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Now that China's chance for revenge has come for 100 Years Of Humiliation By Western Europe, should China arm Russia with weapons?

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No, if you look at the states in the Warring period for example, the people in those states looks are very similar and have close genetic makeups, their culture are similar and their writing systems are basically what you call Chinese characters with some variations, even the poems composed by people in state of Chu are all Chinese to me not to mention the Book of Songs collected of all the other important states basically use the same Chinese language. Before these states came up, people there were trading, mixing and exchange cultures between them as shown by the relics of Chinese archaeology. There were very much similarities within China culturally and genetically before the first emperor of Qin unified China. This can't be said of the Hellenic empire and British empire for examples, both the Greeks and British conquered vast stretch of other people on the globe who have basically no genetic connections or cultural and languages similarities with them. For example, what does South Asians got to do with Greeks at the time of Alexander the Great ? What does British has in common with the Indians in North America or the native people in Asia ?

And, I think Chinese should also blame the West for the past hundred years of humiliation, plundering and killings to be honest to history, esp the evil British to start forcing Chinese to take opium that literally paralyzed the nation, to the hell let lose on China.
What about before the Warring States period? And in the Warring States period, our territory was less than half that of today.

This is the essential difference between atheistic philosophy and theistic philosophy. Atheists believe that the world has changed because of ourselves, so we believe that the colonial era is only an objective condition, and our own weakness is the subjective cause of humiliation.

The century old disgrace is described in Chinese textbooks as follows: the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government led China to fall into a semi colonial and semi feudal society.
China's textbooks sum up the lesson of a century of humiliation: being backward means being beaten(落后就要挨打)!
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I actually think China should sell armed drones as well as EW drones to Russia.

EW drones to suppress enemy air defences and communications, while armed drones mop up remaining resistance.
The 3 Western Europeans Chinese seek revenge on are Britain, France, Germany,
Fake Chinese. I correct you once again that there are no Germans on the list of century old disgraces.

Although the Germans once occupied Qingdao, there were no bad events in Qingdao. Moreover, the Germans developed the city very well. Finally, the Germans handed it over to the Chinese smoothly.
Fake Chinese. I correct you once again that there are no Germans on the list of century old disgraces.

Although the Germans once occupied Qingdao, there were no bad events in Qingdao. Moreover, the Germans developed the city very well. Finally, the Germans handed it over to the Chinese smoothly.

Any invasion or colonization or annexation is a humiliation for Chinese. It may not be for any other nation, but Chinese are unique. Chinese are the world's oldest continuous civilization, the land of the twin rivers, the true heir of Sumer. China is the Central Nation (中国).
Let's be honest. Our ancestors were no different from the English.
Strangely, you are trying to frame your ancestors with crimes they don't do

What happens if your ancestors treat the Uighur people the same way the British treats indigenous Americans? Or the Ming dynasty began to kidnap foreigners, beat and sell them as slaves after Zhenghe's journey like the British trading slave?
Any invasion or colonization or annexation is a humiliation for Chinese. It may not be for any other nation, but Chinese are unique. Chinese are the world's oldest continuous civilization, the land of the twin rivers, the true heir of Sumer. China is the Central Nation (中国).
Our civilization has nothing to do with the civilization of the two rivers. We are Chinese, our ancestors are Chinese, not Sumerians. Of course, the history of our civilization is not as long as that of the Sumerians, but we are not interested in stealing other people's history. If you Indians want to inherit Sumerian civilization, please, but please don't continue to pretend to be Chinese.

Secondly, our civilization is just a branch of human civilization. Chinese civilization is indeed tenacious, perhaps it is the only ancient civilization that has survived, but that doesn't mean it's better than other civilizations. One day, Chinese civilization will perish, we are a part of human civilization, and any river will eventually fall into the embrace of the ocean.
One day, Chinese civilization will perish, we are a part of human civilization, and any river will eventually fall into the embrace of the ocean.

This is a pessimistic point of view. Falling into the ocean the way Atlantis did. An optimistic point of view is humans will eventually take to the stars and become truly intergalactic beings.

What about before the Warring States period? And in the Warring States period, our territory was less than half that of today.

This is the essential difference between atheistic philosophy and theistic philosophy. Atheists believe that the world has changed because of ourselves, so we believe that the colonial era is only an objective condition, and our own weakness is the subjective cause of humiliation.

The century old disgrace is described in Chinese textbooks as follows: the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government led China to fall into a semi colonial and semi feudal society.
China's textbooks sum up the lesson of a century of humiliation: being backward means being beaten!
Before the Warring states, the Shang dynasty that controlled more area than Zhou was much more powerful than the Zhou dynasty which let all those pretty much independent states to exist within its kingdom. As before the Shang, these was the Xia dynasty which also administered larger area than the Zhou according to history. Right up to the Yellow emperor and beyond, different groups of Chinese within China basically had been trading, mixing and exchanging cultures right up to the neolithic times as shown by the poetry and artifacts they produced, that is areas like Inner Mongolia, Liaoning and Yangtze river areas have lots connections with central China at the time.

As for Xinjiang, Han Chinese have settled there I say at least 5000 years ago, the minority people there have at least a third of genes that are the same to East Asians or Han Chinese, people there also practice many Han Chinese traditions too such as eat Han Chinese foods and use chopsticks. Two thousands years ago, the area came under Chinese gov control becos it necessitated the Chinese to do so in order to save the Chinese nation from Hun plundering and invasion, China's existential survival was at stake, and this can't be said of Greece and Britain when they expanded and conquered other people.

As for Tibet, the people there are closely related to Han Chinese with almost identical genetic makeups, they only split from Han Chinese just few thousands years ago. Both Tibetans and Han Chinese were use to be Buddhists. It was the Mongol and Manchu minorities who extended Chinese control to the area first, not Han Chinese, there are some differences.

I am not saying that Chinese nation didn't expand in any small size for the last thousands years, but, China is/was basically not an expansionist nation or empire in nature esp when you compare it to the typical well known world empires such as the Hellenic empire, British empire, Ottoman empire and Mongol empire in the past.

Our civilization has nothing to do with the civilization of the two rivers. We are Chinese, our ancestors are Chinese, not Sumerians. Of course, the history of our civilization is not as long as that of the Sumerians, but we are not interested in stealing other people's history. If you Indians want to inherit Sumerian civilization, please, but please don't continue to pretend to be Chinese.

Secondly, our civilization is just a branch of human civilization. Chinese civilization is indeed tenacious, perhaps it is the only ancient civilization that has survived, but that doesn't mean it's better than other civilizations. One day, Chinese civilization will perish, we are a part of human civilization, and any river will eventually fall into the embrace of the ocean.
Maybe will perish.
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This is a pessimistic point of view. Falling into the ocean the way Atlantis did. An optimistic point of view is humans will eventually take to the stars and become truly intergalactic beings.

Any civilization and country will perish. Of course, we are no exception. Of course, the river flowing into the sea is also a kind of extinction. In the future, we may only have the name of human civilization. This is not pessimism, because this is not tragedy. When we live, we should be as enthusiastic and dazzling as summer flowers, and when we die, we should be as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves. This is a magnificent poem we left behind, not a tragedy.
Yes. The Chinese did not forget the humiliation of the Opium War, but they would not boast about the economic strength of the Qing Dynasty, let alone blame the British for the Opium War. The Chinese hated the incompetence of the Qing government and their own weakness.
The reason is simple: Although China opposes imperialism, China is very familiar with imperialism. China has a history of 5000 years, at least 4000 years. China itself is an imperialist country. China used to treat other countries with imperialism, so we certainly have no reason to condemn other countries for treating us with imperialism.
We do not hate Britain, nor boast about the backward and incompetent Qing Dynasty. We hate our own weakness and regret our imperialist history.
Maybe you should get rid off the after effects of opium drugs forced on the Chinese by the British first to hold such outlandish views.
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