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Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian

where are all those muslim bashers gone now????

and the guy who thought that mullah expelled from norway did those attacks, where is he now??

and all those unevolved monkeys out there with chemically malfunctioning brains??
They should also put it in headline "Christian Terrorist Right wing Bombs European city with Terrorist attack"

If he did this in the name of Jusus than that would be appropriate.

does this mean white christians will be racially profiled at airports? or is that rule just for Muslims ?

I wasn't aware that this guy or any other 'Christian terrorist organization' hijacked and crashed aircraft in the name of Jusus.
At Least 80 Are Dead in Norway Shooting

OSLO — Norway suffered dual attacks on Friday when powerful explosions shook the government center here and, shortly after, a gunman stalked youths at an island summer camp for young members of the governing Labor Party. The police arrested a Norwegian in connection with both attacks, which killed at least 87 people and stunned this ordinarily placid nation.

The explosions, from one or more bombs, turned Oslo, a tidy Scandinavian capital, into a scene reminiscent of terrorist attacks in Beirut or Baghdad or Oklahoma City, panicking people and blowing out windows of several government buildings, including one housing the office of the Norwegian prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, who was unharmed.

The state television broadcaster, citing the police, said seven people had been killed and at least 15 wounded in the explosions, which they said appeared to be an act of domestic terrorism.

Even as the police locked down a large area of the city after the blasts, a man dressed as a police officer entered the youth camp on the island of Utoya, about 19 miles northwest of Oslo, a Norwegian security official said, and opened fire. “He said it was a routine check in connection with the terror attack in Oslo,” one witness told VG Nett, the Web site of a national newspaper.

At least 80 people were killed on the island, some as young as 16, the police said on national television early Saturday.

Terrified youths jumped into the water to escape. “Kids have started to swim in a panic, and Utoya is far from the mainland,” said Bjorn Jarle Roberg-Larsen, a Labor Party member who spoke by phone with teenagers on the island, which has no bridge to the mainland. “Others are hiding. Those I spoke with don’t want to talk more. They’re scared to death.”

Many could not flee in time. The Oslo police said that 9 or 10 people were killed at the camp, but that they expected the toll to rise.

After the shooting the police seized a 32-year-old Norwegian man on the island, according to the police and Justice Minister Knut Storberget. He was later identified as Anders Behring Breivik and was characterized by officials as a right-wing extremist.

The acting chief of police, Sveinung Sponheim, said Mr. Breivik, who is not known to have any ties to Islamic extremists, had also been seen in Oslo before the explosions. The police and other authorities declined to say what the suspect’s motivations might have been, but many speculated that the target was Mr. Stoltenberg’s liberal government.

“The police have every reason to believe there is a connection between the explosions and what happened at Utoya,” the police said. They said they later recovered explosives on the island.

Mr. Breivik had registered a farm-related business in Rena, in eastern Norway, which authorities said allowed him to order a large quantity of ammonium nitrate fertilizer, an ingredient that can be used to make explosives. Authorities were investigating whether the chemical may have been used in the bombing.

Will the Media apologize to the Billion Muslims around the world that have been insulted all day blaming them for the attacks ?

the muslim world is made the villain of the story of present age, so nobody will even care to apologise the muslims or not

or rather i would like to appreciate the norwegian govt not engaging the blame game the other countries like USA, indian and england are and solving their own issues
Very sad what happend in Norway and the lives that were lost may this bastard and his group of cowards go to stright to hell.
they publish again and again prophet Mohammad cartoons sir so terrorist groups may be waiting for reply the bloody answer.


Since, we do not know the truth yet, but I think it is the Imam, who is being deported.... Infact, the Imam warned against this incidents because of deportation ruling...

Infact this Imam has a great quote, and it goes something like this "Muslims will takeover Europe because we are producing like mosquitos."
A swedish terror expert :- "Being explodes a bomb in the city center and then go against the political party (the shooting of Utøya editor.) Pointing almost that there is an internal rather than external extremist extremist. Intuitively, the bombing al-Qaeda-related, but intuitively with this attack on Utøya this is a crazy person, says Magnus Searches Torp, terrorism researcher at the Swedish Defence Academy, to Nettavisen."

So since he is norwegain and white he is crazy but if he was from a muslim country all muslims and Islam would be terrorists ????

That's the definition of a terrorist according to the westerners and the neo-westerners in india.
If he did this in the name of Jusus than that would be appropriate.

I wasn't aware that this guy or any other 'Christian terrorist organization' hijacked and crashed aircraft in the name of Jusus.

As he carries a Christian name he must be bombing in the name of Jesus, that is the logic applied to the Muslim freedom fighters in Kashmir and Palestine.

we will decide if he is an arab or afghni or not?

So, I assume you have the great sixth sense to spot an Muslim!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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