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Not so secular India

.Why does everyone feel the need to trample over our beliefs to prove their own as superior?Is the need to convert that strong that you become unbearable yourself?

you need to ask from this young kid with so much posion lol :D sher sher lol what is the differnce between she and those who get brainwash from mullah

hindu seddha sada hahah

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you need to ask from this young kid with so much posion lol :D sher sher lol what is the differnce between she and those who get brainwash from mullah

seen the same old video for years now,nothing new to show?
i can show many new zaid hamids and hafiz saeed and companys video,so who has more poison?
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India, is a Hindu majority country and will always have Hindu value system. Just as Western countries have Christian value system. That doesn't mean we intend to harm our minorities. They have their own beliefs. They are free to practice them so long as they don't hurt our own values.

Considering states like France, Netherlands who are touted to be truly secular less than a decade ago decided to ban burqa, or even had shouts of expulsion of all Muslims in case of Netherlands. Nobody would sit idle if you are going to attack value system of a country.

But unlike Western states, people of minority in India are indigenous to our lands. But they also have to agree that their ancestors were Hindus and not some Arabs. The culture of India is the culture of majority is based on Hinduism. They'll be accommodated as best as we can but not at the cost of loosing our own culture.
Indian businesses in the Gulf deliberately put forward this image of Muslims being proportionally integrated in mainstream Indian society, even though Sachar gave the lie to this nonsense. The Indian companies skew the number of Muslims only in work groups destined for the Gulf. There is no similar representation of Muslims in Indian diaspora in Europe, the Americas or elsewhere. In other words, the Indian diaspora in the Gulf is specifically tailored to give a false impression to Arab clients.


people need to even justify the better treatment of Muslims compared to Pakistan's treatment of minorities by doing these kinds of mental gymnastics!

Most Indians who are there in the gulf or anywhere else are on their own accord. Not deputed by Indian businesses.

In case of even Indian businesses deputing them, their personal preferences for locations also play a part, as does their suitability in terms of skills etc.

To even think that individual Indian companies think of "deliberately putting forward this image of Muslims being proportionally integrated in mainstream Indian society, even though Sachar gave the lie to this nonsense" (as if Sachar is a word of God himself!) is to betray the same compelling need that is driving this thread.

Why do so many Pakistanis obsess about India "claiming to be secular" (so many threads opened on this board is a living proof as pointed out earlier)?

We know why? And it is great fun nonetheless.

Secularism is a dirty word in Pakistan and Islamic countries.

Outside, they are all for it to enjoy it's fruits.

Would that be classified as hypocrisy (Munafiqat)? Billu was claiming something about it earlier. ;)
I don't understand. If someone doesn't follow a single Hindu ritual, doesn't know the mythology and doesn't accept the sacred texts as sacred, and instead goes to Church to pray to Jesus, how on earth are they a Hindu?

OK, may be I should have been more clear.

They don't necessarily go exclusively to these places. They may follow their own rituals and still occasionally visit these places and be comfortable and even feel divinity there.

Reason: The inherent belief in multiple paths to the divine.

Just as you are not able to understand this concept, many of us are unable to understand the "extremely narrow minded" interpretation of the divine by some of the "new fangled ideologies". We just find it counter intuitive as to how a supposed "merciful God" can condemn the vast majority of humanity to "eternal hellfire" just for the "crime" of being born in the "wrong religion".

And it does come to that as the vast majority of humanity dies in the faith it was born in.

Its just a matter of how one looks at it.
Now, this same logic of "we treat our Muslims well" applies when Indian diplomats and businesses deal with Arab countries. If India developed a reputation as a Hindutva state where Muslim rights were routinely trampled, the negotiations in rich Arab countries would be rocky Hence India must treat its Muslims well in order to maintain a certain international image.

I can see why you would think that.

Indian businesses are not into the business of these niceties as one can imagine.

Arab states are not necessarily a political powerhouse. No one needs to put up a dog and pony show for them.

In fact, it is the Arab states that are some of the worst at minority treatment, Saudi being at the very top. They don't even allow the Shia to pray as they want to leave alone the kaffirs.

You are imagining too much.
Im talking about the whole incredible secular nation - not just Gujarat.

And now you are comparing the muslims from your great secular nation - to an issue we have in Pakistan? Please stick to the thread.

Keep ur @$$Hole logic to ur self..u said "Apparantly the muslims are already preparing for a mass exodus out of Gujarat if the guy gets into power." so if Modi becomes a leader of the whole incredible secular nation then why muslims should move out of Gujarat they must move outside india naa?? And who will give refugee to these muslims in india if they move out?? U pakistanis?? chinese or bangladeshis?? u craps cant even live with peace in a 99% muslim majority country and u talk of india, if at all there is some civility left in muslims anywhere in the world it is with indian muslims and it is because they live under the majority hindus..
seen the same old video for years now,nothing new to show?
i can show many new zaid hamids and hafiz saeed and companys video,so who has more poison?
There are many others videos of hindu extremists but i just post this video to let him him know that extremist are there in hinduism as well because he heard from mullah that hindu are idol worshipper which they are any ways..:p
Here's the dictionary definition of "alien": unlike one's own; strange; not belonging to one.

If Islam is "alien" to India, then it does "not belong" in India.

I said Islam is alien, not the practioners. Understand the difference. BTW your meental gymnastics are getting desperate by the minute ;). Dont smash the keyboard while typing the next post.

This attack of verbal diarrhea is understandable since you have been caught out on your own words. You have stated that Islam is alien and incompatible with India, but Hinduism is central to it.

Caught in my words ? Hardly.

This is what you claimed -

According to you philosophy, you will never accept some Indian citizens as true Indians because you fundamentally reject their faith. This is the essence of the Hindutva philosophy, and the absolute antithesis of secularism.

And I said I did not reject their faith as it is central to my religion to believe in all faiths. And I have also repetitively said that while Islam as an idealogy may be alien to the SC, its practioners, the vast majority - the Muslims - are not. Consequently even the question of me accepting them as Indians does not arise.

And I have already explained how Hindutva is synonymous with secularism which your mind is not able to comprehend. Naturally so.

You want the government to "reclaim" Hindu sites from these "alien" religions, i.e. make decisions based on favoring one religion over another, which is utterly incompatible with secularism.

Same ol point, same old point. Addressed mutiple times.

Nobody has ever disputed the need for minorities to respect the majority culture. The issue here is whether the majority accords the same respect to the minorities

I can safely say throughout the millenia if there was one civilization that welcomed all religions of all hues and colors with open arms then it is the predominantly-Hindu Indian civilization. Without a respect for the minorities I dare say it would not have been possible.

It would be no exaggeration to say that Hindus are the best majority any minority can even dream of. And this tolerance is also the reason they are labelled as 'model minorities'.
choro yar bachi ka brainwash kar dia hai Hindu Taliban nay .

saying words against pakistan is not equal to saying words against islam, Pakistan islam ka tekedaar nahi hai, heck u all guys are not even 1st grade muslims u r all 2nd grade ask some arab what they think of some african and asian muslim?? u all are just slaves and cannon fodder for jihaad..
you need to ask from this young kid with so much posion lol :D sher sher lol what is the differnce between she and those who get brainwash from mullah

You innocent little puppies :D

See this future mujahid popping his eyeball out...

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There are many others videos of hindu extremists but i just post this video to let him him know that extremist are there in hinduism as well because he heard from mullah that hindu are idol worshipper which they are any ways..:p

beleive me worshipping an idol is much better than worshiping a man's dream
II can safely say throughout the millenia if there was one civilization that welcomes all religions of all hues and colors with open arms then it is the predominantly Hindu Indian civilization. Without a respect for the minorities I dare say it would not have been possible.

It would be no exaggeration to say that Hindus are the best majority any minority can even dream of.

Ok incredible not so secular person tell me if in the unlikely event i wanted to convert to hinduism how would I become a brahamin?

---------- Post added at 08:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 AM ----------

saying words against pakistan is not equal to saying words against islam, Pakistan islam ka tekedaar nahi hai, heck u all guys are not even 1st grade muslims u r all 2nd grade ask some arab what they think of some african and asian muslim?? u all are just slaves and cannon fodder for jihaad..

Making comments like this is proof of your non secularism. In my opinion secularism starts with having respect for others with different beliefs etc
Ok incredible not so secular person tell me if in the unlikely event i wanted to convert to hinduism how would I become a brahamin?

Conversion to Hinduism requires some standards, certain qualities which I dont think you will be able to pass or unlikely to muster. Fundamentally it requires tolerance. So dont worry. Be happy in your faith. I ,as a Hindu, believe your faith is also a path to Nirvana.
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