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Now, Indian BSF Abducts a Teenager

Once inside, bangs get political patronage. They get ration card, voter id etc. Very difficult to prove that they are from bd. Also,removing anybody who is staying too long in India, in my opinion, will be quite inhuman too.

The fence and BSF are they only defense we got. I dont understand how bangs here point finger at us where as they are the ones that violate the law. It is like a thief suing you for damage, because your ceiling cave in on him and he got injured.
Once inside, bangs get political patronage. They get ration card, voter id etc. Very difficult to prove that they are from bd. Also,removing anybody who is staying too long in India, in my opinion, will be quite inhuman too.

The fence and BSF are they only defense we got. I dont understand how bangs here point finger at us where as they are the ones that violate the law. It is like a thief suing you for damage, because your ceiling cave in on him and he got injured.

Well said! Completely agree with you!!!
Oh! really? Could you please give me a single news link (only international news media like BBC, CNN etc. neither Indian nor Bangladeshi) to justify your claim?

Then, give us any GoI links that show the BD population in your rich slums of Bombay. Don't quote your BJP statements. According to your BJP we are in India in mass to get some land (another Pakistan?) out of it.
We have no problem if BD doctors, engineers, scientists, poets, painters, filmmakers come here. But please don't jump the fence.
BD qualified educated people are not interested to work in India. However, since Nepalese citizens in hundreds are studying in many of our Institutions of higher education, they may be interested to work in India.

*A side note: Why Nepalese prefer BD than India? It is because Indian students have a habit of bragging of their highly rich country and then bullying the Nepalese for happened to be born in a poor mountainous country.
BD qualified educated people are not interested to work in India. However, since Nepalese citizens in hundreds are studying in many of our Institutions of higher education, they may be interested to work in India.

*A side note: Why Nepalese prefer BD than India? It is because Indian students have a habit of bragging of their highly rich country and then bullying the Nepalese for happened to be born in a poor mountainous country.

There are so many Nepalese students in shikdar medical that I got stunned when I wen't to visit my cousin. Most of'em comes here to study medical applications/subjects. The other day I was watching a renowned heart specialist of BD say that one of his student has successfully initiated a hospital in nepal(specializing in cardiac complications) and he seemed really pleased.

Although I've heard there are many more Nepalese studying in Chittagong.
Theres a new univesity which is being designed by the renowned architect moshe Safdie

The Asian University For women
I hope there will be more nepalese bhutanese and srilankans studying there
here are some images(I'll create a thread regarding it but I'm too lazy)


Then, give us any GoI links that show the BD population in your rich slums of Bombay. Don't quote your BJP statements. According to your BJP we are in India in mass to get some land (another Pakistan?) out of it.

Some data highlights.

Total number of in-migrants during the last ten years is largest in Greater Mumbai UA, the main
component being those who are coming from outside the state. Delhi UA on the other hand
received 1.9 million migrants from other states, the largest among the UAs shown above. Kolkata
UA is important as it received 54,509 persons from other countries, most likely Bangladesh.
Bangalore UA, which received 0.3 million in-migrants from other states, more than Chennai and
Kolkata, is likely due to its growing opportunities in information technology related work. In terms of
proportion of in-migrants to total population in these UAs, Delhi UA was at the top, with in-migrants
constituting 16.4% of the population. Greater Mumbai (15.1%) and Bangalore UA (13.4%) were the
next two in terms of proportion among the UAs listed above.


Statement 12 on migration by last residence shows that there were 4.9 million persons who
migrated from the neighbouring countries, constituting about 96.9% of the total migrants from
abroad. The bulk of these migrants were from Bangladesh who were about 3.0 million in number,
the next important group being those from Pakistan (0.9 million) and Nepal (0.5 million). If one
examines the trends of migration from neighbouring countries over the years a slowing down in
migration is evident. Bulk of the international migration shown above relates to ‘20 years or above’
category, pointing towards migration at the time of partition or the formation of Bangladesh in 1971.
Large scale migration from across the border seems to have declined after that, except in case of
Bangladesh. The rising number of migrants from Nepal over the years is also important.


As per 2001 Census, Maharashtra received largest number of migrants (7.9
million) by place of birth from other states and other countries, followed by Delhi (5.6 million) and West Bengal (5.5 million). In 1991 Census, the corresponding number of migrants in to Maharashtra was 4.3 million, Delhi 3.7 million and West Bengal 5.1 million, indicating a sharp rise in migration over the decade.

During the last decade (1991-2001), the number of migrants in India (excluding J&K) rose by 32.9%, high in comparison to India’s population, which recorded a growth of 21.5% during this decade.

Source :http://www.censusindia.gov.in/Data_...ta_Highlights_link/data_highlights_D1D2D3.pdf
Honestly, after reading the the census report, it seems the situation is more grave than what I previously believed. My full support to whoever honestly tries to eradicate this problem, be it BJP or Cong.
Honestly, after reading the the census report, it seems the situation is more grave than what I previously believed. My full support to whoever honestly tries to eradicate this problem, be it BJP or Cong.

Thank you for waking up so early from sleep after checkered lungis have overwhelmed the slums, from Delhi to Bangalore and Mumbai to Chennai.Jai greater Bengal.
Thank you for waking up so early from after checkered lungis have overwhelmed the slums, from Delhi to Bangalore and Mumbai to Chennai.Jai greater Bengal.

Would you please try not to sound bigoted?

I have a reason to be worried as my state seems to be up there among places which received most immigrants, I don't understand why you coming up with anti-Muslim and anti-Bengali rhetoric?
Would you please try not to sound bigoted?

I have a reason to be worried as my state seems to be up there among places which received most immigrants, I don't understand why you coming up with anti-Muslim and anti-Bengali rhetoric?

I know truth hurts.

Its because of you guys and ur sucker politicians who encourage these illegal BD in to India on the basis of Bengali brotherhood. But they don't confine themselves to WB , they spread out to all over india .Its you guys who have created this headache that even chattisgarh small towns have the illegals hiding there now.
Well if it was the case then why was migration accepted during the liberation period? During the partition of '47 so many Muslims came here so according to the law do they become illegals in Bangladesh? I can trace my family back to Lucknow(migrated 150yrs back) and before that they came from Persia(5-8 generations back) so does that make me illegal here? It always seems to me that you guys promoted the migration of Hindus from Bangladesh when it was a coherent society from the beginning. Now after so many years you guys make them illegal...................
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Well if it was the case then why was migration accepted during the liberation period? During the partition of '47 so many Muslims came here so according to the law do they become illegals in Bangladesh? I can trace my family back to Lucknow(migrated 150yrs back) and before that they came from Persia(5 generations back) so does that make me illegal here? It always seems to me that you guys promoted the migration of Hindus from Bangladesh when we it was a coherent society from the beginning. Now after so many years you guys make them illegal...................

No according to the data migration from Bangladesh and Nepal keep continued since 71. It doesn't say anything about religion as it's beyond the realm of census.
Its not hatred hallucinating stupid .Its simple anger. Don't u see these guys threat for u and everybody .

R u kidding??

We have got a 100 member extended of Hindu Bangladeshi refugee from 71 war living in our neghgboutrhood since long before my birth, and in Cuttack there are very old Bengali localities.We are all indians ,aren't we?? So don't pull empty meaningless threats on me.

Yes, Odisha is facing facing ripid influx of Bangladeshi in and around costal district near West Bengal.Even in Bhubaneswar i met chick breat sellers of country chicken who were illegals .

Whats wrong in it ??
They wear checkered lungi everywhere they live, kind of a trademark.

Leave it dude, i'm not in my proper sense today. I deleted my previous comment and I wish you to do that as well.

It was not a threat or anything, just didn't like your tone.
Leave it dude, i'm not in my proper sense today. I deleted my previous comment and I wish you to do that as well.

It was not a threat or anything, just didn't like your tone.
Its okay, u may go on a holiday to Bangladesh to meet ur friends and after that u'll like my tone.
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