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Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian

I am not surprised that it seems like religious zealotry had something to do with this barbaric act of violence, like with so many others almost every day around the world. This time it might be a little different brand of insanity than usual (Christian fundamentalism) but in the end Religion is the most dangerous mental illness of our time..

Too early for me to say whether 'religion' was the motive or a sense of perceived injustice given to the 'white race'. Ultimately Marx was correct: It is our search for resources which is the main motive. We go around finding the resources in many guises. Something do with the Maslow's hierarchy of needs? In this case, probably religion was used as the foundation over which this hateful guy build his case to 'defend' his white nation. It is not uncommon to see white supremacists being very 'Christian'.
some background on norway and international affairs

- Norway were leaving libya operations

-the Socialist Left Party of Kristin Halvorsen planned on voting to bomb Israel if Israel attacked Hamas in Gaza. The thinking was that if Libya could be bombed for what it does to its dissidents, then a similar treatment should be applied to Israel for what it does to the Palestinians, which is far worse.

-Norway was planning on recognizing a Palestinian state at the United Nations Convention.

-The camp where the shootings took place was the site of a pro-Palestinian rally the day before

-Shimon Peres described Norway as the most anti-Semitic Western nation

- Norwegian ambassador recently said palestinians should have self rule
Come on gentlemen, why are we beating around the bush? He was a committed Islamophobe, he actively contributed as a guest blogger to the blogs of Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and Daniel Pipes. He wrote under the name of "Fjordman". Here's a list of his posts:

He wrote many posts, some of them are titled:
When Danes Pay Danegeld – Dealing with Islam in Scandinavia
Electing a New People: The Leftist – Islamic Alliance
People Worry About Islam, Its Leaders About Islamophobia
What Does Muslim Immigration Cost Europe?
So we have a man who's very active politically and whose posts are almost all anti-Muslim. Let's stop pretending not to see the motivation here.

He was motivated by Islamophobia.

There. I've said it.
he was a pawn, he was brainwashed and used, he was controlled.

If you look at his writings it is quite clear that above and beyond all he had a passionate hate for Muslims, which overruled any other political viewpoints he might have had.
If you look at his writings it is quite clear that above and beyond all he had a passionate hate for Muslims, which overruled any other political viewpoints he might have had.

that certainly does not translate into intent of mass murder of non-muslims.

i know this narrative appeals but please read post 333 and reconsider your belief.
the loss of life was inexcusable; the blatant disregard for human life was beyond disgusting......

if there's anything 'good' that will come out of this incident, it is that this incident serves as hard proof that not all terrorism committed in the world is done by Muslims.

anyone with misguided religious/ideological zeal and fanaticism can pose a threat to him/herself and the society/community. And this should be a good slap on the face of those who always blame Muslims all the time for these types of things when in fact every single religious group has had its fair share of whackos.
the loss of life was inexcusable; the blatant disregard for human life was beyond disgusting......

if there's anything 'good' that will come out of this incident, it is that this incident serves as hard proof that not all terrorism committed in the world is done by Muslims.

anyone with misguided religious/ideological zeal and fanaticism can pose a threat to him/herself and the society/community. And this should be a good slap on the face of those who always blame Muslims all the time for these types of things when in fact every single religious group has had its fair share of whackos.

it shows that there are nutters/retards/dupes who can be manipulated from anywhere in the world.
^^ Why are you intent on victimizing yourself and trying to create a guilt-industry? No one here has said that the attacker was a Muslim. The Norwegian press has said so clearly. What is the reason to bring your community on the highlights of all such things? Jihad is a completely different case suffered by more than 15 countries and scores of cultures.

This was an insane de-ranged man who committed acts of violence against his own people and his country. He should be hanged for this. Simple as that. Terrorism means any activity done by a person associated with or operated by a nefarious organization known for conducting terrorist activities. How many Norwegian origin terrorist organizations are known worldwide? Zero.

This man has committed what is called "an act of war against Norway and her people" in legal technical terms. And I am sure he will be punished for it.
^^ Why are you intent on victimizing yourself and trying to create a guilt-industry? No one here has said that the attacker was a Muslim. The Norwegian press has said so clearly. What is the reason to bring your community on the highlights of all such things? Jihad is a completely different case suffered by more than 15 countries and scores of cultures.

This was an insane de-ranged man who committed acts of violence against his own people and his country. He should be hanged for this. Simple as that. Terrorism means any activity done by a person associated with or operated by a nefarious organization known for conducting terrorist activities. How many Norwegian origin terrorist organizations are known worldwide? Zero.

This man has committed what is called "an act of war against Norway and her people" in legal technical terms. And I am sure he will be punished for it.

He can be jailed for a maximum of 21 years before he has to be set free, under Norwegian laws.
some background on norway and international affairs

- Norway were leaving libya operations

-the Socialist Left Party of Kristin Halvorsen planned on voting to bomb Israel if Israel attacked Hamas in Gaza. The thinking was that if Libya could be bombed for what it does to its dissidents, then a similar treatment should be applied to Israel for what it does to the Palestinians, which is far worse.

-Norway was planning on recognizing a Palestinian state at the United Nations Convention.

-The camp where the shootings took place was the site of a pro-Palestinian rally the day before

-Shimon Peres described Norway as the most anti-Semitic Western nation

- Norwegian ambassador recently said palestinians should have self rule

thank you for the insight, any jewish hand behind this killing will be hidden
The guy has killed 90 people.. yet will probably get 31 years according to BBC.
I wonder if this had been a Muslim guy.. they would have probably sentenced him to death, blacklisted his country.. and picked up everybody that was known to him.
The guy has killed 90 people.. yet will probably get 31 years according to BBC.
I wonder if this had been a Muslim guy.. they would have probably sentenced him to death, blacklisted his country.. and picked up everybody that was known to him.

If you had known how the legal system works in Norway you would know that we don't have death sentence here...

Norwegians as a people are actually quite tolerant, this guy should spend the rest of his life in prison.
then why dont you call Hindu terrorists and Christian terrorists and Jew terrorists?

They only use that against muslims and defame Islam. Even when the US Congress woman was shot by a Christian the media hushed about it.
^^ Why are you intent on victimizing yourself and trying to create a guilt-industry? No one here has said that the attacker was a Muslim. The Norwegian press has said so clearly. What is the reason to bring your community on the highlights of all such things? Jihad is a completely different case suffered by more than 15 countries and scores of cultures.

This was an insane de-ranged man who committed acts of violence against his own people and his country. He should be hanged for this. Simple as that. Terrorism means any activity done by a person associated with or operated by a nefarious organization known for conducting terrorist activities. How many Norwegian origin terrorist organizations are known worldwide? Zero.

This man has committed what is called "an act of war against Norway and her people" in legal technical terms. And I am sure he will be punished for it.

what the height of ignorance, you just thanked a post where oldman1 said that some muslim is responsible, after you knew that th muslim is not responsible, and you are now saying, who is blaming the muslims???
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