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Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian

This is a complete list of comments Anders Behring Breivik has left at Document.no.

2010-10-29 14:08:40
Thanks for the great effort to date, Hans and Document. You are doing an incredibly important job and is considered today to be one of very few ideological alternative voices. And you will be noticed from the country's parliamentary representatives and journalists. I would even argue that the Document has become a political force in Norway, as we all know that the country's elites secretly read Document weekly! :-) You continue to make Norway a great service! :-)

I wish however to make some constructive criticism when it comes to Documents organizational and financial plans. Please do not take it personally:)

Considering Documents modest economy and that in any case, are 50 talented writers in Norway who had willingly helped more active, I think it would be a very bad idea to focus 90% of Documents assets of a permanent reporter position. Today there are a plethora of essays and articles that requested distributed without financial compensation so why spend all the funds in a reporter position? I'm pretty sure that, under the circumstances, very costly position is liquidated in the course of a two-year period when I expect that you will eventually get to the same conclusion.

It would be a pity if you ignored the suggestions and decided to squandered all the money in a potentially "politically correct" person with a background in the Marxist boot camp: Volda University College or any other journalist (Marxist) camps, etc.

What you, however should focus economic is to develop "Concept Document" socially and organizationally, primarily through the development of this blog to a solution more like a social networking f such that is linked to similar organizations in other countries (similar to a beginning of a cultural Euro-version of a Tea Party movement).

Alternatively, should you give out a monthly magazine that is distributed through Narvesen. I have already presented a detailed strategy for how this can be done. I collected all the offers from suppliers, I contacted even Narvesen and then submit this to you, Hans. Full distribution through Narvesen (2000 copies monthly magazine), can be produced for less than £. 35 000 per month, an investment guaranteed to provide "break-even" and could potentially result in twice the revenue! I do not understand why someone from the Document have not wanted to consider my proposal?

You have, at present, access to a fleet of some of the brightest talents in most industries, that would be willing to work for free. This talent is now unused. So why use up 90% of Documents agents on a reporter position?

I have worked with the project for 14 years with several projects related to web solutions, have the financial education + two other Bachelor's degrees, earned my first million as an entrepreneur at the age of 24 and have many friends who today are successful entrepreneurs in most industries. Several of my friends are experts on the development of social networking sites (one of them runs Deiligst.no, Norway's probably the most profitable online communities despite the frayed moral concept).

The point of the illustration is that you have access to very valuable skills, free, as you now refuse you to use.

I hope you will be willing to receive help in a much greater extent than you are today and instead use the modest funds for more essential costs, as outlined above.

Anyway, get on! I support you 100% no matter what you ultimately have to choose ;-)

2010-09-21 23:20:25
The main axes are the economy and culture.

They were right-wing culturally but economically leftist (not as extreme as the planned economy but still strong socialist). So it is equally wrong to call them right wing as the left extreme. They were both: P

Liberals like of course to tag them as right wing, as well as anti-socialists refer to them as the left extreme.

The third axis: authoritarian vs liberal is inappropriate to use as the main marker.

2010-09-01 08:19:15
Lasse Moer,

Japan and South Korea is much clearer examples of countries that consistently and very direct dismissed multiculturalism. This stadfested those in the 70 -, 80 -, 90-number and this confirms the very day.

The UN has for years been trying to push them to receive hundreds of thousands of refugees but the number has ended in a tiny fraction of the original claim. Europe has never chosen to run the psychological and economic warfare against them for this reason (as they do to European nations / individuals who espouse the same arguments and principles)

Multiculturalists will be very embarrassed if you mention Japan and South Korea as these nations proves quite obvious that mass immigration is only a result of specific Marxist doctrines and very rarely economically or culturally privileged. Japan / South Korea has a border and border guards. If one lacks the visa one is denied passage ... (Europe had known this scheme prior 1950-1960)

The interesting question is the, why are not Japanese and South Koreans demonized as the Nazis and fascists? The answer, we know ...

2010-06-15 11:11:55
Very good and very important article. Great work, Hans!

2010-02-17 10:56:52
The problem is that it often does not help about 80% of Muslims are "moderates", ie they ignore the Quran. "It takes very few people to overthrow a plane."

What percentage is the Taliban of Pakistan's population? 1%, 3%, 5%? And how much chaos is there today?

In every society where Islam exists there will be a certain percentage of the Muslims who actually follow the traditional interpretations of the Koran.

And then we have the relationship between conservative Muslims and so-called "moderate Muslims".

There is moderate Nazis, too, that does not support fumigation of rooms and Jews. But they're still Nazis and will only sit and watch as the conservatives Nazis strike (if it ever happens). If we accept the moderate Nazis as long as they distance themselves from the fumigation of rooms and Jews?

Now it unfortunately already cut himself with Marxists who have already infiltrated-culture, media and educational organizations. These individuals will be tolerated and will even work as professors and lecturers at colleges / universities and are thus able to spread their propaganda.

For me it is very hypocritical to treat Muslims, Nazis and Marxists differ. They are all supporters of hate-ideologies. Not all Muslims, Nazis and Marxists are conservative, most are moderate. But does it matter? A moderate Nazi might, after having experienced fraud, choose to be conservative. A moderate Muslim can, after being refused to enter a club, be conservative, etc.

It is obvious that the moderate supporters of hate-ideologies, at a later date may choose conservatism.

Islam (ism) has historically led to 300 million deaths
Communism has historically led to 100 million deaths
Nazism has historically led to 6-20 million deaths

ALL hate ideologies should be treated equally.

2010-02-16 19:25:24
According to two studies supports 13% of young British Muslims between 15 and 25 Al Qaeda ideology. UK representative for Norway, so I would guess that at least 15-20% of Norwegian Muslims support murder of gays. There is certainly no fewer that supports the killing of gays than to support Al Qaeda.

2010-02-02 13:35:11
I completely agree that Obama is a brilliant retoriker and communicator, one of the best we've seen over the past 30 years.

But firstly, we can not and should not compare the cultural struggle in the U.S. with that in Europe. Rhetoric must and should be different. The average "right click" - Republican in the U.S. is a "libertarian" (anti-socialist but pro multikulti) while the average conservative in Europe is much more anti-multikulti but arguments based on cultural resistance against Islamization.

The so-called anti-multiculti in the U.S. based their rhetoric on ethnocentrism alone which thus differs greatly from Europeans. This is the main reason that we must separate the American and European cultural struggle. I usually stay away from American issues as a result.

Regardless of whether we are in the U.S. or Europe, it is essential you have to ask about the following:

When was that multiculturalism ceased to be an ideology designed to deconstruct a European culture, traditions, identity and nation-states? If you support a leader who propagate multikulti (ideology as of this writing systematically deconstructs Western civilization), one can not then just as well stick to the class struggle or the MSM?

And if we then think that multiculturalism wonderful doctrines is the main cause of the ongoing Islamization of Europe and the U.S., one should not criticize multiculturalism while leading No. 1, the one Jesus Christ Obama for his fundamental principles?

Failure to criticize him, you have not then accepted the multiculturalism wonderful premise?

2010-01-25 05:20:24
Public Enemy, Carl Christian,

What you manages to come up with here is nothing but very nasty control techniques.

You claim that all Norwegians who do not follow landsmo (s) container Gro Harlem Brundtland definition, is racist:

"Everyone always holds a Norwegian passport is full Norwegians" ... Which means that even Somali coach (with a Norwegian passport) who chew qat all day, banks send the wife and half the benefit of al-Shabaab should be viewed as a full Doe.

If anyone in this country dared to look at the Somali coach as anything other than a full-Smith are the racists and need to burn marked public. And you say that everyone who disagrees with their extreme kulturmarxistiske world view - the utopian, global citizen definition are racists?

In that case, I think you have labeled 95% of the population that just this but it does just a minor role for you?

You are only committed to paralyze all the debate in society, to silence all those who are not of the same opinion as you, to exercise social control in line with the conservative Muslims in Greenland? Once a person takes off his "ideological veil" his is where you as soon as the troll you are.

Sorry, but it does not work anymore. More will be increasingly immune to rule techniques due to their massive inflation rhetoric.

I think the majority of Norwegians require full cultural assimilation (European culture) to calculate the second as full Norwegians. His his analysis is thus correct. Norwegian passport is irrelevant in this context. Get over it ...!


2010-01-24 10:45:19
The problem with the Progress Party have become that in their etterstrebenhet after reaching up to the multiculturalism fantastic claims and humanism suisidale ideals they have in many ways thrown out the baby with the bath water.

Genuine resistance has been reduced to listening to the PR agency and do 2-3 tactical statements before each election, to ensure the voices of the core.

The vast majority of new faces in the Progress Party is now politically correct career politicians and not in any way idealists who are willing to take risks and work for idealistic goals.

The comic is that even though they have thrown almost all principles of garbage dump and reduced cultural struggle to "reduce the flow of asylum with a couple of thousand" is still burning brand in public, ridiculed, harassed and isolated by the humanist-Marxist.

Parliamentary Representatives from the Progress Party, should at least read the document every single day and involved a bit when it is their duty to be the people's voice. Unfortunately, very few of them at all know what the document is about something, and fewer than 5% of them know what taqiyya and naskh is.

F example. when a combined force chose to ignore the Swedish and French intifada before the last election for strategic reasons, which later cost FrP maybe 5%, should Siv have instructed all of his people to call the ARK and other newsrooms and forced them to cover this about this.

I have great respect for how the Marxist-humanist networks in Norway are able to use their power optimally through "force Multiplication" and cooperation.

They are insanely hard-working, skilled in the consolidation and hard-working and most on the right side has a lot to learn from them.

2010-01-22 02:53:39
I'm tempted to get in touch with the owners and would reflect their success through restructuring through my leadership. This will involve kicking all remaining kulturmarxister and start with the cultural conservative coverage as the first major newspaper in Norway (critical of multiculturalism / Islamization). It is realistic to believe that the circulation will then have the potential to reach up to 120-200k.

It surprises me that there are no more "cultural conservative entrepreneurs" in the Kingdom of Norway?

Do you think the owners will have a positive attitude to such proposals?, P

I will not be a good option when I have absolutely zero knowledge of editorial processes. I think however, Hans Rustad should be responsible for the editorial and invite them to consider his concept. I think the timing of this is optimal at this moment!

There are 15 kulturmarxistiske politically correct tree trunk, back in Norway and not a single cultural conservative. The first cultural conservative (not politically correct) the publication will be GUARANTEED success.

2010-01-19 11:25:11
Very good article:) It helps to push the debate to a new level.

2010-01-02 14:20:13
There are political forces in Oslo who want to mass-act subsidized / low cost "Islam-blocks" in Oslo West for "better integration". As far as I know, only the Progress Party / Conservatives who oppose the moment so it can actually become a reality over the next decade.

If this ever becomes the case, many of Oslo West move to Bærum (and most will eventually follow).

Hm, but where do you move when this policy when Bærum?

2009-12-31 14:12:48
Lars M,

"Globalization and modernity are irreversible phenomena."

Classic multiculturalism drug propaganda. What is globalization and modernity to do with mass Muslim immigration?

And you may not have heard and Japan and South Korea? These are successful and modern regimes even if they rejected multiculturalism in the 70's. Are Japanese and South Koreans goblins?

Can you name ONE country where multiculturalism is successful where Islam is involved? The only historical example is the society without a welfare state with only non-Muslim minorities (U.S.).

This I expect that everyone knows when it is elementary documented truths.

What I can never understand is why multiculturalism seats (which traditionally has consisted of and / or have been supported by the labor movement) have failed to understand that multiculturalism will destroy the future welfare (as social Cohesion / confidence / willingness to let the tax) dollars in line with the spread of multiculturalism?

Best case scenario for Europe is that we end up with a super-capitalist system such as the U.S. with large sub-class / class differences.

It does not sound very humanistic out:) But then we are certainly not goblins anymore?

2009-12-31 09:30:01
Supra, Aesop, Ira

It's getting only two basic concepts many use to describe the cultural point of view.

Conservative Culture (of order preservation / patiot / nationalist / monokulturalist) and kulturmarxistisk (internationalist / multiculturalists / kosmopolitanist / globalist).

Although the majority of humanists but also many liberals are anti-nationalists, and is therefore by definition kulturmarxister. Promote either multiculturalism (cultural Marxism) or monoculture (nationalist), there is nothing in between, even though most do not dare to admit this yet. Well, there's the multi-culture without Islam is a middle ground.

However, it is possible that THE does not meet the criteria for a Marxist / Communist but all internationalists are kulturmarxister.

It's also a known fact that street newspaper is an anarcho-Marxist newspaper and NOT an anarchist newspaper. Anarchism can be both Marxist-oriented and nationalist-oriented. Street newspaper is far from nationalistic one can get;)

The old definitions often do not apply anymore. Eg. the British Tories who actually still dare to call themselves conservatives support kulturmarxisme / multiculturalism and should be renamed.

One can not support kulturmarxisme / multiculturalism and simultaneously call themselves conservative, although some might not agree with me:)

The majority on the right side has unfortunately not yet found out that one must defeat multiculturalism in order to defeat the Islamization as many still see themselves as multiculturalists.

This will inevitably change and clarified to a greater extent for most of the next decade when the polarization will increase.

Sometime in the future, most will have to flag the point of view, you will have to make a choice: nationalism or internationalism.

Unfortunately, there is still much stigma attached to the word "nationalism" as I usually use the word culture conservative:)

2009-12-30 07:14:01
The problem is that Europe lost the Cold War already in 1950, the moment they allowed Marxists / anti-nationalists to ravage freely, without restrictions for the positions they could have and the power positions they had the opportunity to obtain the (teacher / professor positions in particular).

The result, in particular Norway and Sweden is the extreme Marxist attitudes have become acceptable / everyday while the old-established truths of patriotism and cultural conservatism today is branded as extremism (of kulturmarxister and humanists). Anti-nationalist attitudes have unfortunately not only become mainstream but is now required as a basis attitudes to be able to climb in PK hierarchies.

There are not many prominent kulturmarxister actually admits the purpose behind dennne anti-national and "Marxist grand scheme" but nobody can say it better than Thomas Hylland Eriksen:

"The main challenge is now to deconstruct the majority and do it thoroughly so that it can never be called majority anymore"

"Something like that could contribute both to understanding and liberation."

Håper på fem nye Culcom-år - Universitetet i Oslo

This is clearly the extremist hate-speech. It admits Eriksen, on behalf of many European kulturmarxister that the goal is to create a Marxist utopia, a world without borders ruled by the UN, an opinion which is the main doctrine of Marxist thinking. To achieve this, the people declared insane (racist / Nazi) and anti-democratic methods can therefore be allowed to replace the people by allowing the systematic colonization of the developing world.

In a society where Marxist extremists Thomas Hylland Eriksen is allowed to practice freely within the bounds of political correctness, other more moderate humanists / kulturmarxister (extremists), as Mads Gilbert and Erik Fosse appear frigjørngshelter (Nazis (Jews) should be crushed just like the Nazi Germany).

Had Western Europe and the U.S. decided to imprison all Marxists (Nazis and Marxists) after WW2 and swearing Marxist principles of hate ideology similar to Nazism, we had never been in the current situation.

But we learn at least as long as we live. I doubt that a future patriotic regime will make that mistake again, if we manage to save the West before it is too late ...:-)

2009-12-25 09:58:33
I have never understood why the West focus so disproportionately on Iran and so little on the Wahhabi Saudi leadership, which after all is the most dangerous and most powerful Muslim central power. We should, of course, as soon as the bombing suspect their facilities but otherwise focus much more on Saudi. Could it be something that Iran is not a major oil exporter?

Shias make up a relatively small proportion of Muslims and has absolutely no influence on the Sunnis.

I would actually argue that we undermine our own interests by unilaterally attacking the only relatively weak alternative to Sunni Islam. If Iran falls to Wahhabi position strengthened considerably, since they have no competitors.

We should not forget that Saudi Arabia and several other Sunni Muslim countries want to destroy Iran. Nor is Iran that has built 300-500 Wahhabi centers around around Europe of the finances only 2 of 30 Jihad Fronts around the around the world.

2009-12-17 18:36:54
Hans, Aesop,

Article Series Ekstremistan I, II, III is one of the best that has ever been here. Incredibly well written, Hans:)

Well, I think one of our problems is that for many individuals (especially liberals) on the right side helps to cannibalizing their own opinion allies. The reason is related to some of the many decades of brainwashing kulturmarxistisk. For others it may be due to cowardice or fear of helping to create something that may one day evolve to an even worse alternative.

Many people who try to consolidate on the right side of the present organizational structure, bulleted lists or ideological banners (and to push for specific agendas and deadlines are followed to achieve the organizational goals) will be criticized by individuals who want to limit opposition to the "essay critique / criticism of the system ". They hope well that this alone will be NOK that the kulturmarxistiske elites / hegemony will realize how stupid and ugly they have been?

Before "we" can do something, there must be a "we". Consolidation is the only option and resistance can not be limited to "essay critique / criticism of the system." Progress Party is already established. But it must work actively to ensure cultural conservative control over NGOs (old or new) and also help to create youth organizations (national newspaper is obviously the most important but this is already on the agenda).

I know that Hans and Aesop disagree with me ang this (because they are afraid to help create a monster which they later will lose control over) but this will take you wrong :-)

And I hope you are tough NOK to discuss this rather than to censor it out:).

Key words for discussion:

"Can dissidence, alone, save us or are we going to finally start to consolidate the cultural conservatives on all fronts?"
it was pointed out in norwegian news. that he was a 3rd degree member in the norwegian freemasoner lobby or something.

with this hideous act of his- he thought he will get promotion to first degree member- :no:
Since he was white and wasnt muslim this is not terror attack but as so called experts saying he is one and only crazy person.

I am confuse wtf is differnce between this attack and terror attack ?
He was a zionist , Freemason, he was part of the Jewish anti-Muslim movement in Europe Fjordman Organization,

"Fjordman is an anonymous Norwegian blogger. He writes articles critical of Islam and he regards Muslim immigration as posing a threat to Western civilization."

He can very well be a crypto-jew...


Anders Behring Breivik is a Norwegian citizen, and the suspected perpetrator of the 2011 Norway attacks, although it is not yet known if he acted alone.[1][2][3] On 22 July 2011, he allegedly approached a Labour Party youth camp on Utøya island, posing as a police officer, and then open fired on the adolescents present, reportedly killing at least 84.[4] He has also been linked with the bomb blasts which had taken place approximately two hours earlier in Oslo. He was arrested on Utøya, and is currently in police custody. Following his apprehension, Breivik was characterized by officials as being a conservative right-wing extremist.[5] According to Reuters and the BBC, deputy police chief Roger Andresen described the suspect as a "Christian fundamentalist."[6][7]

Breivik studied at the Oslo Commerce School, and is described by newspaper Verdens Gang as considering himself a conservative nationalist.[3] He is also a former member of the Progress Party (FrP) and its youth wing FpU. According to the current FpU leader Ove Vanebo, Breivik was active early in the 2000s, but he left the party as his viewpoints became more extreme.[8] He identified himself in a multitude of social media services as an admirer of, among others, anti-Nazi World War II hero Max Manus, Dutch politician Geert Wilders[9] and social liberal philosopher John Stuart Mill.[3][10]

According to the newspaper VG, he has no previous history with the police, apart from traffic violations.[3] According to the same source, Breivik has a Glock pistol, a rifle and a shotgun registered to his name. Breivik moved in late June or early July to the rural small town of Rena in Åmot, Hedmark county, about 140 km (86 miles) northeast of Oslo,[3] where he operated a farming sole proprietorship under the name "Breivik Geofarm".[11] It has been speculated that he could have used the company as a cover to legally obtain large amounts of artificial fertilizer and other chemicals for the manufacturing of fertilizer explosives.[3] According to Reuters, a farming supplier had sold to Breivik's company six tonnes of fertilizer in May.[12]
1 more person caught from Sundvoll hotel were all victums are staying. Police caught him without any warning. A leason for Pakistani police how to work



i hope this second man is not labelled as a Muslim and declared as to be the handler who brainwashed this innocent Christian Freemason racist zionist rightist Anders Behring Breivik-

btw i notice a shalwar kamez and a beard in the second picture- any one else?- :lol:
Such a senseless tragedy. 90 kids murdered and one of the most peaceful nations capital bombed.

Mad World..

I am not surprised that it seems like religious zealotry had something to do with this barbaric act of violence, like with so many others almost every day around the world. This time it might be a little different brand of insanity than usual (Christian fundamentalism) but in the end Religion is the most dangerous mental illness of our time..
i hope this second man is not labelled as a Muslim and declared as to be the handler who brainwashed this innocent Christian Freemason racist zionist rightist Anders Behring Breivik-

btw i notice a shalwar kamez and a beard in the second picture- any one else?-

If this guy was a muslim, they will NOT cover his face...

It's just a T-shirt...
Document.no er straks tilbake is down now were most of user's are anti Islam. They wrote about Razzaq and Imran Nazir visit to cricket mela in Norway and forgein minister with Oslo canditate for election was on mela and i was very suprised to find so much hate on that webside. I mentioned that on my facebook too and now one of there active member is involved in this.
it is indeed the work of a christian extremist, but he will not get highlighted for this, this guy might just be labelled a mental
Guys notice the hesitation of media to name Christian-Terrorist....

Also notice when in any attack muslim terrorists r implicated , they r reported RIGHT-AWAY as a handiwork of muslims, even before they had time to gather evidence... while when muslims r not to be implicated they take their time before announcing the suspects...

Which shows that those attacks that r to be blamed on muslims r false-flags , planned-&-planted by "them-selves" & "they" make sure main-stream media is ready to report pre-fabricated stories as well...

:) like "they" released the news of WTC-7 fall little too early, even before it fell...

"A suspect is in custody and police have said he has posted right-wing statements on the internet, but Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg cautioned that it was too soon to know the motive for the attacks."

Yeeehhh right, if u had "planned" it to blame on muslims then you'd be much-more efficient & quick to shower the word "muslim"...

dont point to the western media, obviously, as liberal as may get, they will chose those christian extremist words carefully because they might hurt the feelings of like say, truthseeker which is a member here

but why does the indian media hesitate to say christian terrorist when they openly speak about jihadi, islamic terrorist etc???
Such a senseless tragedy. 90 kids murdered and one of the most peaceful nations capital bombed.

Mad World..

I am not surprised that it seems like religious zealotry had something to do with this barbaric act of violence, like with so many others almost every day around the world. This time it might be a little different brand of insanity than usual (Christian fundamentalism) but in the end Religion is the most dangerous mental illness of our time..

a muslim attack can be understood, as many muslims are dying due to the bomb attacks by nato and america, but a christian extremist is killing just because he hates muslims and love zionism, is beyond my understanding

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