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North’s missiles tied to Musharraf blunder

:chilli: :chilli: :chilli: :victory: :victory: :victory:

Funny how the Pakistanis were making fin if Indian missile technology....

India's nuclear arsenal failed by 'unreliable' missiles : India, News - India Today :lol:

Every one knows this. Pakistan's friend is North Korea. Rab ne bana de joodi of failed nations ruled by idiots and dictators. Even Iranians who also got the designs from NK did a better job than Pakistan. They were able to master the missiles and convert them into SLVs.

Only Karan knows about it.
It is well known that the hindus employed by AQKhan in Dubai, were supplying Pakistani nuclear secrets to indinas.

Every Indian knows India stole Pakistani nuclear technology.

Fact is that, Musharraf occupied Krgil without firing a bullet, rest of all is jealousy and lot of bla bla.

I thanked your post because I believe it must be archived owing to its historical significance and its epic cuteness.
Ghuari was not successful series today we have many good missiles with high precision.
BTW when it comes to nuke India, Ghauri will also work.
Ghuari was not successful series today we have many good missiles with high precision.
BTW when it comes to nuke India, Ghauri will also work.

IF it reaches India! :D
Read the Japan Times, even the last one fired on 28th Nov 2012 dropped all its 'bits and pieces' in Sind. Sind is not in India.
Only Karan knows about it.

Time will tell everything dude. Just wait and watch. Time will prove whether all Indian claims were false or true.

This year India will test its new Prithvi air defence missile which will kill a missile at 200km, Nirbhay and many more to come. Also next shaurya could be launched from Arihanth ;). Moreover the biggest of all India will be testing the BIG DADDY GSLV MK3. :victory:

If Pakistanis so well versed in Missile technology and posses world's most advanced industrial complexes. Then we will see how Pakistan will come up with a reaction to all this like they did in 1998. Will Pakistan come up with a new MIRV based ICBM or a new nuclear sub. I am really curious.

The only thing Pakistan will or can do is to keep increasing the size of nukes hoping it will pay off during the war. NK or China wont help anymore now.
If all of you agree to the fact what musharraf implied in this article, than you people shouldn't have a problem with agreeing to the part where he stated that Pakistan can wipe out whole India in 8 minutes..:chilli:

You got it wrong there, no one believes Musharraf, everyone knows he is a compulsive liar - we do tend to believe people who have worked under him and are exposing his lies now.
Why would Musharaff launch Ghauri when he was trying to convince the whole world that the peaks were captured by non state actors. Launching Ghauri would have meant an all out war which Pakistan was in no position to conduct.
Those who are saying that this article is a rumour and Indian propaganda must know it very clear that this article was first published yesterday in Japan times and not in any Indian Print or Visual media.

India's initial failure rectification decade ago has today resulted in world class deadly missile like Agni series and others including yesterdays launch of elite SLBM making India the only 5th country with nuclear SLBM after US,Russia,France and China without any failure unlike pakistan the only country on earth where there is no failure and whose own home made theory of no failure defies the laws of physics.
Why would Musharaff launch Ghauri when he was trying to convince the whole world that the peaks were captured by non state actors. Launching Ghauri would have meant an all out war which Pakistan was in no position to conduct.

You are talking LOGIC now.
There was nothing logical about Musharraff's misadventure.

@Safriz, we need your expertise. :help:

@Roybot, are you looking for more "Fairy Tales" ? :)
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Ghuari was not successful series today we have many good missiles with high precision.
BTW when it comes to nuke India, Ghauri will also work.

Not only Ghauri ,180 million people in Pakistan are like nukes wen it comes to India. Its well known fact Inshaallah......
You guys are a tad bit late. In Pakistani military circles, it is well known that Pakistani nuclear technology was not matured during Kargil conflict. Musharaff was only bluffing.
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