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Now China ready to take partnership with India to higher level: Xi

And above all India has democracy. Something India like to brag about above all.

What exactly is your problem with India, mate?

We could have easily taken the shortcuts like military dictatorships or communism and whitewash all the diversity/problems in the name of cultural revolution -- given the problems an young India faced. It is an achievement in itself to have stayed the course with Democracy for a chaotic, poor and extremely diverse country like India. Although not perfect, we are getting there!

So why not? What is there not to brag about it?
What exactly is your problem with India, mate?

We could have easily taken the shortcuts like military dictatorships or communism and whitewash all the diversity/problems in the name of cultural revolution -- given the problems an young India faced. It is an achievement in itself to have stayed the course with Democracy for a chaotic, poor and extremely diverse country like India. Although not perfect, we are getting there!

So why not? What is there not to brag about it?

Democracy is just a processc, not an achievement. And the jury is still out on whether democracy us the best form of gov. It's always important to keep an open mind on all form of gov.
Democracy is just a processc, not an achievement. And the jury is still out on whether democracy us the best form of gov. It's always important to keep an open mind on all form of gov.

Staying on course for Democracy for 65+ years is an achievement! Whitewashing all your problems in the name of cultural revolution is an easy shortcut!

The argument is not about what is the best form of governance. It is the best form of governance for a country as diverse as India! So the jury is firmly 'in' on this case.

Always maintaining a rabidly anti-Indian stance on all the matters is NOT the same as keeping an "open mind"! It is called an unhealthy hatred and a form of obsession.
Majority of Americans (My Colleagues as the survey group, 92/117) don't even know Obama was in India till yesterday. They do however know he will be attending Saudi King's funeral. Modi can make a hundred more forced hugs, wardrobe changes in front of Obama. Truth is India or Indian PM does not matter to a common American as much as Middle East where they get their oil from. Obama will be gone by next year, and Modi will again be using his PR machinery to appease the new American regime at the cost of common Indian. Is it necessary?
Our former PM's understood this. They never went overboard about relations with US, because an unequal relationship is not beneficial to the weaker partner. They concentrated on strategic interests. China, being the regional power offers much more to India than U.S. But the capitalists surrounding Modi, want him to appease US other than reach out to China. Why..??

P.S: If you have any logical answer, please do tell me. Otherwise all the trolls can stay away
Xi said China is willing to make concerted efforts with India to lift their strategic cooperative partnership oriented to peace and prosperity to a higher level this year which marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries, state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

Thats the way forward. Xi's statement must be welcomed.
Two fastest growing gdps in g20 of course they want to improve ties.

It's wise and natural.

Anf despite Pakistani claims info China border is playing compared to the do or die war on loc
That's too simplistic a view. The Chinese are comfortable in the knowledge that Indians won't indulge in any misadventures at a time when India is just getting back on track for growth and China herself is brimming with confidence at her own economic/military prowess.

The Chinese think (with some degree of truth) that they can handle Indians on their side of the border if it ever comes to that. Realistically speaking, Indian democracy doesn't pose threat to their territorial integrity the way Pakistan does to India wrt Kashmir.

Moreover, there is simply no rush for Chinese to settle the border since status quo suits them just fine -- just the way it suits India when dealing with Pakistan. The difference in military/economic might between China and India is only going get bigger -- thereby handing them a decisive advantage in any future settlement.

If China really wanted peace, I am sure they would have got it by now -- not indulge in trespassing into Indian territory right at the time their president was in India.

The economic & military gap with China is going to get narrower from what it is today, it will become evident to all in next 3 to 5 years. China is slowing down and will continue to do so for a very long time to balance the anomalies that she has created in her economy, India on the other hand is coming back to track that she lost a decade ago. I think China can officially settle for Aksai Chin and leave its claim for AP, but our political system makes it difficult for us to redraw the map, opposition parties will jump on the government. Lastly, China doesn't really have a military solution against us, they don't have enough for an offensive against us, defender needs much lesser resources, especially in difficult terrain. Add to that, majority of Chinese equipment are old.
Pakistan can sit on the sides isloated and watch they won't influence anything just watch and shout and wave arms

No one is listening
China ready to take partnership with India to higher level: Xi


China today said it is ready to make concerted efforts with India to lift their bilateral strategic cooperative partnership to a higher level as they pursue a great dream of national rejuvenation.

Greeting India on its 66th Republic Day, Chinese President Xi Jinping, in a message to President Pranab Mukherjee, said China is delighted with India’s achievements in its development.

Both China and India, as two ancient civilisations, are pursuing a great dream of national rejuvenation, he said.

Xi said China is willing to make concerted efforts with India to lift their strategic cooperative partnership oriented to peace and prosperity to a higher level this year which marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries, state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

In his message to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said in recent years, China and India have kept a stronger momentum in joining hands for cooperation and seeking common development.

China is ready to work with India to deepen their mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields and build a closer partnership of development, he said

Source :China ready to take partnership with India to higher level: Xi | idrw.org

We thank both of our Nation for their good wishes. So far as Pakistan is concern, we have a little doubt about their civilian government's intention to have a good relation with India. However , we cannot say that about China. A lot is need to be done to build mutual trust. We cannot have the Chinese incursion in our territory and simultaneously have good relationship.
Majority of Americans (My Colleagues as the survey group, 92/117) don't even know Obama was in India till yesterday. They do however know he will be attending Saudi King's funeral. Modi can make a hundred more forced hugs, wardrobe changes in front of Obama. Truth is India or Indian PM does not matter to a common American as much as Middle East where they get their oil from. Obama will be gone by next year, and Modi will again be using his PR machinery to appease the new American regime at the cost of common Indian. Is it necessary?
Our former PM's understood this. They never went overboard about relations with US, because an unequal relationship is not beneficial to the weaker partner. They concentrated on strategic interests. China, being the regional power offers much more to India than U.S. But the capitalists surrounding Modi, want him to appease US other than reach out to China. Why..??

P.S: If you have any logical answer, please do tell me. Otherwise all the trolls can stay away

Multiple reasons:

1. China can't offer us the level of technology that US can offer.

2. We certainly won't buy military equipment from China, nor they will sell us.

3. We want US to invest and make in India, the goal is to improve manufacturing and export. China want us to be their export destination.

4. We do not have any conflict with US, but we have issues with China.

Etc. Etc.
"ready to take partnership to higher level", sounds like gay talk to me. Don't do it India, next thing you know you'll be out buddying it up and China will try to stick his tongue down your throat.
Majority of Americans (My Colleagues as the survey group, 92/117) don't even know Obama was in India till yesterday. They do however know he will be attending Saudi King's funeral. Modi can make a hundred more forced hugs, wardrobe changes in front of Obama. Truth is India or Indian PM does not matter to a common American as much as Middle East where they get their oil from. Obama will be gone by next year, and Modi will again be using his PR machinery to appease the new American regime at the cost of common Indian. Is it necessary?
Our former PM's understood this. They never went overboard about relations with US, because an unequal relationship is not beneficial to the weaker partner. They concentrated on strategic interests. China, being the regional power offers much more to India than U.S. But the capitalists surrounding Modi, want him to appease US other than reach out to China. Why..??

P.S: If you have any logical answer, please do tell me. Otherwise all the trolls can stay away
China has realized that for a long long time.For every country and president,national interest is the top starting point and aim.
But I don't think India should must chose one to be ally,whatever China,Japan or America is the power that can help India achieve the target of modernization.

As a Chinese,I just can't understand why India should treat Obama as such high status.Unfriendly speaking,Obama is like a master of India.Is it in India's interest?Or it will bring more strategy help from America?
Well bhai logh terror and talks won't work with new govt .

And as far as China is concerned now India gained a very powerful friends in SCS and globally . War won't work anymore

you correct your sentence .. india is gaining friendship remember there is no friendship in world its all about your intrests or have strategic partner.. that friendship put us in dark spot but luckily we have good partnership with china. but india is chosing friend over strategic partner russia...
we sud be happy that us is on your side now :)

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