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Now China ready to take partnership with India to higher level: Xi

Multiple reasons:

1. China can't offer us the level of technology that US can offer.

2. We certainly won't buy military equipment from China, nor they will sell us.

3. We want US to invest and make in India, the goal is to improve manufacturing and export. China want us to be their export destination.

4. We do not have any conflict with US, but we have issues with China.

Etc. Etc.

I agree to the first three points. But about the fourth one, we should not trust US either. Especially with the military bases and defense sites
The economic & military gap with China is going to get narrower from what it is today, it will become evident to all in next 3 to 5 years. China is slowing down and will continue to do so for a very long time to balance the anomalies that she has created in her economy, India on the other hand is coming back to track that she lost a decade ago. I think China can officially settle for Aksai Chin and leave its claim for AP, but our political system makes it difficult for us to redraw the map, opposition parties will jump on the government. Lastly, China doesn't really have a military solution against us, they don't have enough for an offensive against us, defender needs much lesser resources, especially in difficult terrain. Add to that, majority of Chinese equipment are old.
From Chinese aspect,
1.Economic slowing down is not a bad news because we have achieve the goal of modernization by huge low-end industries.With wages rising,environmental pollution deteriorating,ect,there is no need to keep such high speed.Turing the economic development model and improving our position in global industrial chain will cost less and benefit more.If India can cooperate with China,it's possible to gain more metastasizing manufacturing industries and get win-win prospect.
2.China has border conflict with India.As you thought and saw,China don't want to improve the conflict with India and has patient to solve that problem.Military solution against India is not allowed.Because there is no need for that or China wouldn't chose troop withdrawal to original line in 1962.Having bad relation will hurt both us.Both Chinese and Indian gov must take more resource and strategic power to help our millions of poor population getting rid of poverty.Peace and trading are much benefit for everyone.And most Chinese public has no hostile to India at all.
3.The only opinion I don't agree with you is "majority of Chinese equipment are old".Although we have no intention to involve in any war,China has spent tons of money in developing our military force with our economic developing. I don't want to insult you.But frankly speaking,whenever talking about the size,quality or battle ability,India has a long way to catch China.It seems like the gap between China and America.
PTI and Chinese President letter to Prime Minister . Why to get desperate ?

You think China will give you hugs, after your Modi jee has "in principle" agreed to involve your navy in the South China Sea (US On going ) engagement there?

Good luck bro!
You think China will give you hugs, after your Modi jee has "in principle" agreed to involve your navy in the South China Sea (US On going ) engagement there?

Good luck bro!
Hahaha bhai we are global power from yesterday :usflag::p:

From Chinese aspect,
1.Economic slowing down is not a bad news because we have achieve the goal of modernization by huge low-end industries.With wages rising,environmental pollution deteriorating,ect,there is no need to keep such high speed.Turing the economic development model and improving our position in global industrial chain will cost less and benefit more.If India can cooperate with China,it's possible to gain more metastasizing manufacturing industries and get win-win prospect.
What did I just read ? So are you telling slow growth rate of China is another CPC new scheme ? How in hehe world slow growth rate bring down pollution . I agree that you have grown at faster phase in the last 20 years but less degrading growth will improve ur industries ? Chino indo partnership will benefit both but it should be balanced ... for example We can provide agricultural products at less price ... u are buying Japs rice for 5 times ur rice .

2.China has border conflict with India.As you thought and saw,China don't want to improve the conflict with India and has patient to solve that problem.Military solution against India is not allowed.Because there is no need for that or China wouldn't chose troop withdrawal to original line in 1962.Having bad relation will hurt both us.Both Chinese and Indian gov must take more resource and strategic power to help our millions of poor population getting rid of poverty.Peace and trading are much benefit for everyone.And most Chinese public has no hostile to India at all.
very true . We are the world's oldest democracy . Shared same values and religion . But now it's changed ur president comes with olive branch to meet Modi . At the same time ur PLA intrudes into our territory . That's too at the same time Xi had meeting with Modi Ji . So its upto pla to decide on relationship .

3.The only opinion I don't agree with you is "majority of Chinese equipment are old".Although we have no intention to involve in any war,China has spent tons of money in developing our military force with our economic developing. I don't want to insult you.But frankly speaking,whenever talking about the size,quality or battle ability,India has a long way to catch China.It seems like the gap between China and America.

True what you said about India and what Indian said to you. U can ask anyone in the world. They will say that Chinese products are low quality from toys to weapons . May be since you have invested lots of money on domestic weapons . You may have good weapons by now . And yes we have long way to go . We are highly focused on quality that's why our weapons takes many years to get inducted after lots of conformation and test .

Let's hope for good . Leave the past aside . We have lot of poor people to take care of. Hope that ur PLA will also think about. My friend :china::cheers:
No thanks. China wants to change their economic model and dump polluting industries into India while they focus on higher end, non polluting industries.

Even If PLA decides it wants better relations with India, how can we trust them? They are known for pacifying the enemy temporarily, while they gain more strength. They want no negotiation with the borders. They want it all. That's why they keep on prolonging talks on and on.

They talk of taking India relations higher, yet they want to push for Pakistan to be allowed into NSG. Come on guys, wake up. These guys have one view about us ad that's it. Their actions speak louder than their BS words. We have been hearing them talk a long time.
Hahaha bhai we are global power from yesterday :usflag::p:

What did I just read ? So are you telling slow growth rate of China is another CPC new scheme ? How in hehe world slow growth rate bring down pollution . I agree that you have grown at faster phase in the last 20 years but less degrading growth will improve ur industries ? Chino indo partnership will benefit both but it should be balanced ... for example We can provide agricultural products at less price ... u are buying Japs rice for 5 times ur rice .

very true . We are the world's oldest democracy . Shared same values and religion . But now it's changed ur president comes with olive branch to meet Modi . At the same time ur PLA intrudes into our territory . That's too at the same time Xi had meeting with Modi Ji . So its upto pla to decide on relationship .

True what you said about India and what Indian said to you. U can ask anyone in the world. They will say that Chinese products are low quality from toys to weapons . May be since you have invested lots of money on domestic weapons . You may have good weapons by now . And yes we have long way to go . We are highly focused on quality that's why our weapons takes many years to get inducted after lots of conformation and test .

Let's hope for good . Leave the past aside . We have lot of poor people to take care of. Hope that ur PLA will also think about. My friend :china::cheers:
1)7.4% mabey is slower for China,but it's the fastest in Asia.We add about one third of Indian economy last year.If you are in China,you will find the answer why it cause slower speed.Gov take more measures to promote technology companie, for example,a new national plan "industrial 4.0"is under structure in Quanzhou.And take more force to
punish polution factories,mabey hundred thousands of such factories are turned off especially the small coalmines and manufacturing shops.It's needed and cause much negative influence to economy.But If gov don't take such strong arms,such companies will not change their way to make money.
That's why we need slower speed to change.Sometimes it's like driving car,there is a sudden turn.you must brake a little.
2)There are millions of kinds Chinese products.Many of they are bad quality and cheap,many are good quality but expensive.Money=Quality.Spending less money to get the same quality products as our competitors' is the reason why Chinese products sells perfectly.
Can you list some Chinese products that they are expensive with bad quality?
If you find the truth that Indian products is better when cost same comparing to Chinese products.Just I suggest you call the retail group,they will glad to buy yours.It will benefit consumers a lot.
And another question that maybe will help you to think over the competitiveness about Chinese products is why Apple are made in China instead of India?What should Indian company do if you want grasp such business from Chinese opponent?
3)When talking about millitary equipments,if you believe that Indian is better.I don't want to debate because it make no sense.
4)Hope we can live peace and better life.:cheers:
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If there is anyone who is to be blamed for Sino-Indian tensions and conflicts, it is our late PM Nehru. India is still having problems with PRC because of the arrogance of this guy.
If at all Mr. Jinping is interested in genuinely sorting issues out, entire India welcomes it.

But he really needs to rein in the PLA for that to happen; other than the existing outstanding issues.

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