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Not working to isolate Pakistan - Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Modi's statement which is indeed a sharp u-turn immediately seeing continuous failure on such drive.

The man should have tried to be consistent as well as needed to show a strong stance per own words and whatever claims he made before the masses during almost every single public speech. As usual, putting the burden upon others yet trying to prove that actually world pays any attention for his claims. Not to mention that how hard India has been trying to isolate Pakistan through any mean while failing at doing so, Modi as usual, diverted attention from himself and involves other countries taking a cushion on basis of usual claims of terrorism.

India cannot wash its face through such statement and it was his claim at first and then propagated by every single Indian media house followed by public sentimental rants without any break with continuous claims and fake stories to prove it working. In the end, as failed real time, now diverting world's attention to save face.

At least should have courage to stand up-to whatever he has been beating. Seeing him as such, it gives an idea that whatever promises or claims he made not just against Pakistan but before the public within the country w.r.t. anything for India, is soon going down or he may be presenting lame excuses with same diverting tactics to fool the masses.

Furthermore, this acceptance or a diversion is created as per new tactics to low the heat and being center of attention. He has been advised big time by couple of close friends including D.C and Israel as play friendly yet try to harm more. In my opinion, his statement should not be taken as any kind of change of heart but it is a different strategy to pursue same agenda against Pakistan. An open statement even denying everything on record is like creating rosy picture based upon fantasy

Not until now ,Indian govt officially didnt say anything about isolating Pakistan.
They talked about isolating terrorism and those who support terrorism .
If that policy hurts your nation, then that is your problem.
Indian media is not the official spokesperson of Indian govt.

We will continue to isolate terrorism .So far we are successful in it
Who cares modi! Cpec is doing well.pakistan is situated in a gifted place and everybody need us.modi is isolating Pakistan since 4 years.nothing happens.

Modi sahib to Pakistan in this context being Zaka.

His antics are for the consumption of Pakistan’s traditional allies.
Not until now ,Indian govt officially didnt say anything about isolating Pakistan.
They talked about isolating terrorism and those who support terrorism .
If that policy hurts your nation, then that is your problem.
Indian media is not the official spokesperson of Indian govt.

We will continue to isolate terrorism .So far we are successful in it

What a twist of facts, my neighbor. By the way, thanks but no thanks so kindly spare me with chanakya and try spell upon someone else. We would have been listening and reading Indian Rants, 24/7 without any break whenever or especially US ever spoke against Pakistan. Rest about your claim of success that too against isolating Pakistan turned into terrorism, is still failed and carrying no weight. India will only succeed when it stops doing so to the neighbors from Sri-Lanka to Pakistan.

What a twist of facts, my neighbor. By the way, thanks but no thanks so kindly spare me with chanakya and try spell upon someone else. We would have been listening and reading Indian Rants, 24/7 without any break whenever or especially US ever spoke against Pakistan. Rest about your claim of success that too against isolating Pakistan turned into terrorism, is still failed and carrying no weight. India will only succeed when it stops doing so to the neighbors from Sri-Lanka to Pakistan.


There is no twist in here neighbour.
I only cares about official Indian govt comments .
Not medias .
We are successful in isolating terrorism ,if that hurts you then that is not our problem.
There is no twist in here neighbour.
I only cares about official Indian govt comments .
Not medias .
We are successful in isolating terrorism ,if that hurts you then that is not our problem.

I don't care about any twist either by Modi or Indian Government. As I told you, not going to work again. The guy is being exposed, proven liar and still trying to save his face after all the fake bravado. Don't try to attract attention by locking horns with me here so avoid to provoke and not to insult as the same wouldn't prove India macho, once again. You & your Modi, still couldn't prove anything to isolate Pakistan based upon terrorism charges so how about to give it a rest and avoid further embarrassment. The hurt is visible and then change of heart by usual u-turn of Modi.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi today rejected the notion that India was putting "so much hard work" to isolate Pakistan, asserting that his efforts were aimed at uniting the world powers to defeat terrorism as his country has been suffering from the scourge since decades.He said the suggestion that the country's foreign policy was based on Pakistan was wrong but stressed that the world was uniting against those sympathetic towards terrorists, an apparent reference to the neighbouring country."If you think we are doing so much hard work around the world to isolate one nation, then that is wrong. This is not our work. Yes, the world is grappling with the scourge of terrorism and whoever is sympathetic towards terrorists, the world is uniting against them,"

he told Times Now in an interview, according to the transcript.India's foreign policy is issue-based and is in the context of its relations with the world, he said.Modi also praised US President Donald Trump for raising his voice against terror with "a lot of assertion"."I welcome him and I respect him. Whoever takes a step against terrorism, I will welcome them and praise them, because my country has been suffering from terrorism for forty years.

Innocents are being killed. Terrorism needs to end in the world," he said.As far as Pakistan is concerned, he noted that he had always said India and Pakistan have fought a lot and now should come together to fight poverty and diseases."I directly talk to the people of Pakistan. I directly tell the people, should we not fight poverty? Should we not fight illiteracy? Should we not fight diseases? If we fight together, we will win faster,

" he said.On Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praising him for his strong stance against terrorism, Modi said he was grateful to him for praising India so much and for lauding the Indian government."Humanity is in great danger and to save humanity, it's important for powers that believe in humanitarian values to unite."And I believe this fight is about saving humanity and nothing can be a bigger soft power than this," Modi said."You have to unite those who believe in humanitarian values, only then can you isolate terrorists and defeat terrorism,"

he said.To a question about Kashmir and the appointment of the Centre's representative for a dialogue, the prime minister said dialogue does take place with every Indian citizen and it will continue to take place."Constitution of India has given us that responsibility and we do it. There is nothing new, this has been happening, and I have even said all of this from the ramparts of red fort. There is no difficulty in it," Modi said."Every Indian citizen has the right to speak to Mr Modi and say 'Mr Modi please stand and talk to us'. We are there for those who believe in the Constitution of India and for those who live and die for the nation," he said.

Some time back it was about isolation and now it isn't.....come on man, make up your mind.
I don't care about any twist either by Modi or Indian Government. As I told you, not going to work again. The guy is being exposed, proven liar and still trying to save his face after all the fake bravado. Don't try to attract attention by locking horns with me here so avoid to provoke and not to insult as the same wouldn't prove India macho, once again. You & your Modi, still couldn't prove anything to isolate Pakistan based upon terrorism charges so how about to give it a rest and avoid further embarrassment. The hurt is visible and then change of heart by usual u-turn of Modi.

I also dont care any twist .For us there was no twist from start .
None from GoI mention anything about isolating Pakistan.
But we are successful in isolating terrorism.
We can also see the result .
This is a reality
I also dont care any twist .For us there was no twist from start .
None from GoI mention anything about isolating Pakistan.
But we are successful in isolating terrorism.
We can also see the result .
This is a reality

You are looking and searching a word "Isolation claim by India" then you are on way different medium of subject than here. We have seen the result.
So we have a certified Clown called General Bi-pin spilling garbage daily, and now we has his boss the platinum certified Clown Modi spilling out another insanity.

I sincerely hope the powers to be in Pakistan do not take this modi Clown seriously; he is a dangerous criminal on loose and will never change his colors. HE IS ONLY CHANGING HIS TACTICS.
Modi Modi are you grapes sour? No offence, but you are nothing more than one disgrace Indian.

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