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Not so secular India

Precisely my point.. Adn West bengal is my state and nothing to do with Congress
This is called appeasement or pandering

This is votebank politics...
I will give an example
Google Qutubaddin Ansari..The famnous face of Gujarat riots
He fled Gujarat and asked to come to Kolkata by the CPM..
What happened ?
He got no job and had to return to Gujarat
That same Modi;s Gujarat...

Do you know what bothers peole here.. whether Hindu, Muslim ?

It is food , job and development.. Not religion

Yes, and the overwhelming majority of jobs go to Hindus, not Muslims, not commensurate with their population.
Muslim villages lack facilities compared to non-Muslim villages.
Muslims are far worse off in terms of education opportunites compared to Hindus.

etc. etc.

Congress is not the left!

Left= Communist party of India:cheesy:

The Left also contains the Bangla Congress, which is a splinter group from INC.

The point, which you clearly missed, is that even the parties supposedly 'pandering' to Muslims are not delivering.

@developereo: u have never even seen one picture of West Bengal, that i am sure of! In WB, there's just one altercation going on... LAW VS MAOISTS!!! regarding poverty... 30 years of Communist rule, and whole Bengal is extremely poor!!! and poverty has no religion!!!

I will tell u a little secret: here in India, no one comes to your house and gives u a Govt job!!! u need to appear in the competitions and clear them... mostly exams are conducted by UPSC or state public service commissions, which are almost impartial!!! otherwise every one in India KNOWS someone!!! so if muslims have low participation in jobs, its because they have low participation in the exams!!! and if Hindus stop participating in these competitions, even their percentage will come down!! and imagine, all of this is in spite of reservation every where!!!!

I guess you didn't bother reading the article.

It says specifically that Muslim majority villages do not have comparable facilities to other villages. Even funds allocated specifically for minority betterment are not utilized.

You trying to teach me about my country !!!!

No, I am explicitly saying you need to educate yourself about your country. I will not do your homework for you.

You can call me anything but never ever say that I do not know my country !!!

You do not know your country.
Yes, and the overwhelming majority of jobs go to Hindus, not Muslims, not commensurate with their population.
Muslim villages lack facilities compared to non-Muslim villages.
Muslims are far worse off in terms of education opportunites compared to Hindus.

etc. etc.

The Left also contains the Bangla Congress, which is a splinter group from INC.

The point, which you clearly missed, is that even the parties supposedly 'pandering' to Muslims are not delivering.

I guess you didn't bother reading the article.

It says specifically that Muslim majority villages do not have comparable facilities to other villages. Even funds allocated specifically for minority betterment are not utilized.

No, I am explicitly saying you need to educate yourself about your country. I will not do your homework for you.

You do not know your country.

Left is not Congress Mr Think Tank.. There is nothing called Splinter and Non Splinter

The point is you hate Hindus.. You try to forcefully show Muslims are victimised..

You are not worthy of a think tank

and if you are a follower of the Koran..
You are not worthy of a Muslim..

Thank You !! This is my last post to you..You do not justofy my interest
The Left also contains the Bangla Congress, which is a splinter group from INC.

The point, which you clearly missed, is that even the parties supposedly 'pandering' to Muslims are not delivering.

You have no idea what you are talking about do you? :lol:

There is no such thing as Bangla Congress. Communist Party was in power in West Bengal for the last 34 years. There was no Congress involved!

Trinamool Congress(which was earlier part of Congress) defeated the left in 2011 after 34 years.
i just realised, developereo: u urself proved in ur own post that BJP ruled states have a better representation of Muslims in Govt jobs!!! (which by the way I am unhappy with, because, its nothing when compared to their share in the population!)

now henceforth, NEVER EVER, accuse BJP of being anti-minority.. OKAY???????

Close, but no cigar!

Just because someone else is worse than they are does not let BJP off the hook.
Yes, and the overwhelming majority of jobs go to Hindus, not Muslims, not commensurate with their population.
Muslim villages lack facilities compared to non-Muslim villages.
Muslims are far worse off in terms of education opportunites compared to Hindus.

etc. etc.

The Left also contains the Bangla Congress, which is a splinter group from INC.

The point, which you clearly missed, is that even the parties supposedly 'pandering' to Muslims are not delivering.

I guess you didn't bother reading the article.

It says specifically that Muslim majority villages do not have comparable facilities to other villages. Even funds allocated specifically for minority betterment are not utilized.

No, I am explicitly saying you need to educate yourself about your country. I will not do your homework for you.

You do not know your country.

see brother, its not like we are not giving any oppertunity to the Minorities, they are given the same level of opertunity as the majority in schools, colleges, jobs, etc. No government organization says you are a muslim, we are not giving you job because of that.
The oppertunities given to them are not properly utilized by the underprivilaged of the Mulism community, its the same for the underprivilaged Hindu, Christian communities too.

we can only show them how to eat, we can not feed them too, it is the underprivlaged peoples responsiblility to feed himself.
You have no idea what you are talking about do you? :lol:

There is no such thing as Bangla Congress. Communist Party was in power in West Bengal for the last 34 years. There was no Congress involved!

Trinamool Congress(which was earlier part of Congress) defeated the left in 2011 after 34 years.

I know it is not the INC, which is why I said splinter group.

The West Bengal Left Front (aka The Left) contains the Biplobi Bangla Conress which is a splinter group of the Bangla Congress which itself was a spliter group of the INC.

Surely you understand the phrase 'splinter group'.
I know it is not the INC, which is why I said splinter group.

The West Bengal Left Front (aka The Left) contains the Biplobi Bangla Conress which is a splinter group of the Bangla Congress which itself was a spliter group of the INC.

Surely you understand the phrase 'splinter group'.

biplobi ..:what: do they have any seat in the 295 seat assembly in this or last time's election?
I know it is not the INC, which is why I said splinter group.

The West Bengal Left Front (aka The Left) contains the Biplobi Bangla Conress which is a splinter group of the Bangla Congress which itself was a spliter group of the INC.

Surely you understand the phrase 'splinter group'.

But when those people talk about Congress "pandering" to minorities, they are talking about INC, not Biplobi Bangla Congress:rofl:

So your argument makes no sense.

I have never even heard of Biplobi Bangla Congress. Wikipedia?
I know it is not the INC, which is why I said splinter group.

The West Bengal Left Front (aka The Left) contains the Biplobi Bangla Conress which is a splinter group of the Bangla Congress which itself was a spliter group of the INC.

Surely you understand the phrase 'splinter group'.

Here is a bit of conventional wisdom for you....Mr. Think tank, When you dont have the slightest clue on what you're talking about. Its best to stay away. It will help you avoid humiliation.
see brother, its not like we are not giving any oppertunity to the Minorities, they are given the same level of opertunity as the majority in schools, colleges, jobs, etc. No government organization says you are a muslim, we are not giving you job because of that.
The oppertunities given to them are not properly utilized by the underprivilaged of the Mulism community, its the same for the underprivilaged Hindu, Christian communities too.

we can only show them how to eat, we can not feed them too, it is the underprivlaged peoples responsiblility to feed himself.

Well, your own countrymen are confused about reservations and quotas. Some admit them, others deny they exist.

In either case, as the situation in West Bengal shows, the government does not provide the same facilities to Muslims that it does to others. In some cases, when Congress tries to rectify the situation, they are accused of pandering by the BJP crowd. In other cases, even when the Federal government tries to help level the playing field, state governments (West Bengal) do not implement the measures.

Discrimination occurs at the individual level. Nobody will have a sign on the front door saying 'No Muslims', but the people making hiring decisions have their prejudices. Sachar showed as much, although, of course, the usual suspects will dismiss the commission's findings.

And I have never denied that the Muslims bear responsibility for their situation also. It is a joint burden but there is no denying that they face instituionalized discrimination.
Developereo is a rabid fundamentalist...
and most of all he is biased and ignorant
He is talking about my state West Bengal when he does not know anything about it

Leave him alone.. ignore him..

He needs to prove that Indian Muslims are miserable to show them that they had committed a mistake by not migrating to Pakistan
biplobi ..:what: do they have any seat in the 295 seat assembly in this or last time's election?

Does it matter? They are not BJP and are supposedly the 'bleeding heart' crowd that the BJP hates. That's all that matters.

But when those people talk about Congress "pandering" to minorities, they are talking about INC, not Biplobi Bangla Congress:rofl:

So your argument makes no sense.

When BJP talks about "pandering" it is talking about its opposition, whatever it happens to be. Most of the time it's INC but sometimes it will be other parties. The argument remains in either case.

The BJP claims to be the party of the mainstream; it's primary differentiation from the opposition is that it does not 'pander' to minorities.

(Note: every party claims to deliver better economic results, so that washes out.)

I have never even heard of Biplobi Bangla Congress. Wikipedia?

Well, now you have. You're welcome.

Here is a bit of conventional wisdom for you....Mr. Think tank, When you dont have the slightest clue on what you're talking about. Its best to stay away. It will help you avoid humiliation.

It seems it is you guys who are confused and ignorant about your own country. Does it 'pander' to Muslims or not? You guys are not sure yourselves.

I fully expect you guys to throw a tantrum when I point out the ugly truths about your country.
Well, your own countrymen are confused about reservations and quotas. Some admit them, others deny they exist.

Ok the reservation is for scheduled caste/ scheduled tribe, and other backward class(OBC) people. In India, Muslims are categorized in general category and lower castes(OBC).

The lower castes Muslims get reservations and quotas, just like lower caste Hindus do.

Sachar committee report looks biased not so much cause of the discrimination but cause of the skewed development and progress in different states.

But according to Abusaleh Shariff, an economist who compiled much of the data in the Sachar report, there are two areas where the gap between Muslims and the rest has widened dramatically over the past ten years or so. He says that both literacy rates for Muslim girls and poverty rates among urban Muslims show something close to a worsening even in absolute terms.

Part of the explanation for this phenomenon lies in where India's Muslims live. First, they often occupy the old parts of big cities like Delhi, not the fast-growing new suburbs where wealth is created and spent. Or they live in the slums. As a result, measured by monthly expenditure, over 40% of Muslims living in cities fall into the poorest quintile of the population, compared with 22% of Hindus.

Second, despite large Muslim populations in southern and western states such as Kerala, there are far more Muslims in the north and east of the country, which is poorer and less well governed. That in turn has an effect on their schooling. In rural Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state and home to about one-fifth of its Muslims, only 30% of small towns have a primary school. For every kilometre a girl is from a school, her chances of attending it fall. In Kerala, where schooling is more plentiful, Muslim girls do well.
The Woes of Indian Muslims @PolicyMic | Shahidur Rashid Talukdar

India’s Muslim population is estimated at a staggering 180 million and constitutes roughly 15% of the country’s population, but Muslims living in India suffer economically, politically, and socially. That the country’s largest religious minority does not enjoy equality under the Indian democracy is a grave challenge to the basic values of democracy, secularism, and pluralism in the “world’s largest democracy."

Discrimination against the Muslim community has historic roots (the community has been under-represented in politics and government jobs) but judging from a recent Sachar Committee Report (SCR), the situation is getting worse.

The Committee’s findings suggest that the situation is so bad that Muslims lag behind not only the Indian mainstream in nearly all spheres of progress, but also the Scheduled Castes/Tribes (SC/STs), considered the most backward sections, in many aspects. Literacy rate among Muslims (59%) was well below the national average (65%), owing mainly to the limited access to government schools.

In public employment, the picture seems even bleaker. Only 5% of the central government employees were Muslims. In the police force, their share was 3.3%. In administrative services, it was 2.2%. Muslims made up only 4.5% in Indian Railways and even then 98.7% were placed at lower levels. Representation of Muslims in Indian politics is disproportionally low. Although their share in the judiciary was 8%, only 2.7% of Indian judges are Muslim.

In the private sector, the situation is even worse. Poverty among Muslims is severe with 31% of them live below the poverty line (the second lowest of all groups). In terms of income and expenditure, Muslims shared the lowest strata, with an average Per-Capita-Expenditure (MPCE) for the year 2004-05 of only $14 against $23 of the general population. Land-ownership among Muslims was the lowest of all population categories.

The rise of anti-Muslim communalism in India is yet another woe for Muslims. As just one example, in the Gujarat massacre of 2002, over a thousand Muslims were killed and tens of thousands uprooted from their homes. The incident remains one of the worst communal killings in the country.

A recent report entitled, “What it means to be a Muslim in India Today” found that widespread communal profiling and targeting of Muslim youths by the police has produced feelings of alienation, fear, insecurity, and helplessness. Several testimonies from victims of the communal profiling reveal that Muslim youths live under the constant dread of being profiled as a terrorist, with the attendant fears of illegal and prolonged detention, denial of bail, torture, unfair and biased investigation and trial, and extra-judicial killings. This continues, despite recent revelations in a Wikileaks cable that Indian Muslims denounce terrorism and are, in large part, not attracted to extremism.

This level of discrimination does not just pose a threat to Muslims, but also threatens the communal harmony of the whole country. If this trend is not effectively checked, the “world’s largest democracy” will descend into a society with second-class citizenship for religious minorities — the antithesis of democracy.
Sachar committee report looked biased not so much cause of the discrimination but cause of the skewed development and progress in different states.

Yes, but others, like the one in West Bengal, compare the situation within a given state between Muslims and non-Muslims. Muslim villages have worse public services, including schooling. The state government doesn't even spend the funds allocated for minority betterment, so it's the worse of all worlds. Anti-Muslim groups can complain that the government has allocated so much money for Muslims, but the money never gets spent so the Muslims don't derive any benefit from it anyway.

Edit: It seems the West Bengal government has implemented measures since the Sachar Report to improve the situation for Muslims and these measures are showing results.
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