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Now that China's chance for revenge has come for 100 Years Of Humiliation By Western Europe, should China arm Russia with weapons?

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J-20 inspired MIG-1.44 design, WZ-10 is based on Italian A129 MUSTANGA etc etc @Tai Hai Chen
I looked at the two planes, J-20 and MIG-1.44 are totally different designs from the outlook, copy or inspired just bull*****, no similarities, no comparison.

WZ-10 is more like Tiger. J-20 is not based on MiG.

China is fascist country. A person like me who is physically and mentally weak would be killed in China. Canada has liberal government which takes care of people who are physically and mentally weak.
You are F Indian, idiot, don't talk bull**** here, you don't what the F you are talking about.
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Opium war. Hong Kong. Anglo French invasion of China. German invasion of China. 100 years of humiliation and bullying. Chinese will never forget and never forgive. I suggest the following weapons to be delivered to Russia via rail for use in Donbas revolution war:

1. 100 J-16

2. 500 CH-5

3. 1,000 HJ-12

4. 500 PLZ-05

@White and Green with M/S @F-22Raptor @Oldman1 @UKBengali @gambit @Ich @jamahir @jamal18 @Hack-Hook @Vergennes @Song Hong @Ali_Baba @bobo6661 @KAL-EL @thetutle @925boy @FuturePAF @mazeto @CAPRICORN-88 @sammuel @Wood @nang2 @Messerschmitt @mmr @Philip the Arab @Apollon @Philip the Arab @Hassan Al-Somal @Viet @Get Ya Wig Split @A.P. Richelieu @letsrock @PakFactor @RescueRanger @ZeGerman @zartosht @Paul2 @Corax @mike2000 is back @Broccoli @oberschlesier
China should sell weapons just like the West do for financial and strategic gains and disregard moral values just as the West do. Don't think they should use history to justify immoral actions.
China should sell weapons just like the West do for financial and strategic gains and disregard moral values just as the West do. Don't think they should use history to justify immoral actions.

China and Russia have oil and gas for weapons agreement. Russia export oil and gas to China. China export weapons to Russia.

No. Russians are losers. They do not know how to fight. China should save the weapons for the war against Taiwan.

Taiwan is dealt by blockade using J-20 jets and carrier strike groups which forces Taiwan to surrender.
Yes but Russia doesn't need weapons from China. They have enough weapons.
Opium war. Hong Kong. Anglo French invasion of China. German invasion of China. 100 years of humiliation and bullying. Chinese will never forget and never forgive. I suggest the following weapons to be delivered to Russia via rail for use in Donbas revolution war:

1. 100 J-16

2. 500 CH-5

3. 1,000 HJ-12

4. 500 PLZ-05

@White and Green with M/S @F-22Raptor @Oldman1 @UKBengali @gambit @Ich @jamahir @jamal18 @Hack-Hook @Vergennes @Song Hong @Ali_Baba @bobo6661 @KAL-EL @thetutle @925boy @FuturePAF @mazeto @CAPRICORN-88 @sammuel @Wood @nang2 @Messerschmitt @mmr @Philip the Arab @Apollon @Philip the Arab @Hassan Al-Somal @Viet @Get Ya Wig Split @A.P. Richelieu @letsrock @PakFactor @RescueRanger @ZeGerman @zartosht @Paul2 @Corax @mike2000 is back @Broccoli @oberschlesier
You are a fake Chinese Indian. Plz don't speak on behalf of the Chinese.

Let me tell you what the Chinese people think of that period of history. The Chinese people have completely different ideas from the Indians.

Indians always like to boast about India's economic strength before the colonial era. Indians also like to blame all the problems they face now on the plundering of the British.

But the Chinese do not.

Yes. The Chinese did not forget the humiliation of the Opium War, but they would not boast about the economic strength of the Qing Dynasty, let alone blame the British for the Opium War. The Chinese hated the incompetence of the Qing government and their own weakness.
The reason is simple: Although China opposes imperialism, China is very familiar with imperialism. China has a history of 5000 years, at least 4000 years. China itself is an imperialist country. China used to treat other countries with imperialism, so we certainly have no reason to condemn other countries for treating us with imperialism.
We do not hate Britain, nor boast about the backward and incompetent Qing Dynasty. We hate our own weakness and regret our imperialist history.

BTW: If you are Chinese, you should understand that in the colonial era, Russia caused no less harm to China than Britain and Japan. These three countries are at the same level. The second was France, which invaded Vietnam. The United States, which has invaded China economically, is in the third level. We have no major problems with European countries such as Germany. There has been no serious incident in Qingdao, and the handover has been smooth.
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You are a fake Chinese Indian. Plz don't speak on behalf of the Chinese.

Let me tell you what the Chinese people think of that period of history. The Chinese people have completely different ideas from the Indians.

Indians always like to boast about India's economic strength before the colonial era. Indians also like to blame all the problems they face now on the plundering of the British.

But the Chinese do not.

Yes. The Chinese did not forget the humiliation of the Opium War, but they would not boast about the economic strength of the Qing Dynasty, let alone blame the British for the Opium War. The Chinese hated the incompetence of the Qing government and their own weakness.
The reason is simple: Although China opposes imperialism, China is very familiar with imperialism. China has a history of 5000 years, at least 4000 years. China itself is an imperialist country. China used to treat other countries with imperialism, so we certainly have no reason to condemn other countries for treating us with imperialism.
We do not hate Britain, nor boast about the backward and incompetent Qing Dynasty. We hate our own weakness and regret our imperialist history.
No,Chinese nation is/was not expansionist in general for the past thousands of years, China was not really an imperialist country by nature, the country was brought together by more or less of mixing or fusion of cultures.
Revenge is a dish best served cold, China is right on track.
Irony is Russia itself was one of the major exploiter of China in the so called century of humiliation along with Western Europe and Japan. Third person in this pic is Russian Tsar Nicholas II.
download (2).jpeg
No,Chinese nation is/was not expansionist in general for the past thousands of years, China was not really an imperialist country by nature, the country was brought together by more or less of mixing or fusion of cultures.
At first, the Chinese were just a small tribe along the Yellow River. Now we control almost all the best land in East Asia.

In fact, we know in our hearts that all this must be accompanied by imperialist expansion. The so-called national and cultural integration is just our ancestors covering up some dirty history.

Almost all the history books in East Asia come from our ancestors. Of course, they will not record some disgraceful behaviors.

Let's be honest. Our ancestors were no different from the English.
J-20 is not based on either YF-23 or MiG 1.44. Intakes are lateral.
Did I say yf23 or You have the comprehension issue
And J20 is definitely MIG cancelled design with much better stealth freature and other improvements
Just like China bought MIG-33 design (another cancelled design) and converted into jf17
Indians also like to blame all the problems they face now on the plundering of the British.

But the Chinese do not.

Then loot and plundering of Indian Subcontinent by Western colonialist for 200-250 years was much worse than then the Chinese century of humiliation. Not only was it much longer, it was more direct assault as entire region was under foreign occupation, China on the other hand only bunch of unequal exploitative trade treaties forced upon them and had to only cecede some island or few coastal port cities. Although yes we (ind, pak, bd, sl) should not blame entirely Western Colonialism for our economic woes. They have left more than 7 decades ago and we had plenty of time get our act together and progress. Whatever poor economic conditions we are in currently it's all our own doing.
I looked at the two planes, J-20 and MIG-1.44 are totally different designs from the outlook, copy or inspired just bull*****, no similarities, no comparison
J20 definitely inspired by MIG-1.44 design with much better stealth features and other aerodynamic improvements brother
At first, the Chinese were just a small tribe along the Yellow River. Now we control almost all the best land in East Asia.

In fact, we know in our hearts that all this must be accompanied by imperialist expansion. The so-called national and cultural integration is just our ancestors covering up some dirty history.

Almost all the history books in East Asia come from our ancestors. Of course, they will not record some disgraceful behaviors.

Let's be honest. Our ancestors were no different from the English.
No, if you look at the states in the Warring period for example, the people in those states looks are very similar and have close genetic makeups, their culture are similar and their writing systems are basically what you call Chinese characters with some variations, even the poems composed by people of state of Chu in the book 楚词 are all Chinese to me not to mention the Book of Songs 诗经 collected from all the other important states basically use the same Chinese language. Before these states came up, people there were trading, mixing and exchange cultures between them as shown by the relics of Chinese archaeology. There were very much similarities within China culturally and genetically before the first emperor of Qin unified China. This can't be said of the Hellenic empire and British empire for examples, both the Greeks and British conquered vast stretch of other people on the globe who have basically no genetic connections or cultural and languages similarities with them. For example, what does South Asians got to do with Greeks at the time of Alexander the Great ? What does British has in common with the Indians in North America or the native people in Asia ?

And, I think Chinese should also blame the West for the past hundred years of humiliation, plundering and killings to be honest to history, esp the evil British that forced Chinese to take opium that literally intoxicated and paralyzed the nation, to the hell let loose on China.
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The West would be delighted. If there is anything more unreliable than Russian war machinery, it is Chinese war machinery. Btw, have you asked the Russians?
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