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Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

Unfortunately we would have to wait till the induction of JF-17. There is no other option as far as i see. But the good news is its not far, in march 2007:buck: .

That Mig-21 is really indeed a huge problem. Even the improved copies are not good any more. But its a most flown jet plane on planet. Just see how many nations are still using it. Its relatively cheap from all other AC's. It also had high fear ratio among many nations including US in the past.
melb4aust said:
Another PAF fighter jet went down near Baldea town in Karachi:embarassed: . Fortunately:angel: pilot is safe. The name of the pilot, jet and all other details are still to come.
These jets are becoming flying coffins for PAF. they must replace them as soon as possible.
why don't they replace them with F16A/B(which is urgently availible)?
Guys it was NOT an F-7 aircraft it was PAFs Mirage VPA/PA2 or Mirage IIIDP.

Pakistan air force plane crashes, pilot ejects safely
Pakistan air force plane crashes, pilot ejects safely
ISLAMABAD, April 20 (KUNA) -- A jet fighter of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Thursday crashed in Southern Sindh province but there were no casualties, said a PAF Spokesman.

A Mirage fighter was on a routine training mission near Karachi port city and had developed some technical problems, the spokesman said in a statement.

The pilot ejected safely and there was no casualty on ground, he said, adding partial damage to property occurred.

The Air Headquarters has ordered an investigation, the statement said.(end) amn.
There is an increase the crash rate, its being increased year by year. I believe this year was the year in which PAF lost many aircrafts.
:shocked: Mirage too. Ahhh this isnt going very well for Pakistan, after F-7's Mirages are giving problems as well. On one side they losing jets :hrr: from the inventory, but on the other side risking the valuable lives of our pilots.
Mirages or F-7s, the air frames of boths these types of aircraft have been stretched to their limits. However, Mirages-IIIs are much safer than F-7s inspite of their age.
sword9 said:
Mirages or F-7s, the air frames of boths these types of aircraft have been stretched to their limits. However, Mirages-IIIs are much safer than F-7s inspite of their age.

y wud u say that,sword???
Prashant said:
y wud u say that,sword???
Due to our own good experience with the Mirage -2k
sword9 said:
Due to our own good experience with the Mirage -2k

ok :thumbsup:
not all mirages are safe.
mirages upgraded to ROSE III standard are not only safe but also good interceptors of PAF.
Owais said:
not all mirages are safe.
mirages upgraded to ROSE III standard are not only safe but also good interceptors of PAF.

A Rose upgraded Mirage-III P Crash near Masroor AFB.

Whats the cause?
Rose upgrade doesn't include airframe structure modifications.
Mirages are old and metal fatigue, i.e. cracks in the airframe, tails or fins are the main reason the crash.
Something the atar engine. We have to wait cause investigations are not published yet.
It can be any thing, it's a machine so it can't be perfect. Aircrafts do crash, doesnt matter what kind, its not only mirages, migs or F-7's but other fighters too. Even a brand new shiny aircraft can crash, because its a machine. yeah old aircrafts do have a more probability ratio of having some thing wrong with the engine, airframes and other reasons.
Bull said:
Probably he decided to be in the plane so that he can manouvoure the plane out off populated area.

It's not Rand De Basanti.

Its real life.

You have less than a second to decide.

At emergency times (no matter how best pilot you are) it is sometimes very difficult to make decisions.

We are all humans and every human is weak. (May be IAF pilot or PAF ones).

Sometimes you dont get time to even pull the ejection cord.

Or sometimes you pull it but it is jammed due to various reasons.

Only PAF can tell the exact technical truth.

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