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'Northeast Indian rebels back in Bangladesh'

To be frank, any country in place of BD would have justifiably contemplated that an independent NE is in its best interest. An unstable NE would have kept India busy and enhanced our influence there. Not to mention that it was morally just too since that whole region have been extensively exploited & oppressed by Delhi. We are not and never will be allies. Ally with a particular party (in this case AL) that is politically dead already doesn't equate to alliance with the country. India has hegemonic interest and have long term henoius goals regarding its neighboors particularly its 2 muslims neighboors. The least obligated we were was to not allow NE rebels/freedom fighters into our territory. There was no need to go out of our way handing NE FFs to a country that historically back stabbed us & only have ill intent. Its only beacuse traitorous paracites such as awami maggots that they got all this before even asking but in return gave nothing.

To be frank, people have to have deep psychiatric issues to imagine they want to start a fight with a neighbour for no reason. Indian retaliation for any anti-India acts will be swift & ruthless. Armchair Generals have it easy, no nonsense is too much, Those living in the real world, of either party, will be dealing with the real issue. Wet dreams are not a luxury accorded to them.

The best way for India is to give those States limited autonomy so that they can make trade and other deals with Bangladesh, Burma, Bhutan and China directly without any interference by the Union govt of India.

That would be India's call.Limited autonomy would certainly not be in foreign affairs & trade outside the Indian union would be connected to that. It won't happen & no one in India is interested. Thanks but no thanks.

Can't you see the devil inside even in your favourite AL govt of Bangladesh? It has silently allowed the rebels to take training by some of the country's military or semi-military wings because India has betrayed it in its promise on LBA and Teesta water.

What is being done by this govt will be done ten folds by the next BNP govt. Once the rebellion re-starts and take lives of Indian security personnel in the NE, Indian Parliament will certainly rush to pass those two Bills, but without a sign of reciprocity from the next BD govt except a sweet promise, probably.

No one in BD trusts India any more, not even the die hard Awami Leaguers, and even their leader Sk. Hasina.

Talk is cheap. The Indian state, like all states, has a strong interest in self preservation. Threaten it & the reaction will be very nasty. Really silly how BD posters here behave as if there are no consequences to any hostile actions. Most people in India do not see BD as an enemy, change that & only unpleasantness will result. Whether you trust India or not (I agree that the GoI has let doen the BD government), you still will have to deal with the same country. A quick look at a map will show the foolishness of such dreams. The world has moved on since the 80's & the 90's. The rebels of the NE are largely a spent force. Supporting them is not an option BD has, regardless of how internet warriors may feel. This kind of talk impresses nobody, the only concern it raises is that state of mind of people dreaming it up. It has zero impact in the real world & the sooner that is realised, the better for all concerned.
first of all, when I came to this defence forum, I expected a level of decency and maturity among the members.... I didn't come here to bad-mouth.... so, I'm not going that avenue....

now, first thing first..... your statement doesn't make you more patriotic than me.... I saw things on 25 February 2009 from very close.... and I don't think I'll ever be able to forget the bloody criminals who conspired against their own country and still got away with it.... don't think that you're the only one demanding justice, especially when many others lost their family members..... you have no right to colour others without knowing anything about them..... beware....

secondly, we're still using all the weapons purchased by all the governments..... the political people who made those deals were flawed.... but the equipments were recommended by the armed forces.... they are the users and they will not forgo those even though there's a change in government.... those equipment were purchased with our hard-earned money... its our assets whether there was corruption or not.... remember, that any replacement of the Awami thugs will also keep those weapons..... these weapons purchased by the crooked government will endure and continue to keep our forces strong.... you can change your people, shuffle your officers, recruit people loyal to you; but your weapons will remain the same..... and the next government will do well to keep this strategy keeping the heightened importance of the Bay of Bengal.... and I don't think all people in our armed forces are supporters of these thugs.... one shouldn't think that they can buy me off by getting all the toys for me after they kill my brother..... if they can kill my brother yesterday, they can kill me tomorrow....

remember that if you have weapons, you can arm them with people.... Iran's Ayatollah got all the weapons that the Shah got from the US (and also much more after exploring other more effective channels).... and used those against the US.... the weapons purchased during the last 4 years will be pain for Indian strategists for the next 10-15 years....

Please cut these crap, this is gulistan that you can sell Awami propaganda bs that easy. Cutting the root of a tree and then watering it does not do any good. Awami League stared with kiling 56 army officers and then discharding many more officers. Most of army's current top brass are Awami thug like 9th division GOC who ran Awami propaganda hoax after Rana plaza killing of thousands of garments workers. These arms means nothing, zero, zip when leadership who are suppose to be using these run by enemy (command) command. Besides, any national purchase was used by Awami League as looting bonanza and few of these officers saw opportunity make their pocket heavy in the process. So don't come back with Awami bs here.
Please cut these crap, this is gulistan that you can sell Awami propaganda bs that easy. Cutting the root of a tree and then watering it does not do any good. Awami League stared with kiling 56 army officers and then discharding many more officers. Most of army's current top brass are Awami thug like 9th division GOC who ran Awami propaganda hoax after Rana plaza killing of thousands of garments workers.

These arms means nothing, zero, zip when leadership who are suppose to be using these run by enemy (command) command. Besides, any national purchase was used by Awami League as looting bonanza and few of these officers saw opportunity make their pocket heavy in the process. So don't come back with Awami bs here.

It seems, you like BD military to remain weak so that one day India can swallow it and you guys can start saying that Pakistan was stronger and better. We know all you traps. BD military must be improved so that we can deny India blackmailing us as we did in 1971 to Pakistan.

Do not you like that the present govt has bought a few billion dollars worth of military weapons whereas BKZ stopped paying for fuel for Mig-29s and sent the Frigate Bangabandhu to become a floating museum? She and her two sons have stolen a few billion dollars from BD.
Weird, thread gone to where to where? But one thing I request my country men to check - after my post(22) which any human being with few ounce of brain can say sarcasm as in cartoonish was replied by moronic ppl from across the boarder with quite aggression. Mostly from the ones who are 2nd generation but children of the BD poll vaulter's.
Care to share? Any body? What's cookin?
Some day they will launch their nukes on Bangladesh, based on false allegations:

- illegal Bangladeshi's flooding their country and Bangladesh not accepting their push back
- Bangladesh providing sanctuary for North East insurgents
first of all, when I came to this defence forum, I expected a level of decency and maturity among the members.... I didn't come here to bad-mouth.... so, I'm not going that avenue....

now, first thing first..... your statement doesn't make you more patriotic than me.... I saw things on 25 February 2009 from very close.... and I don't think I'll ever be able to forget the bloody criminals who conspired against their own country and still got away with it.... don't think that you're the only one demanding justice, especially when many others lost their family members..... you have no right to colour others without knowing anything about them..... beware....

secondly, we're still using all the weapons purchased by all the governments..... the political people who made those deals were flawed.... but the equipments were recommended by the armed forces.... they are the users and they will not forgo those even though there's a change in government.... those equipment were purchased with our hard-earned money... its our assets whether there was corruption or not.... remember, that any replacement of the Awami thugs will also keep those weapons..... these weapons purchased by the crooked government will endure and continue to keep our forces strong.... you can change your people, shuffle your officers, recruit people loyal to you; but your weapons will remain the same..... and the next government will do well to keep this strategy keeping the heightened importance of the Bay of Bengal.... and I don't think all people in our armed forces are supporters of these thugs.... one shouldn't think that they can buy me off by getting all the toys for me after they kill my brother..... if they can kill my brother yesterday, they can kill me tomorrow....

remember that if you have weapons, you can arm them with people.... Iran's Ayatollah got all the weapons that the Shah got from the US (and also much more after exploring other more effective channels).... and used those against the US.... the weapons purchased during the last 4 years will be pain for Indian strategists for the next 10-15 years....

Again you are regurgitating same old naive crap. Just buying arms means nothing when leadership is sold out and working for interest of enemy state. YOU came here with Awami propaganda that somehow Awami League was buildig arms forces, when fact remains Awami League destroying armed foces starting with first line of Bangladesh defense, BDR.

Here is an example for you. Awami League already conceded Talpatti Island existance and along with claim of thousands of kilometers of maritime territory to india. At the same time Awami League bought some limited capable ship. When Awami League conceding territory to our enemies left and right what value these purchase brings????? Just for bragging for some kids who does know significance and can not put two and two togather???

When you were challenged on your awami branded propaganda drive you started singing you are this and that. Please spare us from these crap; we hear enough from Awami leaders in day in and day out.
Besides, any national purchase was used by Awami League as looting bonanza and few of these officers saw opportunity make their pocket heavy in the process. So don't come back with Awami bs here.

By reading above I feel many of the fanatics belong to the enemy camp of BD and this is why they do not want BD to become strong in military. What is your great idea? Before BNP comes to power in the next election, AL will throw away to the BoB all the $4 billion worth of military equipment it imported during its term of four yrs and a half?

Perhaps, you believe AL will just give it away to India. Reality is, the weapons will remain in BD. I just hope the next BNP patriotic govt will not destroy the weapons, the same it did last time in power. It stopped Mig-29 from operating and sent the BNS Bangabandhu to the museum. Oh!!! What a patriotic leadesrship that BKZ had shown then!!

You have a great mind, no doubt who wants a weak BD. But, no amount of ill wish and conspiracy will ever make BD a Pakistani or Indian slave. A weak BD, in economy and military both, that you always profess is a recipe for that.
no point arguing with someone who doesn't want to listen....

Again you are regurgitating same old naive crap. Just buying arms means nothing when leadership is sold out and working for interest of enemy state. YOU came here with Awami propaganda that somehow Awami League was buildig arms forces, when fact remains Awami League destroying armed foces starting with first line of Bangladesh defense, BDR.

Here is an example for you. Awami League already conceded Talpatti Island existance and along with claim of thousands of kilometers of maritime territory to india. At the same time Awami League bought some limited capable ship. When Awami League conceding territory to our enemies left and right what value these purchase brings????? Just for bragging for some kids who does know significance and can not put two and two togather???

When you were challenged on your awami branded propaganda drive you started singing you are this and that. Please spare us from these crap; we hear enough from Awami leaders in day in and day out.
To be frank, people have to have deep psychiatric issues to imagine they want to start a fight with a neighbour for no reason. Indian retaliation for any anti-India acts will be swift & ruthless. Armchair Generals have it easy, no nonsense is too much, Those living in the real world, of either party, will be dealing with the real issue. Wet dreams are not a luxury accorded to them.

That would be India's call.Limited autonomy would certainly not be in foreign affairs & trade outside the Indian union would be connected to that. It won't happen & no one in India is interested. Thanks but no thanks.

Talk is cheap. The Indian state, like all states, has a strong interest in self preservation. Threaten it & the reaction will be very nasty. Really silly how BD posters here behave as if there are no consequences to any hostile actions. Most people in India do not see BD as an enemy, change that & only unpleasantness will result. Whether you trust India or not (I agree that the GoI has let doen the BD government), you still will have to deal with the same country.

A quick look at a map will show the foolishness of such dreams. The world has moved on since the 80's & the 90's. The rebels of the NE are largely a spent force. Supporting them is not an option BD has, regardless of how internet warriors may feel. This kind of talk impresses nobody, the only concern it raises is that state of mind of people dreaming it up. It has zero impact in the real world & the sooner that is realised, the better for all concerned.

Bangladesh cannot fight and win an unequal war. But, it reserves the right to defend its interest. Since India has again shown it character of deception BD has the right to extend a covert support
to those who can trouble India. NE rebels are such elements. It is good they are again in BD land to get training and weapons.

It is India who behaved like a fool when it played a dirty politics by refusing to pass the LBA and Teesta treaties in the Parliament. It will now pay a little price along with AL. Note one point. No govt of BD really supports the NE rebels directly. But, the top executives of the country look the other way when the rebels take shelter here.

I ndia can do nothing if the rebels are here without an official sanction.
Note one point. No govt of BD really supports the NE rebels directly. But, the top executives of the country look the other way when the rebels take shelter here.

I ndia can do nothing if the rebels are here without an official sanction.

That's very shortsighted & not based on reality. India, if faced with a severe threat will do whatever it has to. BD would be very foolish to make itself ground zero in such a situation.

I have said that India needs to do more vis-a-vis the present government of BD but do not for one moment assume that means that India will tolerate hostile acts in response. Diplomatic failures cannot be responded by support of terror/insurgent groups. It would be extremely unwise to attract that kind of attention to BD & even more unwise to assume that such actions can only flow one way.
When Awami League deception about purchasing arms was pointed out you became speechless. That much is understandable.

What deception you parrot always? Are you talking about the deception when BKZ took away 70 suitcase full of dollar to SA in 2005? Are you also talking about the deception she made when she whitened her bad-earned money? She paid 33 lakh Taka tax and fine to whiten Taka1.33 crore of black money in 2007. Read the link below:

Khaleda 'whitened white money'
Good luck with supporting our rebels.. Its clear that people haven't learn from whats happening to countries who considered fanatics as "strategic assets" .. Not to worry.. You will be in that learning curve soon :oops:
Some day they will launch their nukes on Bangladesh, based on false allegations:

- illegal Bangladeshi's flooding their country and Bangladesh not accepting their push back
- Bangladesh providing sanctuary for North East insurgents

Nobody kills bugs with a sledgehammer.
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