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Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian

If he did this in the name of Jusus than that would be appropriate.

I wasn't aware that this guy or any other 'Christian terrorist organization' hijacked and crashed aircraft in the name of Jusus.

Please cut the nonsense.

Daily Kos: Gunman Named: Anders Behring Breivik: Christian Conservative

You don't have to be part of an organization to be a threat as proven today. THE GUY IS WHITE AND CHRISTIAN, hence racial profiling of white christian males is justified.

Especially if they belong to a white-supremacist group and an active member on StormFront:

GaddafismyHero: Anders Behring Breivik, apparently he has a account on Stormfront*(
Indians upset they can't blame Muslims, otherwise this thread would be 100 pages, now they all staying away.

That being saud I find if really really hard to think one man killed so many, let's look at facts.

- a car bomb that damages the top of a building more than the bottom- wtf??

- one man with enough Ammo to kill 80 people?

- the Norwegian special forces did what??
^^ Apparently that norweigan rightist is the bi product of same anti Islamic propaganda the western media is spewing against Muslims-

i am waiting for the day when it will be declared that the white man Anders Behring Breivik was mentally sick- insane- so he needs medication :lol:- the usual BS-

I just woke up and put sky news on and the headline is that they think its not "islamic terrorists". makes my blood boil. even when its not a religiously motivated attack or its a so called "nazi" they HAVE to say "islamic".pathetic western propoganda.
I turn onto the Russian news (on 512 if u live in the UK) and they seem to be so much less interested in "islamic" bashing and far more neutral.
When will they ever learn to stop saying stuff like its nothing to do with islam? By simply saying it you are suggestively incriminating the crime and linking it with islam.
I hate Rupert Murdoch and his bunch of cronies.
Seems like the Indian celebration is cut short since they can't blame ISI, Pakistan and Muslims. :cry:

Unless if Anders whatever has connections with the ISI :pop:
Indians upset they can't blame Muslims, otherwise this thread would be 100 pages, mow they all staying away.

That being saud I find if really really hard to think one man killed so many, let's look at facts.

- a car bomb that damages the top of a building more than the bottom- wtf??

- one man with enough Amman to kill 80 people?

- the Norwegian special forces did what??

No need to post flame and drag Muslims or Indians into this thread.

No matter how brainwashed u r u need to realise India have one of the LARGEST NUMBER OF MUSLIM POPULATION IN THE WOLD AND THEY ARE PEACE LOVING PEOPLE.
Why do I have a feeling that this incident is somehow somewhere related to this.

Norway backs Palestinian path to UN vote


Published: Jul 18, 2011 20:53 Updated: Jul 18, 2011 20:53

OSLO: Norway, host of the 1993 Palestinian-Israeli peace accords, said on Monday it was “perfectly legitimate” for Palestinians to take their case for statehood to the United Nations for voting in September.

Full article: Norway backs Palestinian path to UN vote - Arab News

Norway chairs a group of Palestinian donor nations, some of which have contributed to a funding crisis for Abbas by not fulfilling funding pledges. Stoere implored them to pay up.

A conspiracy theory at the moment, could this be mossad way of responding by inciting or at least encouraging local dissident to terrorist attacks.
Millitary intelligence experts have often claimed claim that Israeli intelligence uses internet chat rooms and shadow money transactions to find and encourage local dissidents for political or terrorist ambitions. The person may not know they are dealing with mossad or an intelligence agency they are usually introduced as a group of people sympathetic to dissident cause. And the financial transactions originate from Africa or South America.

Upcoming Norwegian developments on Palestinian issue will hint toward further details
I just woke up and put sky news on and the headline is that they think its not "islamic terrorists". makes my blood boil. even when its not a religiously motivated attack or its a so called "nazi" they HAVE to say "islamic".pathetic western propoganda.
I turn onto the Russian news (on 512 if u live in the UK) and they seem to be so much less interested in "islamic" bashing and far more neutral.
When will they ever learn to stop saying stuff like its nothing to do with islam? By simply saying it you are suggestively incriminating the crime and linking it with islam.
I hate Rupert Murdoch and his bunch of cronies.

What do you expect from "Zionist" run media?
i was reading the first pages of this thread and god so much hatred against Muslims.

Reaching to conclusion without even waiting.I know this forum has liberal policies and in order for this forum to continue being so these guyz should be banned for being intolerant and biased.
No need to post flame and drag Muslims or Indians into this thread.

No matter how brainwashed u r u need to realise India have one of the LARGEST NUMBER OF MUSLIM POPULATION IN THE WOLD AND THEY ARE PEACE LOVING PEOPLE.

What's that got to do with the traditional behaviour of Indians on this forum?

Look back at this thread, I think every Indian pushing the same angle, now you all quiet, it's unmistakable.

Ofcourse you guy took your cue from the western media who made initial claims,

It's funny how global Helpers of jihad retracted their statement,lol

Anyway point made by me.

I find this lone gunman theory a bit incredible really.
Why do I have a feeling that this incident is somehow somewhere related to this.

A conspiracy theory at the moment, could this be mossad way of responding by inciting or at least encouraging local dissident to terrorist attacks.
Millitary intelligence experts have often claimed claim that Israeli intelligence uses internet chat rooms and shadow money transactions to find and encourage local dissidents for political or terrorist ambitions. The person may not know they are dealing with mossad or an intelligence agency they are usually introduced as a group of people sympathetic to dissident cause. And the financial transactions originate from Africa or South America.

Upcoming Norwegian developments on Palestinian issue will hint toward further details

well Norway are pulling back on Libya operations.

One of their politicians also made pro Palestinian comments.

Both will upset zionists.

And stormfront will obviously be full of Jews posing as White nationalists, so they gave ingress.
No need to post flame and drag Muslims or Indians into this thread.

No matter how brainwashed u r u need to realise India have one of the LARGEST NUMBER OF MUSLIM POPULATION IN THE WOLD AND THEY ARE PEACE LOVING PEOPLE.

You have to admit, the ridiculous commentary was spearheaded by a few Indians as this incident first took place. As a Muslim being guilty by default, is a grave injustice and when its disproved you should expect a lot of egging.
Just heard the news! Anders Behring Breivik became a muslim yesterday at 2.45pm. After his attack and his arrest he is now become a christian again.
Wow im glad they cleared that up...................
You have to admit, the ridiculous commentary was spearheaded by a few Indians as this incident first took place. As a Muslim being guilty by default, is a grave injustice and when its disproved you should expect a lot of egging.

So there is still some faith to have with the mods:cheers:
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