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Featured Not a question of if, but when China will strike - Indian Narrative

The Chinese won’t change. Just like the leopard, the Chinese don’t change their spots. This became evident once again during the week, when Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, Wang Wenbin said, “For the Chinese side, we have been honouring the agreements signed between China and India. We are committed to peace and stability in the border area. Meanwhile, we are committed to our sovereignty and territorial integrity.” In other words, in Chinese view, to repeat a cliché, “might is right”. So China will continue to shift the LAC to its advantage and if India stands up to it, China will push India towards war, or try to tie it down along the LAC, thus wearing it out and draining its resources. And all the while playing the victim.

It’s all about teaching India a lesson for trying to be a global power, about scaring away potential investors, as well as about sending a message not only to the rest of the world and the minnows who stand up to it, but also a challenge to the United States by treating India as its proxy. But then that is how the Chinese are—always have been. The problem is that it is Indians who still believe that the Chinese can be made to mend their way, see reason, as External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar hoped ahead of the Moscow meeting with his counterpart Wang Yi.

The outcome of that meeting was a five-point agreement, which incorporated the oft-repeated clichés that have become a part of any India-China dialogue—“differences should not become disputes”; “abide by all the existing agreements and protocol on China-India boundary affairs”; “border troops…should continue their dialogue, quickly disengage, maintain proper distance and ease tensions”. Meaningless words, considering China is consistently guilty of violating each and every of the five points. Worse, the agreement lays a minefield for India for it talks about disengaging and retreating from current positions, which means India vacating all the heights it presently occupies on the bank of Pangong Tso, overlooking PLA’s Moldo garrison—which is now a sitting duck—and thus losing the tactical advantage it has. And the 14-15 June clash at Galwan is proof of what disengagement means to the Chinese.

This is not the time for hoping that China will see reason. This is not the time to give China a “face-saving exit as India cannot take them on”, as is being whispered in certain quarters. In this context, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh’s words in Parliament were, for a change, candid: “China says one thing and does the opposite.” His statement that India wanted peace but was ready for war is welcome. It is not every day that such strong statements come from India’s power corridor, which has had decades of practice in staying silent on China’s aggression for fear of angering Beijing, thus exposing itself to be weak and vulnerable. It’s hoped that the Defence Minister’s words will not be mere words and India will not capitulate tamely in its attempt to make peace. China is a bully, which needs to be taught a lesson. The bully needs to realise that it has underestimated India; that it will have to pay a price for its aggression, in both economic and military terms. That it cannot be business as usual when soldiers of the two countries are engaged in an eyeball to eyeball standoff, with the prospect of a military conflict—possibly even an actual war—hovering on the horizon.

Make no mistake, China under Xi Jinping is desperate for a victory. And in their eyes, India is the lowest hanging fruit for this. It is not a question of if, but when China will strike! The only thing that will deter China from its misadventure is India striking suitable alliances—including working towards a Nato-like construct for the Quad and Quad-Plus countries, where every signing member is treaty-bound to come to each other’s assistance when attacked by China. The need of the day is an Indo-Pacific charter, with the firm objective of containing China. If the Chinese Communist Party is afraid of anything it is afraid of a united world standing up to it. But in pursuing such a policy India cannot be seen to be a reluctant ally, which is still waffling around, unable to choose a side, in the name of a long dead non alignment, while hanging onto the coattails of countries that are supping with China.

The Chinese will not strike first this time ... they will wait till India opens fires and attacks a Chinese contingent. Then, the Chinese will broadcast that to the world to see and then launch the "counterattack." Simply put it, the Chinese will provoke the Indians into attacking but will not actually attack first.
Nope, it will lose Aksai chin and Tibet as it doesn't have quality fighting men and machines
If China does not quality men or machines, then India has absolutely nothing
Who is delusional only time will tell. Hope that pla doesn't have to hide their massive casualties again.
Wow massive PLA casualties ???
Dude the only thing I saw on verifiable news ( NOT INDIAN) is the massive Indian soldier casualties beaten to death by sticks no less !
You delusional Indians continue to live in your make believe world of fantasy where Indian lies count as reality in your sorry lives.
The key will be for India to be predictably provoked into launching an undeclared first strike, which will be documented as proof and causus belli. Most likely this undeclared first strike will be on a decoy. Indian government will be revealed to be the fascist regime it is.

Then the time for cleaning up will come.
Hiding casualties is common.
For example India would like to forget 14 Indian troops killed by Israelis in the Six Day War in 1967 in Gaza.
The Indian soldiers were part of the United Nations Emergency Force as peacekeepers protecting Gaza. They were led by a charismatic commander Major General Inderjit Rikhye. The Indians went down fighting bravely, but for all their valor and competence were no match for the Israelis who suffered no casualties in the operation. Here is a 0-14 score. With the changed political and diplomatic scenario this is an uncomfortable past that both India and Israel would rather bury and move on. Israel never claimed victory in the operation over India but nor did it ever offer an apology or regrets. Neither did they assist in the repatriation of the bodies which in the heat of the June sun in the desert decomposed. The brave Indian soldiers were never honored and remain nameless. Today even this incident is hushed up and except for the Canadian and UN archives is little discussed by the Indian defense analysts in larger interest of Indian Israeli relations.

The Chinese will not strike first this time ... they will wait till India opens fires and attacks a Chinese contingent. Then, the Chinese will broadcast that to the world to see and then launch the "counterattack." Simply put it, the Chinese will provoke the Indians into attacking but will not actually attack first.

If China does not quality men or machines, then India has absolutely nothing

How do you know that it is not happening?
Kashmir, Hyderabad, Junagar, East Pak, Siachen, "Last Afgan", Mujib, Mukti Bahini, TTP, BLA, terrorism etc - sound familiar?????

What goes around comes around - the essence of the Ilahi Adalet in this Dunya. As for the Ahiret, death is just the beginning....
The Chinese will not strike first this time ... they will wait till India opens fires and attacks a Chinese contingent. Then, the Chinese will broadcast that to the world to see and then launch the "counterattack." Simply put it, the Chinese will provoke the Indians into attacking but will not actually attack first.

If China does not quality men or machines, then India has absolutely nothing
The problem is the Indians also know it too well! So, it's like the Wild West in the USA, whoever puts his feet on a piece of land becomes his....
Same as zero PLA fatalities in Galwan clash.
...Also zero fatalities ( once admitted and now hushed up ) during the IPKF operations at the Jaffna stadium ( Sri Lanka 1987). Hushed up because the LTTE are heroes in Tamil Nadu and ruling coalition there are allies of the ruling party.
Those Para Commandos who dropped into Jaffna stadium died fighting bravely to the last .. and . now forgotten.
There was no social media then ( or now) to give them their due respect s. Even back then the bravery of the IPKF had to be kept low key so as not to upset the allies in the south of the country. In any case the LTTE were not much impressed and far less forgiving.
The LTTE crossed over and blew up the ex-Indian Prime Minister ( and possibly Prime Minister elect ) to smithereens. Ironically this event is cheered by quite a few in India with a "serves you right " statement.
Those braves forgotten...
"The 32-month presence of the IPKF in Sri Lanka resulted in the deaths of 1200 Indian soldiers and over 5000 Sri Lankans. The cost for the Indian government was estimated at over ₹10.3 billion."

...Also zero fatalities ( once admitted and now hushed up ) during the IPKF operations at the Jaffna stadium ( Sri Lanka 1987). Hushed up because the LTTE are heroes in Tamil Nadu and ruling coalition there are allies of the ruling party.
Those Para Commandos who dropped into Jaffna stadium died fighting bravely to the last .. and . now forgotten.
There was no social media then ( or now) to give them their due respect s. Even back then the bravery of the IPKF had to be kept low key so as not to upset the allies in the south of the country. In any case the LTTE were not much impressed and far less forgiving.
The LTTE crossed over and blew up the ex-Indian Prime Minister ( and possibly Prime Minister elect ) to smithereens. Ironically this event is cheered by quite a few in India with a "serves you right " statement.
Wrong comparisons, OP was saying china is waiting for If India crosses LAC, if any PLA injuried, If any PLA died, If first shot fired, now regiment attacked.

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