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Now Indians Threaten To Burn SRK Alive

Soon after the civilised Indians put up rewards to behead Foreign Minister of Pakistan Bilawal Bhutto, now these peace-loving people are threatening to burn Muslim Indian actor, Shahrukh Khan alive.

You are going in circles.
Ulta chor kotwaal to daante :P

I am dealing with you after all.

1. I have met CPM guys and have seen the party programme of CPM and that is oriented towards elections being the means of gaining governance, but then what ? Those CPM people knew about DPRK but were surprised to hear me speak about the true democracy of Libyan Jamahiriya. CPM should discard its regular-Indian-political-structure orientation and become a truly revolutionary group that seeks a Communist society without State, parties, elections and votes. It is that way I will be truly represented.
o teri.. bc CPM ne bhi get out kar dia :o

and you want to make India a DPRK here ? :lol:

2. But the very presence of the left and non-left progressives in Delhi and India is a good thing. When Modi government sent in the bulldozers to demolish the houses, shops and even push carts of the poor Muslims of Jahangirpuri in Delhi it was Prashant Bhushan, co-founder of Swaraj Abhiyan and also a senior Supreme Court lawyer, who filed an immediate petition in that court, got it and it was Brinda Karat of CPM who rushed with it to Jahangirpuri to show to the bulldozer drivers and the officials and had the demolition stopped.
That area is a total dump anyway, and made worse by illegal encroachments.

So the lamps are just dry leaves set afire and floated ? They don't have oil, vermilion etc on them ? And these lamps composed of these multiple polluting items are floated in thousands or at least hundreds every day. Has been so for maybe 2000 years or more.
I'm all for stopping pollution such as toxic waste and dead being dumped there but that lamp stuff is organic and does not pollute or cause any ecological harm, toxic dumping by factories and untreated sewage flowing into there is the problem.

Please read my thread I linked earlier ( "Jamahir's Musings - Actual democracy" ). The Greek system of Demokratia conceptualized 2500 years ago
Why just 2500 ? aur bhi peeche chalo, lets all go back to being hunter gatherers living in caves.

1. No, it is not just poor people but every kind of socio-economic class whose mindless last wish or involuntarily was to be floated on the Ganga after being burnt on the ghats. It didn't matter to them that their dead bodies will pollute the senses of the watchers and the river itself and filthy dogs will eat their half-rotten bodies. This well-known article shows the filth of Varanasi. The article has pics that you must see and the article starts with :
Yeah, large parts are disgusting, and its fine if they set the matka with ashes afloat, that does not cause any pollution.. direct dumping of bodies otoh, is disgusting.

2. Varanasi is a city of pollution and oppression, the second because it is where Hindu widows are brought and abandoned in vidhwa ashrams ( widow houses ) where they are to remain the rest of their lives in political, social and socio-economic destitution. Hinduism doesn't have the concept of divorce and remarriage and certainly not widow remarriage. The Hindu marriage for the female starts right during the pre-adolescence of the girl when the family begins collecting jewelry and other items for the eventual compulsory wedding of that burden called daughter. When the wedding comes it is done with a compulsory ritual called Kanyadaan which literally means "Giving away of the daughter" but is actually and simply abandonment of the daughter into the hands of the husband and in-laws where she must remain until death or widowhood or Sati, whichever comes first or is socially enforced. And this marriage is a "holy matrimony" for seven lifetimes ( "Saath janam ka bandhan" ) which cannot be abandonment by the wife even if she is tortured by the husband or in-laws. She must bear with it for life, until her current janam ( lifetime ) ends. If however she is widowed then her head is shaved, her bangles broken, she prohibited from wearing color clothes and must wear white forever and is not allowed into any cultural event where married women gather and will live a life of local seclusion and deprivation; or Sati'ed; or taken to Varanasi and abandoned in the vidhwa ashrams. Some years ago there was a good Hindi serial called "Ishq Ka Rang Safed" ( My love is White - white being the color of the widow's saree ) about a young, beautiful, intelligent, innocent and charming widow, Dhaani, who lives in a vidhwa ashram in Varanasi and the hero Viplav, the progressive, carefree and brave grandson of a religious leader becomes in love with her, marries her against society's mores

I know some and know of many who were widowed/divorced and remarried, friends and family cheering on. Dunno what kind of Hindus you hang out with but never heard of anyone being sent off to those widow ashrams.

Also very good friends with more than 1 inter-religious couple, Muslim guy marries Hindu girl, Hindu guy marries muslim lady, christians who are married to hindus, buddhists etc.. bhot hain.

The trouble with you seems to be you only read the news and get depressed, there's a million other depressing stories too, from around the world. What you should do is actually get out in the world, make some friends, travel some, get some real life experience under your belt too. The world's a beautiful place despite all the warts and blemishes.. you can only handle yourself, dunia ki problems solve karne me kyu lage ho.. too much time on your hand ?

So the so-called cultured cities like Varanasi are anything but cultured and civilized. There has to be a cultural rotation there.
You ever even been there ? or RIshikesh ? or lots of other places ? .. there's a lot of beauty there too, its not all filth.

Swizerland jaa ke bas jao... ekdum 1000% pristine everything milega. Subcontinent me gand bhot hai, but beauty bhi hai.. you're a very negative, angry guy. Meditation seekh lo or something lol

No, please check above.
No, main polluters and the industries dumping waste, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Yeah ? Has the above scenery been removed ? Is Ganga now like the Nile and Amazon in context of no cultural pollution ?
Like I said, things are on the mend there, they are cleaning it up and there is greater awareness about not polluting it. There are large parts where the water is clean AF, you can drink, swim in it.

No, dogs must be eradicated globally. And when humans sally out into the Solar System and beyond, Earth will remain "The planet of the Cats".
chutia hai tu

Modi is in for 2024 and the next will be his follower, Mahant Yogi Adityanath. This is the case unless a world war ensues or techno-political changes internally or externally enable the progressives in india to achieve governance.
lol, you'd be ok with a world war just so there can be a commie takeover in India ?

I got very bad news for you, world war ka to pta nahi, but you commies are never taking over this country. You have just as much of a chance of becoming a trillionaire :P

I don't think Bangabandhu had things named after him while he was alive, LOL.
I don't think Modi had anything to do with it being named after him, sycophants maybe, you could argue.. I suppose. Either way, its a sports stadium, and a bloody good one at that, so overall good.
Ulta chor kotwaal to daante :P

I am dealing with you after all.

No, I am the kotwal here.

o teri.. bc CPM ne bhi get out kar dia :o

and you want to make India a DPRK here ? :lol:

No, CPM didn't not eject me. I actually met its previous state secretary for my state in 2016 and after a few discussions with me, having evaluated me himself and through an associate of the party involved in computing I was invited to join the party in 2016 itself. To get enrolled I had to meet my district's district committee secretary at a protest meet in memory of Rohith Vemula. I attended that meet but missed meeting the district committee secretary and then didn't follow up. So I almost joined CPM in 2016. What I told you in the previous post was of recent.

CPM is also a comradely progressive group and I will work with it in however way I can arrange but I simply find its current approach to not be in alignment with Communist idealism but this can be corrected. CPM having become just another Indian elections-oriented party is not the right approach, is not revolutionary. As I said, there is no chance in the heavily right-wing India of now for a Communist party to attain national governance, unless something unusual occurs. CPM did the most foolish thing in 1996 by its central committee not allowing Jyoti Basu to become the first Communist prime minister of India when this event was a certainty because CPM and other left parties were ideologically influential in that coalition called United Front. Seems every leftist in India including himself and maybe outside later called it a historic blunder. India now suffers much because of that blunder 26 years ago.

And no, I don't want to remake India into a DPRK or even a Libyan Jamahirya but more, taking ideas from Muammar and from previous and current Communist ideologues, experiments and experiences and my own ideas. Not just for India but the entirety of the world. Call the ideas as Jamahirism maybe. :D

That area is a total dump anyway, and made worse by illegal encroachments.

Yes, it is unsightly, chaotic, disharmonious which all leads to bad quality of life including crime. But much of the rest of India is also this including Srinagar, capital of Kashmir which is called Paradise on Earth. Watch Mr. Bald do a hilarious take on a road in Paharganj in Delhi, though he does a small lusting after two passing sexy bhabhis ( this is the vid that introduced me to the brilliant Mr. Bald, he's been even to Syria a few months ago ) :

Just stop building temples and statues and stadiums and bullet trains and flyovers. Just abolish personal vehicles and build new townships that are built aesthetically and harmoniously, like in this post of mine about how a city should be designed. Once this is done then transfer most of the populations of the current cities there and modify those current cities too. Didn't Modi promise as his PM candidature in 2014 that he will be build 100 "smart cities" ? Where are those eight years later ? Even one ?

I'm all for stopping pollution such as toxic waste and dead being dumped there but that lamp stuff is organic and does not pollute or cause any ecological harm, toxic dumping by factories and untreated sewage flowing into there is the problem.

1. Good that you believe that the dead being dumped there is wrong.

2. It is not the lamp itself that pollutes because it is made of soil. It is what is put into it and around it that pollutes. it would have been nice if those soil lamps were just used as tiny vessels within which natural colors like turmeric was put to represent something.

Why just 2500 ? aur bhi peeche chalo, lets all go back to being hunter gatherers living in caves.

You are right, the ideas that are collectively called Communism now have existed since the beginning of human groups. In this post there is my text describing such and quotings from Wikipedia.

Yeah, large parts are disgusting, and its fine if they set the matka with ashes afloat, that does not cause any pollution.. direct dumping of bodies otoh, is disgusting.

Actually there is a fantastic development in human body disposal, something that every religious community should adopt, actually must be enforced. It is called Human Composting, doesn't involve burial or burning which either take precious land permanently or much wood or electricity. Very eco-friendly. This is my thread about it from 2020 talking about an American company Recompose which introduced and developed the idea. The structure is so beautiful on the inside, mixing beauty with functionality.

I know some and know of many who were widowed/divorced and remarried, friends and family cheering on. Dunno what kind of Hindus you hang out with but never heard of anyone being sent off to those widow ashrams.

Also very good friends with more than 1 inter-religious couple, Muslim guy marries Hindu girl, Hindu guy marries muslim lady, christians who are married to hindus, buddhists etc.. bhot hain.

The trouble with you seems to be you only read the news and get depressed, there's a million other depressing stories too, from around the world. What you should do is actually get out in the world, make some friends, travel some, get some real life experience under your belt too. The world's a beautiful place despite all the warts and blemishes.. you can only handle yourself, dunia ki problems solve karne me kyu lage ho.. too much time on your hand ?

1. I have never personally known many Hindu families but my mother spoke of seeing Hindu widows in the Deccan being given red sarees and given an enforced secluded life. But I don't disagree that there are widow remarriages among Hindus. Hindu progressives and the British colonial government enabled the "The Hindu widow remarriage act, 1856" ( with one wrong element being a "minor" widow essentially being in control of male family members ) but much of the Hindu society remained traditional, regressive, misogynist and oppressive which is why it supports crooks like Yogi Adityanath. However, take this positive news from May this year from Maharashtra where two villages have abolished the demeaning rituals imposed on a Hindu woman when she becomes a widow and the oppressive life imposed on her then on :

Two villages in Maharashtra ban rituals of widowhood​

Resolution passed by the two villages is set to become State policy​

May 12, 2022 03:45 pm | Updated 09:45 pm IST - Mumbai

The resolution said rituals barring widows from social gatherings deprived them of their human rights.

A resolution passed by two villages in Maharashtra’s Kolhapur district banning age-old regressive rituals that ostracise widows is set to become part of the State’s policy for women.

Herwad village in Shirol tehsil and historic Mangaon in Hatkanangle tehsil in Kolhapur district passed the resolution at gram sabhas on the occasion of Maharashtra Day (May 1). Mangaon already holds a special place in the history of social reform movement. Babasaheb Ambedkar and Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj held the first joint conference against untouchability in this village on March 21, 1920.

The resolution said that, henceforth, no woman in the village would undergo the painful rituals of widowhood.
“When the husband dies, a woman is subjected to rituals such as wiping her sindoor, removing her mangalsutra, breaking her bangles and removing toe ring. Similarly, she is barred from any religious or social gathering and her social status as a married woman is snatched. Such rituals deprive her of her rights and violate human rights. Our village bans any such rituals in order to ensure that widows too should be able to live like any other woman,” said the resolution.

Muktabai Sanjay Pujari, who proposed the resolution in Herwad gram panchayat, told The Hindu that being a woman she used to interact with widows and knew how much it hurt them when they were barred from family functions or religious programs. “We felt the intensity of it after the Covid wave. We wanted to do something about it,” she said.

Pramod Zinjade from Pothre village Solapur district’s Karmala tehsil runs an organisation called Mahatma Phule Samaj Seva Mandal and had initiated the work to stop the ostracising of women prior to the pandemic.
“When one of my colleagues died and his wife became invisible in the social sphere, I started thinking that this needed to be changed,” he told The Hindu. As he started propagating the message, many men told him that their wife too would suffer the same when they died.
“I bought a ₹100 stamp paper and drew up a legal agreement saying in case of my death, my wife shall not be subjected to any such rituals,” he said. As he publicised his work, he decided that the sarpanch of villages should be made aware about it as the actual change began from the bottom.

Surgonda Patil, sarpanch of Herwad village, had got acquainted with him during the flood relief work in Kolhapur district in 2019. “I was extremely impressed by his thoughts and presented the idea to our gram panchayat members. They all supported and we decided to pass the resolution,” he said.

Similarly, Raju Magdum of Mangaon too had come across Mr. Zinjade’s work. Sandhyatai Jadhav, a gram panchayat member from the village, had already begun the revolutionary work from her house.

“I lost my brother-in-law six months ago due to heart attack. We, in our family, decided that his wife would not be subjected to any prevalent rituals. We will not treat her as a widow, but as any other normal human being,” said Ms. Jadhav.

“We had an example in front of us. Using that and Mr. Zinjade’s guidance, we too passed the resolution on May 1,” said Mr. Magdum.

The examples set by Herwad and Mangaon have now caught the attention of the Maharashtra government.
State Women and Child Welfare Minister Yashomati Thakur, who met the delegation of Herwad gram panchayat on Thursday, said that this would be the part of the State’s policy for women.

Nationalist Congress Party MP Supriya Sule also said that the initiative would turn into official State policy.

Mr. Zinjade said his team of volunteers was working on the issue and and he had been getting requests for guidance from States such as Gujarat and Karnataka too.
“We did this because we understand how a woman feels when she is ignored just because her husband is dead. We decided that any good work should begin from our house, only then others will follow. Therefore, we decided to take this step,” said Ms. Jadhav.
This is so nice but it should be added with the fact that the widow should be seen as a female who has right to remarriage or be with whichever man she wants to be without a scandal erupting or she be legally harassed. But the article is from one month before the BJP-led alliance came into power, so the BJP being a Hindutvadi group desiring Manusmriti to replace the current constitution of India may not allow those two villages doing this needed abolition to spread their ideas in Maharashtra much less to other states.

2. The fascist and oppressive Hindutvadi BJP which forms government in Maharashtra has set up a panel there to monitor inter-faith marriages. Bombay was the bastion of inter-faith marriages and these haraamis have taken it into their net too :

Maharashtra forms panel to track inter-faith marriages​

Scroll Staff
Dec 16, 2022 · 08:17 am

The Maharashtra government on Thursday formed a 13-member coordination panel, led by a minister, to find out about interfaith marriages in the state and maintain a record about such couples and their families, PTI reported.

The new government resolution stated that the panel has been named interfaith marriage-family coordination committee (state level), The Indian Express reported.

On Tuesday, the government had announced that the panel will also look at inter-caste couples. However, these couples have been dropped from the committee’s purview.

“The state government is encouraging inter-caste marriages and there is also a plan to give financial rewards to those who do it,” said Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis. “It is alarming that there has been an increase in cases of cheating in interfaith marriages in some parts of the state. Therefore, fraud in the name of love jihad has to be stopped,”

Love jihad is an unproven conspiracy theory used by Bharatiya Janata Party leaders and Hindutva groups to accuse Muslim men of converting Hindu women by the lure of marriage.

Meanwhile, the panel – now exclusively confined to scrutinise interfaith marriages – will be headed by state’s Women and Child Development Mangal Prabhat Lodha, The Hindu reported. He said that the move was aimed at avoiding a repeat of the Shraddha Walkar murder case.

Walkar (26) from Mumbai was killed by her live-in partner Aftab Poonawala in Delhi in May. He chopped her body into pieces and buried them in Delhi.

Lodha said that in this case, Walkar’s family was unaware of her murder, which he described as scary.

“Just as we counsel couples going for divorces to explore possible ways to stay together, the panel will counsel the women estranged from their families to resume contact,” he said.

The Nationalist Congress Party, which is in the Opposition in Maharashtra, has objected to the panel.
Party MLA and former minister Jitendra Awhad said that the state government must stay away from personal matters of couples.

“What’s this rubbish of committee to check inter-caste/religion marriages?” he tweeted. “Who is the government to spy on who marries whom? In liberal Maharashtra, this is a retrograde, nauseating step.”

Nationalist Congress Party spokesperson Clyde Crasto said that the panel should be available to women irrespective of any religion, caste or faith, India Today.
“If they do not, then it will be clear that this panel is set up with mala fide intentions,” he said.
About this section :
“Just as we counsel couples going for divorces to explore possible ways to stay together, the panel will counsel the women estranged from their families to resume contact,” he said.
So this so-called counselling thing is just the Maharashtra government doing what the other Hindutvadi thugs like Hindu Janajagruti Samiti have been doing for years. Abducting Hindu females who are in affairs with Muslim men or married to Muslims and then taking them to "counselling centers" where they are coerced physically and psychologically to abandon their Muslim partners and then handed over to their oppressive families who will further do violence and other oppressions against them like locking them in the house, not providing a phone or even a book. And then forcing them into marriage. HJS has been doing this with the police directly colluding ( like sending a team to another state to abduct the girl ) or looking the other way. This is now official policy of Maharashtra government.

Secondly, why is this Hindutvadi thug minister for "women and child development" ( LOL, great development here ) talking about divorce when Hinduism doesn't inherently have divorce concept itself much less any counselling to resolve the marital issues ? The concept of divorce comes from the 1400-year-old Islamic marriage law which was adopted by France and England in the 1800s and became included officially into codified Hindu law only in 1955 through progressive leaders then ( officially included but never accepted culturally among most of the Hindu population ). The Hindutvadi deputy chief minister of Maharashtra talks against a fake conspiracy by Muslims called Love Jihad but then talks sweetly about divorce without acknowledging that divorce is an Islamic concept ? In the words of Modi jee : "Hypocrisy ki bhi koi seema hoti hai". :lol: All this "Love Jihad" thing is just the 3000-year-old Hindutvadi / Brahmanvadi / Manuvadi means of controlling the female, never allowing her her due human rights like I quoted in the misogynist and suffocating words of the next Hindutvadi PM candidate Yogi Adityanath. During the heydays of the Shraddha-Aaftab case the Maharashtra police had decided to create a force to be deputed to any city in India to keep tabs on every Maharashtrian Hindu female who was in relation with a non-Hindu, especially a Muslim. The reason given was safety for these females but it is simply known that this was just anti-Islam hatred. During those days was the honor killing of Hindu girl Aayushi in Delhi done by her Hindu parents by torturing her, then shooting her and then packing her body into a suitcase which was left on the Delhi-Mathura highway. The parents did it because she had married a man of another Hindu caste - not the "abhorrent" Muslim but a Hindu of another caste - and she was freedom-minded so they felt ashamed because of her and killed her. However, it was Aaftab's photos which were taken out in processions by the bhagwa females and males and beaten with slippers and "Hai hai" chants raised. The Hindu father and mother of Aayushi were not reviled by the bhagwas and Aayushi was not mourned unlike the massive mourning of Shraddha on the streets and on Godi Media every day throughout the day.

Also, the Hindutvadi Maharashtra government speaks of encouraging inter-caste marriage among Hindus but this is just lie. Aayushi married a man from another Hindu caste and she got honor-killed for it. This is the usual outcome.

So Hindutvadis are not concerned about humanity, humanism, justice and sensibility. They are misogynist zombies who see the Hindu female as a chattel of the Hindu qaum who cannot be seen cavorting with Muslims specifically but with any male really other than one appointed permanently by her Great Hindu Family. Any transgression of this commandment by the female will invite immediate abduction, confinement and violence by the family and its associates or straight murder.

See this is why the Uniform Civil Code is a must but has to be an enlightened one produced by progressives like me and not at all with involvement by Hindutvadis and it will naturally apply more to Hindus on a day-to-day basis than to any other community in India because the traditional Hindu community which makes up the bulk of the population is quite regressive and this cannot be denied. For example see the furore among Hindutvadis last year about Alia Bhatt's ad for Manyavar suitings where she plays a Hindu bride at her wedding and when the traditional wedding ritual "Kanyadaan" is set to begin she says that instead of "Kanyadaan" ( essentially seeing the daughter as a chattel to be abandoned by her parents into the hands of her soon-to-be husband and in-laws ) she wants "Kanyamaan" ( the kanya - bride - to go into the husband's household and be treated with respect and human rights as an independent human ). This simple and rightful call for rejection of traditional oppressive and misogynist Hindu cultural element immediately saw backlash from the Hindutvadis and they started yet another Boycott Something campaign against Manyavar suitings. And see this tweet :
The tweet is by a female yet she perpetuates traditional Hindu oppression against her own biological kind. These people are not sane. And she stupidly asks if the ad makers will target the rituals of another faith and she intends to say Islam. The jaahil aurat doesn't know the rights that were brought to the females by Islam including what I said earlier about the concept of divorce which this bhagwa female, Monica, enjoys in India now but insults Islam, LOL. And have a lookie at two of her recent tweets :
LOL, what insane contradictions she has ! She couldn't tolerate Alia's ad calling for end to misogyny in Hinduism last year and now she is talking about "Sanatana Dharma has indigenous tolerance and is benevolent for the world" ? And what is this Hindutvadi obsessions with the word "Indigenous" ? Every technology seems to be "indigenous" in India, with of course India flag pasted after having purchased the item from Israel or Germany or wherever in the Western bloc, LOL. And this Mad Monica wants to build a Hindu Rashtra to spread this misogynist and oppressive "dharma" to the rest of the world and she calls the boycotting of Alia's ad and the honor killing Aayushi as "spiritual" ? :lol:

Virus, you live in a bubble where you think everything is Disneyland. :) Those inter-faith couples you know will now start to feel the heat if they live in Maharashtra. And @langda khan cannot impose on me to not talk about the goings on in Hindu life because he and his Hindutvadi buddies can do anything to each other, I don't care, but if any innocent and sensible person is oppressed because of Hindutvadis then it is the duty of me and every person in the world to point and speak.

You ever even been there ? or RIshikesh ? or lots of other places ? .. there's a lot of beauty there too, its not all filth.

Swizerland jaa ke bas jao... ekdum 1000% pristine everything milega. Subcontinent me gand bhot hai, but beauty bhi hai.. you're a very negative, angry guy. Meditation seekh lo or something lol

For me the company of the few houses who visit my house is meditation. I find that lotus position and all that as utter nonsense and pretension. It is often seen that those who do this yoga-shyoga are quite insane or at least they have allowed themselves to be easily misled by fads.

chutia hai tu

"Choot" refers to the female organ, yes ? Now you claim yourself to be in regular company of the females yet you insult those very females by using that word as a sneering swear word.

lol, you'd be ok with a world war just so there can be a commie takeover in India ?

That's not what I meant.

I got very bad news for you, world war ka to pta nahi, but you commies are never taking over this country. You have just as much of a chance of becoming a trillionaire :P

That's why I said CPM's approach must be through discarding the regular Indian political system of elections and all. I don't expect the 500 million Hindutvadis in India to suddenly declare "Laal Salaam".

I don't think Modi had anything to do with it being named after him, sycophants maybe, you could argue.. I suppose. Either way, its a sports stadium, and a bloody good one at that, so overall good.

1. That stadium was renamed to his name almost two years ago, why didn't it occur to him all this time to demand changing it to some other name ?

2. That structure is useless anyway. Demolish it and in its area build a big planetarium, glass-covered badminton courts, swimming pools and a garden-having restaurant.
No, I am the kotwal here.
You have a sick fantasy of being a dunia ka kotwal, a totalitarian (which is typical) commie approach to running things, like the Disgusting ROK which where they control every small aspect of everyone's lives, including how many calories everyone is allowed to consume per day.. its quite pathetic to say the least.

CPM is also a comradely progressive group and I will work with it in however way I can arrange but I simply find its current approach to not be in alignment with Communist idealism but this can be corrected. CPM having become just another Indian elections-oriented party is not the right approach, is not revolutionary.
You want them to start an armed bloody red armed revolution instead of appealing for votes within a democratic structure... right.

It is not the lamp itself that pollutes because it is made of soil. It is what is put into it and around it
its all organic and does not pollute.. ever seen one in real life ?

the ideas that are collectively called Communism now have existed since the beginning of human groups.
we don't need to collectivise and hunt like they did in pre historic times anymore.. smh

BJP being a Hindutvadi group desiring Manusmriti to replace the current constitution of India
matlab kuch bhi ?


Virus, you live in a bubble where you think everything is Disneyland. :) Those inter-faith couples you know will now start to feel the heat if they live in Maharashtra.
Far from, a lot of bad goes on here, I'm aware, including among people I know.. the thing is, IDGAF lol, not my problem, why the hell should I involve myself in the private lives of others, unless specifically asked to ? I'm plenty busy with my own life.. and I have no desire to interfere in the lives of others.. theka ni le rakha dunia ka. All I can do is not be like those guys, not act like them etc

Few of those are from Mumbai, the inter-faith couples and friends of mine.

For me the company of the few houses who visit my house is meditation. I find that lotus position and all that as utter nonsense and pretension. It is often seen that those who do this yoga-shyoga are quite insane or at least they have allowed themselves to be easily misled by fads.
Funny, I know of muslims from the middle east who come to those retreats and have found it to be immensely helpful in relieving stress and improving their lives tremendously. Its not religion based, just controlling the mind, which is like a beast and tough to get a reign on otherwise. It isnt shirk by any stretch.

"Choot" refers to the female organ, yes ? Now you claim yourself to be in regular company of the females yet you insult those very females by using that word as a sneering swear word.
lol, chootia means idiot up north around del-UP

gandu, gandmasti means idiot and good times in Bombay/maha.

the "females" I hang out with are shernis who would rip you a new one in about 0.001 seconds flat :smokin:

That stadium was renamed to his name almost two years ago, why didn't it occur to him all this time to demand changing it to some other name ?
twas an honour conferred upon him, it would be impolite to say so..

That structure is useless anyway. Demolish it and in its area build a big planetarium, glass-covered badminton courts, swimming pools and a garden-having restaurant.

nobody watches badminton, its a great stadium "for the masses" .. and we like cricket.


you really need to get out more, like seriously
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