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Featured Not a question of if, but when China will strike - Indian Narrative

Here's a "broken record " for you.
The Telegraph does not talk about an EXCHANGE but a release of Indian soldiers. The report is dated 19 June. There was a further batch released later.,
Well, Even if this news is true, news came after release.
I know you are troll account with fake Indian flag. But this forum is for that only.
Well, Even if this news is true, news came after release.
I know you are troll account with fake Indian flag. But this forum is for that only.
"If" this news is true. We were discussing an exchange. Right? No news agency ( even Indian) claims an exchange.
So either the venerable General is misinformed or there was no exchange since no PLA soldiers were captured alive.
Trolls thrive on Trolls . We are one of a kind. Eat or be eaten. Right?
That's what they taught me at the IT cell.
Nope, it will lose Aksai chin and Tibet as it doesn't have quality fighting men and machines
They have toilets. When you capture the peaks how do you get water to fill the little brass pots?
Like your "shift" duty taking over from that "broken record " guy.
chinse know it from doklam , this time if they used guns they will get their lesson of lifetime .
You mean from the UP police guns?
Thain Thain?
They already did Thain Thain on 7th September and sent one Khampa into the parlok. But Khampas are expendable.
Thain! Thain! The PLA will be scared.
chinse know it from doklam , this time if they used guns they will get their lesson of lifetime .

Agreed, this is why they keep making boring propaganda videos. The nation is ready for war, it's time we give them the taste of Bofors just like we have to the pakistanis in Kargil. We will go all guns blazing and put the 1962 rhetoric to an end for good.

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