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Featured Not a question of if, but when China will strike - Indian Narrative

How come you Indians are still haunted and paralyzed with fear by 1962 if you really got your payback in 1967 (whatever it is you think happened then)?
Because they are against logic and make up events in order to feel better about their loser country.
Send us a picture of a dead PLA soldier ... why was it that only the Chinese took pictures of dead Indian soldiers but not the other way around :enjoy: :enjoy: :enjoy:
We don't need any dead PLA pic. They are not Indian to pay respect.
We don't need any dead PLA pic. They are not Indian to pay respect.
Then stop obsessing with Chinese casualty. Our politicians don't need to prove their respect by putting a dead body on TV. Indian public may love to see these political show, Chinese public simply doesn't buy it.
Then stop obsessing with Chinese casualty. Our politicians don't need to prove their respect by putting a dead body on TV. Indian public may love to see these political show, Chinese public simply doesn't buy it.
Simply saying chinese Gov/CCP give a damn about chinese people feeling/opinion.
We don't need any dead PLA pic. They are not Indian to pay respect.
No I'm saying why didn't any Indians take pictures of dead PLA soldiers to embarrass the Chinese? You guys already filmed yourself beating the shit out of a PLA negotiator ... surely a dead PLA soldier would be even better right :enjoy: . And besides, how is anyone supposed to believe your count of the dead Chinese if you guys don't have any photos rofl.
Nobody wants to stay during winter. If China wants, it can attack but defensive approach of Indian army will help India this time. Indian troops are in large numbers as well and one senior indian member has said that pla are now in a position to strike which means all preparations on Chinese side are now complete. He also said that firepower that indian army can face will be immense. Terrain might help indian army defensive approach. Anyway I don't see war. I think China is happy with only salami slicing. Anyway China don't want to station their forces in ladakh during winter and China has only two options. Fall back slightly or start war. It's also possible that India start war. Indian soldiers due to poor infrastructure on indian side and cost of reinforcement and permanently station troops is too high.
Nobody wants to stay during winter. If China wants, it can attack but defensive approach of Indian army will help India this time. Indian troops are in large numbers as well and one senior indian member has said that pla are now in a position to strike which means all preparations on Chinese side are now complete. He also said that firepower that indian army can face will be immense.
Are you serious? You actually expect the Indians to survive the massive Chinese firepower just because a senior Indian member says so? Bipin Rawat, the number one guy in the IA, says the Indian military can withstand a 2.5 front war and you are just going to take his word as face value ... come on man. A massive concentration of Indian troops (i.e. a Indian troop buildup) will just make them even more vulnerable to Chinese artillery fire due to the compactness of Indian troop concentrations in the area and a complete lack of defensible infrastructure. It is true China would rather resort to salami slicing but make no mistake, it will pretty easily expel Indians out with artillery fire if need be. Please tell me how Indian troops guarding some heights and passes will be able to survive repeated volleys of Chinese MLRS or even standard conventional artillery ... even if they built bunkers or hardened structures, they too would likely be demolished. The only thing that could possibly save the Indians is if they dug a massive tunnel or cave network, but their infrastructure abilities are nowhere near that point (if anything, they cannot even construct small bridges without collapsing).
Are you serious? You actually expect the Indians to survive the massive Chinese firepower just because a senior Indian member says so? Bipin Rawat, the number one guy in the IA, says the Indian military can withstand a 2.5 front war and you are just going to take his word as face value ... come on man. A massive concentration of Indian troops (i.e. a Indian troop buildup) will just make them even more vulnerable to Chinese artillery fire due to the compactness of Indian troop concentrations in the area and a complete lack of defensible infrastructure. It is true China would rather resort to salami slicing but make no mistake, it will pretty easily expel Indians out with artillery fire if need be. Please tell me how Indian troops guarding some heights and passes will be able to survive repeated volleys of Chinese MLRS or even standard conventional artillery ... even if they built bunkers or hardened structures, they too would likely be demolished. The only thing that could possibly save the Indians is if they dug a massive tunnel or cave infrastructure network, but their infrastructure abilities are nowhere near that point.
He know ladakh quite well. He is ex military. I believe him. I also believe that it's not easy to break indian defensive layers. It's hard. Yes indians will face massive firepower but remember, India also has bigger army so fatalities for them doesn't matter until China pushes them deep. China can push them but it will be absolute bloodbath. It's not easy. When an army decides to defend an area, it's quite difficult to break through. I remember Pak army didn't even have reinforcement when India wanted to invade in 2001 but reinforcement arrived later. Obviously it was indian mistake not to attack pakistan. after complete reinforcement, attacking any army is difficult.
Even TRANSFORMERS will fight from CHINESE side... don't believe me... PLAAF is training with them...


@FOOLS_NIGHTMARE ...while you think that Indians are too much into Bollywood... kindly note that CHINESE are too much into Hollywood...

And PA will end up waiting for CHINESE ACTION against India...
White, Western European Christians will never fight for or come to the aid of brown indian hindus/sikhs whom they regard as an interior race.

Nobody fights for others... be it Europeans, Americans, Africans or Asians...

Everyone needs to fight on their own...
We don't need any dead PLA pic. They are not Indian to pay respect.
For WC Abhinandan's return there was a media event with people waving flags and painting their cheeks with saffron, white and green stripes; as there should have been to welcome any hero home. How come there were no flag wavers and people clapping to receive the 30 captured soldiers ( which included at least two officers and other ranks ) when the PLA handed them over 10 days after capturing them at Galwan. WC Abhinandan was returned in 60 hours. There was no media frenzy to free these brave men, and there were no demonstrations in front of the Chinese embassy. Many of those captured had fought valiantly ( like WC Abhinandan) and had been severely injured.
Why this difference?
Those who resisted capture at Galwan and were injured are heroes too.
Wrong comparisons, OP was saying china is waiting for If India crosses LAC, if any PLA injuried, If any PLA died, If first shot fired, now regiment attacked.
In case you noticed the reference was to casualties being hushed up for political reasons. I gave two examples. The casualties the India suffered due to an Israeli special operation raid to take out Indian UN peace keepers ( UNEF) in Gaza and the Jaffna stadium incident in Sri Lanka. In both cases India has tried to hide and then bury the casualties. To be fair India is not the
only country that does so. There is the famous case of the USS Liberty, a US Navy electronic surveillance ship attacked by the Israeli navy in 1967. The Israelis didn't like the snooping it was doing parked in the Mediterranean at the height of the Six Day war in 1967. The Israelis brutally attacked the lightly armed ship with torpedoes, gun boats, and a strafing attack by Mystere fighter bombers. The attacks continued for four hours causing heavy damage and killing 34 officers and crew members and severely wounding 171. The Americans bravely defended their ship with the light armament that they had repeatedly beating off the attacks despite taking heavy hits. In saga of professional competence and extreme valor the captain and crew managed to save their crippled ship and escape further attacks. But it was a politically inconvenient incident and none of the sailors and marines who died and fought that day were honored or decorated. A potential ally like Israel could not be angered. Even if the ship and its crew were only doing their duty and on orders they were still expendable since the Israelis did'nt like them.
Politics does decide who is honored and who is not.

How come you Indians are still haunted and paralyzed with fear by 1962 if you really got your payback in 1967 (whatever it is you think happened then)?
No we don't fear those wimps, but are eager to break them in smaller parts by liberating Tibet and aksai chin.
Wow massive PLA casualties ???
Dude the only thing I saw on verifiable news ( NOT INDIAN) is the massive Indian soldier casualties beaten to death by sticks no less !
You delusional Indians continue to live in your make believe world of fantasy where Indian lies count as reality in your sorry lives.
Lol looks like you didn't see the gt tweet where they underreport their casualties as less than twenty. They know if they reveal their true casualty figures the world will laugh at them. Still the intel guys in America have reported 35+ pla dead, which in reality is between 40 to 60.

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