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Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian

Since, we do not know the truth yet, but I think it is the Imam, who is being deported.... Infact, the Imam warned against this incidents because of deportation ruling...

Infact this Imam has a great quote, and it goes something like this "Muslims will takeover Europe because we are producing like mosquitos."

infact there is no imam no EU taker but there own kid now please next time think before you wrote .
any one with little bit sense of global politics- how the game has been and is played- would have known that- but unfortunately most of the regular joe of west just like the special species on our east like to believe blindly- what they hear on news- its what they want to hear-

People in the west are so proud that they think they are open minded and clear thinking - but there is one White elephant in the room they never touch and that's what is hurting them, but they are either scared or too blind to see it, it's quite a irony.

Slowly they are waking up, especially when it's White Europeans being demonised.
People in the west are so proud that they think they are open minded and clear thinking - but there is one White elephant in the room they never touch and that's what is hurting them, but they are either scared or too blind to see it, it's quite a irony.

Slowly they are waking up, especially when it's White Europeans being demonised.

i agree- but those special species on our east are still just hopeless bunch :lol:-
A mixture if delusions of grandeur and shattered pride can do funny things, it can turn you into a weasely cheer leader for example :)

Lol- i was looking for a word to explain them- you just said it :lol:
Because other terrorists dont use name of their religion(or something mentioned in Quaran lyk Jihad) to justify their killings..
Root problem is the orthodoxness of Islam, unlike other religions Islam has not evolved over the period of time u cant blindly follow something which was written for 7 century society in 20th century

lol than u are wrong... have u listen too BUSH speach ? He said its crusaid against Islam
Person behind Norway bombing and killing was owner of a newpapir called dokument.no which is against islam and muslims. I read dokument.no when it was cricket mela for a month ago and found out how much hate that webside was posting against muslims and Islam.

i dont think he owned it, he was a member i read. and was regularly posting hate comments towards islam and the immigration politic!
it has been confirmed that 91 people have been killed, 7 in the bomb blast and 84 in utøya! may they rest in peace. most of the people that was killed in utøya was childrens from 15-20 years old.
If it was a car bomb then how come the top of the building is most damaged?

How was a lone man able to create such an enormous bomb?

If he hated Islamic extremists why would he behave in the same way as people he believed he hated?

I mean this guy was not a retard I think, so a lot not adding up.
If it was a car bomb then how come the top of the building is most damaged?

How was a lone man able to create such an enormous bomb?

If he hated Islamic extremists why would he behave in the same way as people he believed he hated?

I mean this guy was not a retard I think, so a lot not adding up.

- probably shock waves that created the damages, stores as far as 1 kilometer from the bomb blast got affected. and the windows blown apart.

- there is a throry that he had opened several different busines-shop kinda stuff to get the stuff he needed in to him.

- he does hate islam, true. but this was more directed toward the current governments soft immigration politic i think. and terrorism doesnt mean something muslims do.

- he was actually an average guy, untill yesterday. he is a right-wing extremist. this had more to do with political terrorism than religion, atleast from what i see.

still that does not justify hes acts. i would hope he would get life sentence, but sadly only 21 years. it is god in some ways and bad in some others.
Don't you guys think it is strange that 22 July is the exact date of King David Hotel bombings where 91 people died (executed by Irgun which was a "National Military Organization in the Land of Israel" a Zionist paramilitary group) ? King David Hotel bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

King David Hotel bombing was an attack carried out by the militant right-wing Zionist underground organization Irgun on the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946.[1][2] 91 people of various nationalities were killed and 46 were injured.

According to what i have read this far, the perpetrator sympathizes with Zionist ideology and he is anti-islamic. The ruling Party in Norway is sympathetic towards the Palestinian cause. I think it is clear as crystal that his motivations were driven by ideology and he was not a mad man. Why is it that when Muslims are driven by ideology it is islamic terrorism but when it is Christians it is just a mad man?

Extra info, Irgun was kind of forefathers for today's government party in Israel = Likud with PM Benjamin Netanyahu as its leader.
'Tall, blond, of Nordic looks'...

A police official said the suspect appears to have acted alone in both attacks, and that 'it seems like that this is not linked to any international terrorist organizations at all.

Pictured: The blond Norwegian, 32, arrested over 'holiday island massacre' and linked to Oslo car bomb blasts | Mail Online

Its a white christian terrorist but off course media will call him mad man cause he is white and all posters here talking bad about Muslims go suck a lemon.

That 'M' type apron that this fellow is wearing is the regalia of the freemasons , masonic lodges have their own regalia like these


Isnt it strange that no news channel has pointed this out

Clearly this fellow was a pro-zionist mason
That 'M' type apron that this fellow is wearing is the regalia of the freemasons , masonic lodges have their own regalia like these


Isnt it strange that no news channel has pointed this out

Clearly this fellow was a pro-zionist mason

it was pointed out in norwegian news. that he was a 3rd degree member in the norwegian freemasoner lobby or something.
I hope the world call him right wing christian terrorist instead of psychotic..He was not mad,his intentions are very very clear-to vent his hatred on liberal norwegian govt.
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