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Norway blocking China's access to Arctic


Dec 15, 2011
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Norway blocking China's access to Arctic

OSLO, Norway, Feb. 1 (UPI) -- China's efforts to tap the natural resources and transportation routes of the arctic will continue to be frustrated by Norway, a diplomatic source says.

The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten last week cited an unnamed source saying Norway will block China's bid to obtain permanent observer status at the eight-member Arctic Council as long as Beijing continues to snub Oslo diplomatically.

China downgraded its relationship with Norway after the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Chinese activist Liu Xiaobo in 2010. Even though the Nobel committee is independent from the Norwegian government, Beijing has cut political and human rights ties with Oslo.

Aftenposten's source said the situation has made it hard for the country to back Denmark's moves to sponsor China into the Arctic Council's permanent observer table, which include such non-arctic nations as France, Germany, Britain, Poland and Spain.

Full members include Denmark, Canada, Finland, the United States, Russia, Sweden, Norway and Iceland.

The council's activities have centered on such issues as environmental protection, shipping activity and the effects of climate change. But with melting of permanent sea ice, the arctic is emerging as not only a viable summer shipping route from Asia to Europe but also as a potentially rich sources of valuable minerals.

China has long sought access to Greenland to share in its wealth of rare earths and minerals such as zinc, iron ore, uranium, lead and gemstones, which are being exposed as its glaciers retreat and its Danish administrators seek to commercialize the resources.

The arctic is also thought to hold up to 25 percent of the world's oil and natural gas reserves.

Denmark, seeking to bolster trade with China, is backing Beijing's bid to upgrade its status from ad hoc to permanent observer.

The Danish ambassador to China said in October the Chinese have "natural and legitimate economic and scientific interests in the arctic" and that Denmark intended to support China's application to become a permanent observer to the Arctic Council.

Norway's position, however, effectively "amounts to a ban" of China at the group, Senior Scientist Geir Flikke of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs told the newspaper, adding, "In that sense, it is remarkable."

The diplomatic row has reversed Oslo's position -- Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store said two months before Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize that Norway supported China's bid for permanent observer status.

"I can neither confirm nor deny this story but I can say bilateral contacts between Norway and China are at a low level," Karsten Klepsvik of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs told the British newspaper The Guardian.

The stakes in arctic are indeed high for Beijing, said Ji Zhiye, deputy director of Chinese Institute of Modern International Relations.

"Different states now are studying options to ship their cargoes via Arctic Ocean," Ji told the Voice of Russia. "The reason is obvious. When you sail from Europe, right after you pass Egypt through Suez channel and Red Sea you encounter Somali pirates or the pirates operating in the Strait of Molucca.

"When the shipments go via Arctic Ocean, then one has an opportunity to save huge amounts of money, which otherwise would be spent on security operations, and the risks are much lower."

Norway blocking China's access to Arctic - Science - World - Dalje.com
Climate Change will melt ice on Arctic and Antarctica, so everyone going to claim territories over those places as they melt, for oil and other resources.
There are no territories in the Arctic that aren't already under national ownership. It's all ice.

I think the day is coming when the Arctic becomes ice free during the summer, and that is going to open up new shipping lanes and opportunities for undersea oil. Unfortunately, it's also going to raise sea level several feet and flood coastal cities.
china should hope for another stalin to lead russia that will cow the scandinavian nations. that part of the world, just like georgia and caucasus, should be rightfully russians'
china should hope for another stalin to lead russia that will cow the scandinavian nations. that part of the world, just like georgia and caucasus, should be rightfully russians'

It is not about might is right method, mate. There are certain continental shelves that extend from Norway as well as Russia and even Canada. So technically while Lomonosov is Russian, the other ranges belong to other Arctic nations too. Common geographic location, you see.
not so while ago during world wars nordic countries were called hound dogs as they used to snoop around people but didnt get themselves involved in conflicts kind of resembles norways reaction towards china
yeah..the nordiacs...All they can do is immigrate to USA en mass....
Probably the highest number of foreigners that land in USA permanently every year is from Scandinavian countries.
One navy fleet from china and all will be ok..
Norway is in Nato we would prob join in if china does something. dont know about finland but sweden will remain neutral as usual
There are no territories in the Arctic that aren't already under national ownership. It's all ice.

I think the day is coming when the Arctic becomes ice free during the summer, and that is going to open up new shipping lanes and opportunities for undersea oil. Unfortunately, it's also going to raise sea level several feet and flood coastal cities.

if that day ever comes countries will be more concerned about their survival then opening new routes
yeah..the nordiacs...All they can do is immigrate to USA en mass....
Probably the highest number of foreigners that land in USA permanently every year is from Scandinavian countries.
One navy fleet from china and all will be ok..

any links to confirm that? right now, it is better to come to Norway than immigrate to USA.

one navy fleet from China and China will be dead! :azn: remember, Norway is a NATO member.
yeah..the nordiacs...All they can do is immigrate to USA en mass....
Probably the highest number of foreigners that land in USA permanently every year is from Scandinavian countries.
One navy fleet from china and all will be ok..

This is incorrect . The highest number of migrants to the USA are the Mexicans & the Filipinos

Mexican Immigrants in the United States, 2008 - Pew Research Center

China is now a big boy . I don't think China should or would use its naval might to threathen the Nodic countries..
Surely great nations can agree to disagree .....

Seeing such "threathening " remarks, Maybe there is some merit in the concept that the USA is needed to stabalize China's growing military power.

At least the USA has kept stability in many parts of the world.
any links to confirm that? right now, it is better to come to Norway than immigrate to USA.

one navy fleet from China and China will be dead! :azn: remember, Norway is a NATO member.

let's not delude ourselves into thinking that georgia would have fared better if it had joined nato prior to the war with russia. nato exists to channel european (and turkish - how weird) money and manpower into american wars, not the other way around. if nato members dared to drag americans into unwanted wars, americans would abolish the organization. american is the *user*; norway is the *loser* in this relationship (as is turkey, one might add)
any links to confirm that? right now, it is better to come to Norway than immigrate to USA.

one navy fleet from China and China will be dead! :azn: remember, Norway is a NATO member.

i said Nordic countries..I used to live in Sweden and there was an acute shortage of young university graduates as almost all of them immigrated to USA.

---------- Post added at 11:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 PM ----------

This is incorrect . The highest number of migrants to the USA are the Mexicans & the Filipinos

Mexican Immigrants in the United States, 2008 - Pew Research Center

China is now a big boy . I don't think China should or would use its naval might to threathen the Nodic countries..
Surely great nations can agree to disagree .....

Seeing such "threathening " remarks, Maybe there is some merit in the concept that the USA is needed to stabalize China's growing military power.

At least the USA has kept stability in many parts of the world.

My assessment was based on percentage of population of country of origin...
You will see many chinese/Indians/Pakistanis/Latinos/ in USA...First thing is that they are non Caucasian and stand out and second thing is they have a very high population in home country..so the percentage of them coming to USA..is far less than the percentage of Nordic invasion of USA....Get it?
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