different groups of Chinese within China basically had been trading, mixing and exchanging cultures right up to the neolithic times as shown by the poetry and artifacts they produced, that is areas like Inner Mongolia, Liaoning and Yangtze river areas have lots connections with central China at the time.

As for Xinjiang, Han Chinese have settled there I say at least 5000 years ago, the people there have at least a third of genetics that are the same to East Asians or Han Chinese, people there also practice many Han Chinese traditions too such as eat Han Chinese foods and use chopsticks. Two thousands years ago, the area came under Chinese gov control becos it necessitate the Chinese to do so in order to save the Chinese nation from Hun plundering and invasion, China's existential survival was at stake, and this can't be said of say Greek and Britain when they expanded and conquered other people.

As for Tibet, the people there are closely related to Han Chinese with almost identical genetic makeups, they only split from Han Chinese just few thousands years ago. Both Tibetans and Han Chinese were use to be Buddhists. It was the Mongol and Manchu minorities who extended Chinese control to the area first, not Han Chinese, there are some differences.

I am not saying that Chinese nation didn't expand in any size for the last thousands years, but, China is/was basically not an expansionist nation or empire in nature esp when you compare it to the typical well known world empires such as the Hellenic empire, British empire, Ottoman empire and Mongol empire in the past.

Maybe will perish.

We are atheist materialists. The core value of materialists is seeking truth from facts. Frankly facing the reality is our most correct attitude.

You mentioned the Tang Dynasty. Well, let's see what the Tang Dynasty did when it destroyed Koguryo:


After the destruction of Koguryo in the Tang Dynasty, all Koguryo people were plundered and became slaves. The name "新罗婢" is famous in Chinese history. You should have heard of it.

Do you think such a thing is just an isolated case? I come from Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province. I have been to Fenghuang County, Hunan Province. Zhuzhou is in the middle and lower reaches of the Xiangjiang River. Here is the fertile Xiangdong plain and a famous granary. Although Fenghuang is a scenic spot, the local farmland is in the mountains, fragmented, and each field is very small. The local people can only use it to grow corn.
People living in Zhuzhou are all Han people, while Fenghuang county is a Miao Autonomous Region.
Why should I say this?
According to the county annals of Zhuzhou, during the Three Kingdoms period, general Zhong Limu of the state of Wu drove xiangshuiman to Western Hunan and set up Jianning city. Jianning city is the ancient name of Zhuzhou. The Miao mountain people in Fenghuang were the barbarians driven away by the general of the state of Wu.

Our ancestors just didn't buy or sell African blacks. They did the same for other things. The heads they cut down in Vietnam and Korea can be piled into hills. In Chinese, the mountains made of barbarian heads have their own name "京观". Moreover, the Arabs, not the British, were the first to buy and sell slaves and the most slaves.
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Opium war. Hong Kong. Anglo French invasion of China. German invasion of China. 100 years of humiliation and bullying. Chinese will never forget and never forgive. I suggest the following weapons to be delivered to Russia via rail for use in Donbas revolution war:

1. 100 J-16

2. 500 CH-5

3. 1,000 HJ-12

4. 500 PLZ-05

@White and Green with M/S @F-22Raptor @Oldman1 @UKBengali @gambit @Ich @jamahir @jamal18 @Hack-Hook @Vergennes @Song Hong @Ali_Baba @bobo6661 @KAL-EL @thetutle @925boy @FuturePAF @mazeto @CAPRICORN-88 @sammuel @Wood @nang2 @Messerschmitt @mmr @Philip the Arab @Apollon @Philip the Arab @Hassan Al-Somal @Viet @Get Ya Wig Split @A.P. Richelieu @letsrock @PakFactor @RescueRanger @ZeGerman @zartosht @Paul2 @Corax @mike2000 is back @Broccoli @oberschlesier
No, chinese won’t be stupid. (Unfortunately). Putin makes Russia to a chinese colony. Russia will become a version of Brezhnev era. the perfect moment for Ccp.
We are atheist materialists. The core value of materialists is seeking truth from facts. Frankly facing the reality is our most correct attitude.

You mentioned the Tang Dynasty. Well, let's see what the Tang Dynasty did when it destroyed Koguryo:


After the destruction of Koguryo in the Tang Dynasty, all Koguryo people were plundered and became slaves. The name "新罗婢" is famous in Chinese history. You should have heard of it.

Do you think such a thing is just an isolated case? I come from Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province. I have been to Fenghuang County, Hunan Province. Zhuzhou is in the middle and lower reaches of the Xiangjiang River. Here is the fertile Xiangdong plain and a famous granary. Although Fenghuang is a scenic spot, the local farmland is in the mountains, fragmented, and each field is very small. The local people can only use it to grow corn.
People living in Zhuzhou are all Han people, while Fenghuang county is a Miao Autonomous Region.
Why should I say this?
According to the county annals of Zhuzhou, during the Three Kingdoms period, general Zhong Limu of the state of Wu drove xiangshuiman to Western Hunan and set up Jianning city. Jianning city is the ancient name of Zhuzhou. The Miao mountain people in Fenghuang were the barbarians driven away by the general of the state of Wu.
No, I haven't read that particular incident in Tang dynasty. Of course, there were some plundering and killings happened in the the wars that China has fought within its borders for the past thousands years. My point is, China is/was basically not an expansionist country or empire in nature as you claim.
No, I haven't read that particular incident in Tang dynasty. Of course, there were some plundering and killings happened in the the wars that China has fought within its borders for the past thousands years. My point is, China is/was basically not an expansionist country or empire in nature as you claim.
fought within its borders?

The land occupied by the Chinese will become the land of the Chinese forever. So the place where the war took place became "fought within its borders".

As I mentioned, from a small tribe along the Yellow River to the present situation. Do you really believe that there will be a lack of conquest and colonization? Have you ever heard of "改土归流"? For the ethnic minorities at that time, this was colonization. Of course, now that we have turned them into Chinese, this is not colonialism.
No need to risk manned platform and pilots. Drones are cheap and expendable. You can also produce dozens in a week.
Dozens of BOXES in a week.


And much much smaller ones for very high value targets

to deliver Darwin Awards

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And tiny tiny drones that can then direct bigger brothers to deliver the Darwin Awards

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And of course, information gathered by Chinese satellites and processed via Chinese super computers that can be piped to Putin for his use.

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-24 at 12.59.24 PM.jpeg
No, I haven't read that particular incident in Tang dynasty. Of course, there were some plundering and killings happened in the the wars that China has fought within its borders for the past thousands years. My point is, China is/was basically not an expansionist country or empire in nature as you claim.

Let's be honest. Our ancestors were no different from the English.

Problem with MH.Yang's point of view

He first stated that his ancestors were no different from the British.

Next he gave an example of Tang and Goguryeo

Tang dynasty attacked, looted and slaughtered Goguryeo = China is no different from the British

It is a blatant framing, because that logic means the indigenous genocide, selling opium and starting the opium war, plundering and selling African slave... and many other crimes British do = China do

Of course MH.Yang can give more accurate views.
- in issues related to attacks, plundering and massacre. The Chinese are no different from the British.

Hehehe. But I guess he likes to generalize the problem
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YF-23 and MiG 1.44 are far more similar compared to J-20. Location of air intakes. J-20 is much closer to F-22 than YF-23 or MiG 1.44
Lol are you blind or something yf23 had intake under its wings MIG1.44 intakes are on its belly, J20 is definitely based/ inspired by MIG-1.44 than f-22 you fool @Tai Hai Chen

J-16D has very powerful EW capability. J-16 is developed from Su-30 which Russian pilots are already familiar with. So exporting J-16 / J-16D to Russia makes sense.

Lol this is ain't going to happen but only in your wet dreams @Tai Hai Chen
fought within its borders?

The land occupied by the Chinese will become the land of the Chinese forever. So the place where the war took place became "fought within its borders".

As I mentioned, from a small tribe along the Yellow River to the present situation. Do you really believe that there will be a lack of conquest and colonization? Have you ever heard of "改土归流"? For the ethnic minorities at that time, this was colonization. Of course, now that we have turned them into Chinese, this is not colonialism.
You are talking nonsense in the ivy detached from reality, you want to impose crimes on Han Chinese that they didn't commit at large to compare with what British did to others such as genocides of Native Indians, slavery of blacks and imposing toxic opium drugs on Chinese, and to say that the Chinese nation is the same as the British empire, you are just ignorant on the subject. You should first get rid off the after effects of toxic opium drugs forced on Chinese by the British to have such outlandish views. Chinese dynasties, esp those formed by Han Chinese, didn't rule beyond the territory that is necessary and vital for the survival of the Chinese people, and that can't be said of the British who were greedily motivated to conquer, enslave and exploit other people in far away lands that basically have nothing to do with Britain.
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China is fascist country. A person like me who is physically and mentally weak would be killed in China. Canada has liberal government which takes care of people who are physically and mentally weak.
So why you're taking side of China if you consider China fascist country you're definitely mentally ill person
You are talking nonsense in the ivy detached from reality, you want to impose crimes on Han Chinese that they didn't commit at large to compare with what British did to others such as genocides of Native Indians, slavery of blacks and imposing toxic opium drugs on Chinese. You should first get rid off the after effects of toxic opium drugs imposed on Chinese by the British to have such outlandish views.
You misunderstood me.

We certainly do not owe anything to any country or nation. The law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest, in the resource poor ancient times, strength is the greatest justice.

I just think that since we are playing this game, we should admit the rules of the game.

When we lose, we admit defeat, and we will win back in the next century.

The reason for the century old shame is that we are too weak, not that our opponents are too greedy. To avoid another humiliation, we must remain strong. Instead of blaming your opponent for his dirty tactics.
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I believe India should arm Russia. India has 3000 tanks.
Indian subcontinent was ruled by colonial power for more than 200 years, it's time to revenge.
Of course it would be a smart and prudent thing to do on Chinese part to have Europeans slug it out on there territory. A smart nation wouldn’t fight a conflict on its turf.
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