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Not so secular India

Ok incredible not so secular person tell me if in the unlikely event i wanted to convert to hinduism how would I become a brahamin?

Learn all the scriptures, read all the holy book, and start living on alms and donations. You ll become a Brahman. No problemo.
saying words against pakistan is not equal to saying words against islam, Pakistan islam ka tekedaar nahi hai, heck u all guys are not even 1st grade muslims u r all 2nd grade ask some arab what they think of some african and asian muslim?? u all are just slaves and cannon fodder for jihaad..

haha you guys are hilarious. you devide peoples in brahman and un touchable . we dont have grades system in our religion..and better you dont talk about slavery because only u know better who were ruled by persians, arabs, mughals etc. Low caste hindu will be lucky if they get same rights..we will talk about rights of muslims and christians later
haha you guys are hilarious. you devide peoples in brahman and un touchable . we dont have grades system in our religion..and better you dont talk about slavery because only u know better who were ruled by persians, arabs, mughals etc. Low caste hindu will be lucky if they get same rights..we will talk about rights of muslims and christians later

You guys don;t have castes but have sects in your religion. Just as bad, if not worse. Tell me how many Pakistanis have been killed in Shia-Sunni violence?

And about the highlighted part, you guys were ruled over by those invaders too. You were the ones who bore the brunt of all the invasions.:lol:
Learn all the scriptures, read all the holy book, and start living on alms and donations. You ll become a Brahman. No problemo.

What, you can change your caste just like that?

What about all those Dalits who were burned to death by mobs? Couldn't they just say "OK now I am higher caste" and thus save their own lives?
Am surprised that you have never noticed this trend. Of course companies handpick staff based on culture/language/nationality/ religion to deal with respective clients. Not just companies even countries do it. Do you think that American ambassador to China being of Chinese origin or Australia's ambassador to India being of Indian origin is a mere coincidence?

I have dealt with outsourcers from other countries. No other group does it as blatantly as the Indians; it is so transparent, it was an inside joke at the place I mentioned.

As for ambassadors, it is a completely different matter. It is a primary expectation that they should have an excellent understanding of the host culture -- either by birth or by training. There is no attempt at deception. The deception would occur if the vast majority of the US consular mission in China was ethnic Chinese, far higher than their numbers in the general American population.

So, yes, relationship management is an integral part of business but, like I wrote, the Indians overdo it far too transparently. Even the Indian Christians were amused in that instance I mentioned.

You know most of the Indian migrants in the Gulf countries are either laborers or do some other menial jobs. How many Indian companies you think are operating in Gulf states? Hardly any.

Semiskilled/unskilled workers still account for about 70% of the Indian migrants; while white-collar workers are in the neighbourhood of 20% and professionals (doctors, engineers, architects, bankers and charted acccountants) have a 10% share of the total.

Whatever level they are, they don't just pick up and leave by themselves. They have to be sponsored by a company, Indian or foreign.

So your above claim is baseless and illogical.

Neither baseless, not illogical. We agree that relationship management is a part of business. It's just that the Indians are far too transparent.

can you prove to us that IVC was not a part of "bharati empire extent" mind you that the aryan invasion theory is not much credible according to the historians

Illogical. You need to prove that the IVC was a part of Bharat in order to justify the claim that the IVC influence was internal, not external.

By your logic, you can say that the South American Inca Empire were a part of Bharat unless someone proves otherwise.
I have dealt with outsourcers from other countries. No other group does it as blatantly as the Indians; it is so transparent, it was an inside joke at the place I mentioned.

Thats because no other outsourcing country has such diverse worforce(religion wise). Ever given that a thought?

So, yes, relationship management is an integral part of business but, like I wrote, the Indians overdo it far too transparently. Even the Indian Christians were amused in that instance I mentioned.

About that Christmas gift incident am guessing it was a Ganesh figuring? In our culture its seen as a good luck charm. If the company had given Laughing buddha figurines as gifts instead, would it mean that they were trying to send a Buddist message?

people need to even justify the better treatment of Muslims compared to Pakistan's treatment of minorities by doing these kinds of mental gymnastics!

I know you can't resist your tendency to launch into stock soapbox rants, but this discussion is not about Pakistan.

If you have nothing to contribute, but want to post anyway, try finding another thread which is about Pakistan and where you can continue with your Pakistan bashing while collecting thanks from fellow Indians.

I can see why you would think that.

Indian businesses are not into the business of these niceties as one can imagine.

It's all about relationship management and whether Indian businesses overdo it to the amusement of their clients.

Arab states are not necessarily a political powerhouse. No one needs to put up a dog and pony show for them.

A third of India’s trade is with the Gulf | IndianMuslimObserver.com

In fact, it is the Arab states that are some of the worst at minority treatment, Saudi being at the very top. They don't even allow the Shia to pray as they want to leave alone the kaffirs.

Here we go again. Yet another off-topic soapbox speech.
OK, may be I should have been more clear.

They don't necessarily go exclusively to these places. They may follow their own rituals and still occasionally visit these places and be comfortable and even feel divinity there.

Reason: The inherent belief in multiple paths to the divine.

Just as you are not able to understand this concept, many of us are unable to understand the "extremely narrow minded" interpretation of the divine by some of the "new fangled ideologies". We just find it counter intuitive as to how a supposed "merciful God" can condemn the vast majority of humanity to "eternal hellfire" just for the "crime" of being born in the "wrong religion".

And it does come to that as the vast majority of humanity dies in the faith it was born in.

Its just a matter of how one looks at it.

See, these carefully crafted speeches about "tolerance" fall flat in the face of reality and the sentiments expressed right here by you guys about Islam, Christianity, etc.

Not to mention that pesky little detail of Buddhism being almost wiped out from India by these oh-so-tolerant Hindus.
Not to mention that pesky little detail of Buddhism being almost wiped out from India by these oh-so-tolerant Hindus.

And then Indians always claim that Budda was an Indian, despite the well-known fact that Buddha was born in Nepal. :lol:

And not to mention the fact that India did not even exist back then.

They love to claims things like the Indus Valley Civilization despite it being located in modern day Pakistan, and Buddha even though he was born in Nepal. They always seem to forget that India was created in 1947.
I said Islam is alien, not the practioners. Understand the difference. BTW your meental gymnastics are getting desperate by the minute ;). Dont smash the keyboard while typing the next post.

Caught in my words ? Hardly.

This is what you claimed -

According to you philosophy, you will never accept some Indian citizens as true Indians because you fundamentally reject their faith. This is the essence of the Hindutva philosophy, and the absolute antithesis of secularism.

And I said I did not reject their faith as it is central to my religion to believe in all faiths. And I have also repetitively said that while Islam as an idealogy may be alien to the SC, its practioners, the vast majority - the Muslims - are not. Consequently even the question of me accepting them as Indians does not arise.

And I have already explained how Hindutva is synonymous with secularism which your mind is not able to comprehend. Naturally so.


You said
a) Islam is alien, and
b) culture is related to religion

Hence, the culture of Indian Muslims is alien, i.e. it does not belong in India.

Therefore, by your logic, the only way Indian Muslims can redeem themselves and fit in, according to you, is by giving up their "alien" culture and adopting the native Hindutva culture.

Now you guys are dancing around your own words bandying about stock words like "tolerance" to weasel your way out of this hole.

Same ol point, same old point. Addressed mutiple times.

If by 'addressed' you mean circumvented, then OK.

I can safely say throughout the millenia if there was one civilization that welcomed all religions of all hues and colors with open arms then it is the predominantly-Hindu Indian civilization. Without a respect for the minorities I dare say it would not have been possible.

It would be no exaggeration to say that Hindus are the best majority any minority can even dream of. And this tolerance is also the reason they are labelled as 'model minorities'.

You can 'safely say' anything. Doesn't mean it has any relationship to truth.

Hindu India did not 'welcome' Muslims; they invaded and conquered. It did not 'welcome' Christians; they, too, came as colonizers and missionaries. Ancient Bharat almost wiped out Buddhism from the region.

The only minorities you 'welcomed' were those too weak to pose any threat to native Hinduism.
Conversion to Hinduism requires some standards, certain qualities which I dont think you will be able to pass or unlikely to muster. Fundamentally it requires tolerance. So dont worry. Be happy in your faith. I ,as a Hindu, believe your faith is also a path to Nirvana.

Joke of the day. which hindus you are talking about? i hope you are not talking about hindus on defence forums. they have different qualities which give them pink colour very often because of their tolrence.
beleive me worshipping an idol is much better than worshiping a man's dream

yes considet cow as mata and bull as father and their urine as holy water is more logical and sane........only logical peoples can do this
Thats because no other outsourcing country has such diverse worforce(religion wise). Ever given that a thought?

Oh please, religion is just one angle. When we send account reps to Africa, we don't make sure to send black guys.

About that Christmas gift incident am guessing it was a Ganesh figuring? In our culture its seen as a good luck charm. If the company had given Laughing buddha figurines as gifts instead, would it mean that they were trying to send a Buddist message?

Yes, it was a Ganesh figure, but the Indian Christians I was talking about were the three who were assigned to be on-site at our location and they happened to be the only Christians in the entire company back home (at least 200+ people).

Unfortunately, you still are !

You said
a) Islam is alien,


b) culture is related to religion

Just related. Meaning it 'influences' certain cultural practises. Not all. I though you were intelligent enough to understand that, My mistake, should have been more clear.

Hence, the culture of Indian Muslims is alien, i.e. it does not belong in India.

Addressed above.

Therefore, by your logic, the only way Indian Muslims can redeem themselves and fit in, according to you, is by giving up their "alien" culture and adopting the native Hindutva culture.

Not necessary.

Now you guys are dancing around your own words bandying about stock words like "tolerance" to weasel your way out of this hole.

As I said - what seems simple truth to us, seems an irreconcilable contradiction to you. And I perfectly understand why.

If by 'addressed' you mean circumvented, then OK.

Huh, I meant I was not in a mood to repeat myself for the 123923 th time.

You can 'safely say' anything. Doesn't mean it has any relationship to truth.

I safely say a thing that history bears witness to.

Hindu India did not 'welcome' Muslims; they invaded and conquered. It did not 'welcome' Christians; they, too, came as colonizers and missionaries.

So what about the usual line parroted by you guys - that Islam in India was spread peacefully by the Sufis and all the bloodshed is a humbug by Hindutva forces ? ;)

Again this is not the first time you self-contradict yourself. I accept your apology.

Ancient Bharat almost wiped out Buddhism from the region.

Modern myth popularised by Marxist historians.

The only minorities you 'welcomed' were those too weak to pose any threat to native Hinduism.

There are only as many minorities. Hinduism has played a gracious host to all the world's major religions at some point in its history and continues to do so. An indubitable fact at that.
And then Indians always claim that Budda was an Indian, despite the well-known fact that Buddha was born in Nepal. :lol:

And not to mention the fact that India did not even exist back then.

They love to claims things like the Indus Valley Civilization despite it being located in modern day Pakistan, and Buddha even though he was born in Nepal. They always seem to forget that India was created in 1947.

It's obvious you don't have a clue.

Don't even try getting into things you don't know.

PS: I guess it is nothing compared to you claiming to be a Han.

When you are nothing more than a (semi?) cooked barbarian.

By the way, how long does it take for an uncooked barbarian to be semi cooked?

Fully cooked?
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